Priyanka Chopra Is Way Too Good for Nick Jonas, but That’s OK

She's a Bollywood-Hollywood superstar with her own production company, and he used to be in a boy band. Miracles happen!

Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas in New York. Rob Kim/Getty Images

International star Priyanka Chopra and former Jonas Brothers member Nick Jonas are set to get married soon at a palace in Rajasthan, a state in northern India, after the culmination of a whirlwind courtship recently documented in Chopra’s January 2019 Vogue cover story. They seem genuinely, blissfully in love, but it doesn’t disguise the fact that the rather perplexing couple is pointedly mismatched for the sole reason that Priyanka is way, way, way too good for him.

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Ever since the couple first went public as a pair, speculation has swirled around exactly how long they’ve known one another and every other mundane detail of their relationship. All of this is pretty standard for a celebrity couple, but in Jonas and Chopra we find a different a firestorm of curiosity.

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She’s 36 and he’s a decade younger, although that doesn’t really matter in 2018. It’s more that Chopra is a mega mogul with Jay-Z levels of influence, and Jonas is, you know, a musician.

“Movie star doesn’t begin to convey Chopra’s place in Indian culture,” writes Abby Aguirre in Vogue. “Having become famous at the age of 17, in 2000, when she was one of three women crowned Miss India, and then doubly famous later the same year when she was crowned Miss World, Chopra is something closer to a head of state, albeit one with a remarkably diverse portfolio.”

Given Chopra’s megastar status, Jonas has become something of a local hero in India, earning the Hindu nickname jiju, which means “brother-in-law” or “sister’s husband.”

There’s a particular energy present around couples where one of the parties is clearly far too spectacular for the other. It’s not that the love between these two people isn’t real, or that unions like this won’t stand the test of time, but the contrast is so wildly obvious we wonder how they themselves navigate it.

Take George Clooney and Amal Clooney, for example. George is great, to be sure, but he’s an actor-turned-tequila-manufacturer. Amal is an international human rights lawyer. Come on now.

When a couple like this is in the public eye, watching them interact is a little like being in on an open secret, or giggling as you try to ignore the elephant in the room. Like, you guys are seeing what I’m seeing, right?

Chopra will probably enjoy the rest of her life with a man who will worship her unequivocally, because he knows in his marrow just how incredibly lucky he got. And you know what? There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that.

Priyanka Chopra Is Way Too Good for Nick Jonas, but That’s OK