Steps to replicate the issue (include links if applicable):
- Tap search and enter a search term (example: fre)
- Tap on an article (Example: Freddie Mercury)
- Tap on links within that article to load new articles (Example: Queen > Hard Rock > Blues Rock > Heavy Metal)
- Once the user is a few articles deep, selecting the back button can load the previous article without the controls at the top of the screen
What happens?:
Occasionally, the controls at the top of the screen disappear or shrink.
What should have happened instead?:
Controls at the top should always be present
Software version (skip for WMF-hosted wikis like Wikipedia):
Testing on the current build in the app store 7.3.1 (2361) and on iOS 17.0 (21A5291j)
Other information (browser name/version, screenshots, etc.):
Note - I have seen this bug when returning back to an article after looking at a diff in an article's history.