La #SBSPerú fue organizador de la Reunión General Anual de la Organización Internacional para la Protección del Consumidor Financiero (FinCoNet), que reúne a autoridades supervisoras de conducta de mercado, en su mayoría pertenecientes a países miembros de la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económico (OCDE). Durante los tres días que duró el evento, los participantes intercambiaron experiencias en materia de regulación y supervisión de conducta de mercado.
Last week, FinCoNet’s Annual General Meeting was held in Lima, Peru, hosted by Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y Administradoras de Fondos de Pensiones del Perú. During the members-only session, FinCoNet Members approved the Programme of Work, outlining the strategic priorities and workstreams for 2025 and 2026. These include: 🔴 Oversight and supervision of debt collection, debt advice and debt management firms 🟠 Open finance: implications for conduct supervision 🟡 The use of AI by conduct supervisors 🟢 Fundamentals of market conduct supervision, including organisational arrangements and coordination; supervisors’ roles in monitoring and overseeing complaints; the use of data and indicators 🔵 Implementation and application of the G20/OECD High-Level Principles on Financial Consumer Protection by market conduct supervisors, including sustainability, vulnerability and quality financial products FinCoNet will launch these workstreams at the start of the new year. Follow FinCoNet on LinkedIn to stay updated on our progress.