This Online Therapy Service provides Online Mindfulness Therapy via Skype or Zoom for the management of stress
Online Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR) provides a very effective method for managing stress.
To manage stress effectively you must learn how to manage stress-based thinking. Mindfulness Therapy teaches how to do this; it gives you the tools for managing stress more effectively.
Online Mindfulness Therapy is available for all states in the USA, as well as for Canada, UK & Western Europe.
Online Mindfulness Therapy is especially effective for managing stress, both personal and work-related stress because it teaches you how to manage stress-based thinking and worrying.
Chronic Stress is not caused by difficult life circumstances but by our habitual conditioned reactions to those challenging experiences.
It is the unconscious proliferation of emotionally charged reactive thinking and rumination that causes stress, anxiety and depression.
Mindfulness Therapy teaches you how to work with your reactive thoughts and emotions so that you become more effective at managing stress without becoming emotionally overwhelmed.
Go to my website and contact me to schedule a Skype Therapy session to learn how to manage stress more effectively.
Online Mindfulness Therapy for Effective Stress Reduction through Skype or Zoom
Stress is a conditioned habit. We learn to react to situations, people, thoughts, memories, beliefs and expectations emotionally by becoming irritated, angry or upset. We believe that stress is an inevitable consequence of the challenges of life, that its cause is external. But this is erroneous, it is a delusion. We create stress through our blind conditioned reactivity. Stress is a learned reaction, which means it can be un-learned.
There is absolutely no law that says that you have to react with stress, irritation or anger. Stress is JUST A HABIT – and HABITS CAN BE CHANGED!
Old style talk therapy can be helpful, but often it does not alter the the underlying process that is the real cause of your emotional stress, depression or anxiety.
The same can be said for medications – they may provide a temporary relief from symptoms, but medications are not able to heal the underlying psychological cause that generates your emotional suffering and stress. That underlying process is psychological in nature and requires a psychological approach to bring about significant change.
The kind of psychotherapy that I provide is called Mindfulness Therapy, which is teaches you effective mindfulness-based methods for managing emotional stress, including all forms of anxiety as well as for treating depression or other emotional difficulties caused by conditioned negative thinking.
Most of my clients report dramatic reduction in the level of stress and anxiety after the first few sessions of mindfulness training with me via Skype.
Contact me to discover more about Online Mindfulness Therapy and to arrange for a therapy session with me.
During our sessions together I will teach you how to work with the underlying stress-producing thoughts and beliefs that cause emotional sress. Successful stress management depends on you breaking free from the habit of reactive identification with these reactive thoughts and beliefs.
Everyone that I have worked with really likes the mindfulness-based stress management that I teach for healing emotional suffering…
“I unreservedly recommend engaging Peter’s services in, what has been for me, an extremely effective method of learning about my inner self in ways that I’ve never been able to achieve before.”
Online Mindfulness Therapy for Stress Reduction over Skype
Online Mindfulness Therapy for Stress Reduction provides an extremely effective tool for managing stress. During these online mindfulness therapy sessions I will teach you specific ways of working with the habitual patterns of reactive thinking that contribute so much to emotional stress, worrying, anxiety and depression.
This approach is very effective because it works on changing the underlying process that causes stress, and most people see dramatic improvements and significant reduction in their stress levels after 3-4 online sessions.
The first step in mindfulness training is to train ourselves to become aware of reactive thoughts the moment they arise. Of course our habit is one of unawareness, which results in becoming lost in our thoughts. The thoughts proliferate and overpower the mind causing emotional stress and anxiety.
When the mind becomes crowded with thoughts it become less able to make decisions and skillful actions and more prone to error, which causes more stress-based thinking.
Reactive thinking creates a vicious cycle that leads to more stress and more reactive thinking. If we do not gain control of this reactive process it can lead to depression and chronic anxiety. Chronic stress can also lead to health problems and can seriously affect our relationships, too.
When we are over-stressed we tend to become more irritable and angry. Our family life suffers and we often become more withdrawn and disconnected from life. Chronic stress can also lead to addiction, and is one of the major contributing factors for alcoholism and substance abuse.
Welcome! My name is Peter Strong, and I am a professional online therapist. I offer online therapy via Skype for anxiety, depression and for stress.
I teach Mindfulness Therapy for stress reduction. This approach is very effective for helping you change the underlying process that causes emotional stress. Now, what is that underlying process?
Well, if you look closely you will see that the majority of stress that we experience is produced by uncontrolled reactive thinking. We may find some stimulus that generates an anxiety or concern and then immediately we start proliferating thoughts; thoughts around “What if…?” or anticipation of some kind of catastrophe.
So, this kind of catastrophic thinking, rumination, or just general proliferation of thought from the single stimulus is what generates most of our emotional reactivity.
The purpose of online mindfulness therapy for reducing stress is to teach you how to prevent this process of reactive proliferation of thinking.
Mindfulness is a very sophisticated tool of awareness that allows you to see what is happening when it is happening so you can catch these reactive thinking processes earl on, before they start to gain momentum and cause emotional stress.
So that is, in brief, what we focus on during these sessions of online mindfulness therapy for emotional stress reduction. If you would like to learn more, please read my website and then please contact me and we can schedule a Skype therapy session to help you work on reducing your stress levels through mindfulness therapy.
Online Mindfulness Therapy for Stress Reduction and Stress Management via Skype
This online therapy service teaches you exactly how to apply mindfulness and mindfulness meditation for overcoming the reactive thinking that causes stress, anxiety, anger and insomnia.
This Online Therapy service is available for USA, Canada, UK & Western Europe.
Online Mindfulness Therapy is especially effective for managing stress, both personal and work-related stress because it teaches you how to manage stress-based thinking and worrying.
Stress is created internally through our habitual reactions to stressful situations.
It is the unconscious proliferation of emotionally charged reactive thinking and rumination that creates stress and anxiety.
Mindfulness Therapy teaches you how to work with your reactive thoughts and emotions so that you become more effective in managing stress without becoming emotionally overwhelmed.
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