
Talk to a Therapist Online via Skype

Talk to a Therapist Online via Skype for effective help with anxiety and depression.

Online Mindfulness-based Therapy

This Online Therapy Service is available via Skype or Zoom and teaches Mindfulness Therapy, a form of psychotherapy that helps you overcome anxiety, depression and stress.

Online Mindfulness-based Therapy teaches you how to overcome the habitual reactive thinking that feeds anxiety, depression and other forms of emotional stress and it also greatly accelerates healing and recovery of painful emotions restoring optimum mental health and wellbeing.

This online therapy service is available via Skype or Zoom. Go to the Contact Page for details on how to get started and feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.

Online Mindfulness Therapy

Speak with a Therapist Online for Help with Anxiety & Depression

Speak to a Psychotherapist Online over Skype for highly effective online mindfulness-based therapy for Depression and Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Social Anxiety and Agoraphobia, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Intrusive Thoughts, Addictions, and other psychological and emotional problems, including Post-traumatic stress.

Online counseling is very effective as long as you use Skype so that you can see each other during your sessions together with your therapist.

Contact me to find out more about this online therapy service and arrange for a Skype therapy session with me. Your inquiries always welcome!

Everyone that I have worked with really enjoys the mindfulness approach that I teach for healing emotional suffering…

“Sessions with Peter are enjoyable – he is kind and patient and gentle. I love that the understandings I’m gaining in the sessions not only help me to heal my emotions but also contribute so much to my spiritual path.”


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Talk to an Online Mindfulness Psychotherapist for Managing Anxiety and Depression via Skype

Find an online therapist for anxiety and depression – Skype Therapy

Greetings! Would you like to talk to a therapist online and get some effective help for overcoming your depression or anxiety? If so, do please CONTACT ME through my website and ask any questions you have about online therapy and I will be happy to answer them, and then when you feel ready, we can schedule an online therapy session.

Many people are choosing to talk to a therapist online over Skype because it’s very convenient and it’s also a very effective way for getting professional help and learning new strategies for managing difficult emotions.

We don’t always have to resort to using medications to treat anxiety or depression; there are alternatives, and talking to a therapist online provides one of these alternatives. At the end of the day, medications can only go so far in helping relieve symptoms of anxiety or depression. But medications will not change the underlying process that causes anxiety and depression. That process is primarily psychological in nature. It is due to the way that you see emotions internally; it’s due to the internal imagery of the emotions that causes them to have power over you.

If you want to change anxiety and depression you MUST look at this underlying process and examine the underlying imagery that creates the anxiety or depression.

On example of this imagery that I am referring to is very common with people who are suffering from a phobia, for example. If you have a phobia of a spider then very clearly it’s not the external image of the spider that you see through your eyes that causes the panic anxiety, but the internal image that the mind creates when it sees that spider.

The nature of this imagery is almost certainly going to be very large, very vivid in color and probably very close, and it’s those features of the internal imagery that actually create the anxiety.

During online therapy sessions we will explore the internal imagery of your emotions and we will change that imagery through creative imagination.

The imagery simply arises out of habit, but habits can be changed. When you bring conscious awareness to examine that imagery, that brings with it some choice, and that allows you to change the imagery of your emotions. When you change that imagery the emotions change. It’s really as simple as that.

So, if you are interested in learning more about online therapy and you would like to talk to an online therapist for help in overcoming anxiety or depression or any other emotional problem that you may be struggling with, please go to my website and CONTACT ME and then we can schedule a Skype therapy session. Thank you.


Online therapist for help with anxiety and depression

If you would like to talk with a therapist online I encourage you to go to my website and learn more about online therapy.

So being able to talk with a therapist online is very convenient of course. It means that you can have your therapy sessions without having to leave home or without having to leave work. All you need is a quiet place and a good internet connection and a copy of Skype installed on your device, whether that’s a laptop or computer or mobile phone.

People like the convenience of being able to talk with a psychotherapist online. I’ve been offering this online therapy service for over 10 years now and it’s very, very popular indeed because of this convenience.

There are many other advantages to being able to see a therapist online. And that includes the fact that it makes you feel more comfortable and it makes you feel more in control of your change process. And this is very important.

If you’re working with difficult emotions, if you’re working with extreme anxiety or depression or if you’re struggling with an addiction it’s important that you feel and gain more and more control in working with these emotions.

So actually the process of going into a therapist’s office can actually make you feel less empowered and makes you feel more like a victim rather than making you feel more in charge. So this is an important factor. This is why I don’t advocate treatment based approaches in general, including medications, because they don’t give you the tools that you need to overcome your anxiety or depression.

You have to work at the psychological level to do that, if you really want to heal. You have to change the underlying habitual processes that causes your emotional suffering. And that’s what I focus on during these online Mindfulness Therapy sessions that I offer via Skype.

I will teach you how to work with your emotions so that you don’t become controlled by them. I will teach you how to develop a conscious relationship with your emotions and thoughts without becoming a victim of your emotional reactivity.

Emotional reactivity such as anxiety or depression or addiction is, at the end of the day, nothing more than a very strong and ingrained psychological habit and habits can be trained to change by using tools like mindfulness, where we actually focus mindful attention on the habit itself.

The very process of observing your emotions actually helps you break free from your emotions because you establish a conscious relationship and habits work unconsciously, they depend on you not forming a conscious relationship with your emotions.

So this is one aspect of Mindfulness Therapy that’s really important for successful change. If you really want to break free from your emotional suffering then you need to learn how to apply mindfulness to work with those emotions.

If you would like to learn more about talking with an online mindfulness therapist, then go to my website. There is plenty of information there about Mindfulness Therapy and the benefits of online therapy in general. And when you feel ready, simply reach out to me by email and we can schedule a Skype Therapy session at a time that works for you. I see people throughout North America, Western Europe and any English speaking country in the world.

So if you’d like to get started with online therapy then please go to my website and email me. Thank you.


Online Mindfulness-based Therapist via Skype for effective help with anxiety and depression

If you would like to talk to a therapist online anonymously and in private I encourage you to go to my website and learn more about this online Skype Therapy Service that I offer.

I specialize in online Mindfulness Therapy which I deliver over Skype for the treatment of anxiety and depression, for help with addictions and many other common psychological and emotional difficulties that don’t require medical treatment.

Many people like the greater privacy offered by online therapy. It feels more comfortable in general if you don’t have to meet with a psychotherapist in person. So that’s one of the great advantages of online therapy. This greater privacy and greater comfort for you the client.

Another reason why people like online therapy is because it makes them feel more in charge of their recovery process and this can be very important especially if you are dealing with anxiety or depression or addiction.

People want to feel empowered. They want to feel that they’re learning how to cope with their emotions and not just going to someone for treatment by some methodology or with medications.

Treatments don’t really help you change the underlying cause of your suffering. You have to work with your mind your self and work with the underlying habits that create your anxiety or depression or that fuel your addiction which is often simply a way of coping with depression or other extreme form of emotional suffering or stress.

So people often come to me for help with addictions. And again they like the anonymity and the privacy offered through online therapy for addiction. It means you can have your sessions without having to leave home. You don’t have to go to a facility to receive counseling.

You can basically work from home with me and I will teach you the necessary skills to manage your emotions so that you don’t become overwhelmed by your emotional reactions, whether that’s depression or anxiety or difficulty with intrusive thoughts or PTSD, trying to deal with emotional trauma.

It’s the same process. You have to learn how to work with those memories and emotions and thought patterns yourself. And I will teach you how to do this through with a methods of Mindfulness Therapy which are amazingly effective for working with the mind.

If you’d like to learn more about seeing a therapist in private then please go to my website and feel free to e-mail me with any questions you may have about this process. I do not work through insurance companies. This is a private psychotherapy practice.

So there are no records kept about your medical condition or anything else. This is purely a process where I will work with you and teach you skills for working with your emotions yourself. Most people see tremendous improvements in a relatively short time you should expect to see improvements after the first three to four sessions.

If you’d like to learn more please email me and let’s get started and you can see for yourself the many advantages of working with an online therapist.


Speak with a Therapist Online for Help with Anxiety & Depression

Talk to a psychotherapist online by Skype for the treatment of anxiety and depression.

So if you would like to talk with a therapist online for help with anxiety depression, addictions or any other psychological emotional problem that can benefit from psychotherapy then please do contact me through my website. So I provide online therapy over Skype for anxiety and depression, or OCD, for addictions and many other emotional psychological problems.

Mindfulness Therapy is very effective indeed for helping you break free from those habits that feed anxiety and depression. This is the main focus of training, how to break free from that reactive identification with our emotions, with our thoughts and with our beliefs and also with our memories too.

It’s just a habit. The thought or emotion gets triggered out of conditioning, out of habit. And then what tends to happen is that we just fall right into it, right into the grip of the emotion or the reactive thoughts or the memory, if it is traumatic, and then we proliferate that suffering.

So the key, the first step to breaking this habit of reactive identification is to develop mindful consciousness of these habits. Because when you bring consciousness to the habits that takes away their power, because habits only work when there’s no consciousness around; they are unconscious by their nature.

So how do you do this? Well we learn how to meditate on our mind. That means meditating on our emotions or thoughts, our traumatic memories, or emotionally charged beliefs, whatever they may be, that are limiting us and creating suffering.

We do not accept these habits. Instead we learn to meditate on them. So that means replaying the emotion, the memory or the thoughts in the mind, deliberately bringing it into the mind, then sitting with that mental object with mindfulness, with consciousness observing it.

And this is the important thing to understand here. The more that you become the Observer, the freer you become from the observed. When you are observing anxiety you become the Observer not the anxiety. So the action of observing consciously actually frees you from the anxiety.

And this is extremely important, to get this separation from the emotion or the thoughts or the memory or any other content of mind. If there’s no separation then you simply become a victim of those mental objects. You become consumed by them, overwhelmed by them, a slave to your emotions and your reactive thoughts.

But through deliberately training with them using mindfulness meditation we develop more and more freedom from those habitual thoughts and emotions. So that’s really important.

When you have established sufficient freedom, then you can begin to respond skillfully to help any unresolved emotion heal, and that’s the second, primary component if you like of Mindfulness Therapy or mindfulness meditation therapy. We learn how to respond with compassion to any emotional suffering that we experience in the mind. We help it heal. We help it heal by establishing a conscious compassionate relationship with that part of ourself that’s in pain.

And this is very much like a parent-child relationship. You can think of the emotional pain, whether it’s anxiety or depression or guilt or shame or anger or poor self-esteem, whatever it might be, you can think of it as being like a child. The child is in pain. Your job is to develop your consciousness as a parent to that child to help it heal.

So that’s part of mindfulness meditation training, and I will teach you how to do this in great detail. It’s not just a question of reading a book about this; it’s not just feeling inspired and then struggling with it. No. You need very specific guidance and training on how to do this. But this approach works.

So please, if you’re interested in learning more about online therapy via Skype, then simply email me. If you would like to get started and start learning how to use mindfulness to work with your emotional suffering then e-mail me. I look forward to meeting you and helping you. Thank you.


Online Mindfulness Therapy

This approach is an excellent alternative to conventional “talk therapy” and does not rely on medications for treating common emotional conditions such as anxiety, agoraphobia, depression, PTSD, stress management, OCD and addiction.

This is not a substitute for medical treatment when that is indicated but a set of skills that you can learn and apply yourself for overcoming the root cause of emotional suffering which is primarily due to blind identification and attachment to habitual reactive thoughts, beliefs, and conditioned emotional reactions.

It is recommended to use Skype or Zoom for Online Therapy because being able to see each other is important for good communication and effective psychotherapy.

Online Mindfulness Therapy via Skype is available for all states in the USA, as well as for Canada, UK & Western Europe.

Online Mindfulness Therapy

    Online Mindfulness Therapy - See an online therapist via Skype for help with anxiety, depression and for stress management.
    Online Mindfulness Therapy – See an online therapist via Skype for help with anxiety, depression and for stress management.

    By Peter Strong, PhD

    Peter Strong, PhD specializes in Online Mindfulness-based Psychotherapy offered via Skype. He is a therapist, teacher and author of 'The Path of Mindfulness Meditation' (avail. Amazon and on Kindle). He lives in Boulder, Colorado.

    Feel free to share your experiences with Online Therapy or how you have benefitted from applying mindfulness in your life. Please use the CONTACT PAGE to communicate with me directly

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