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Release experimental styles and CSS variable set of Codex design tokens for use in MediaWiki
Closed, ResolvedPublic5 Estimated Story Points


This task is about how we "productionize" the initial prototype developed for T353172. In order to support the continued work of the Web Team on a dark mode feature (initially targeting Minerva), we need to generate a set of new artifacts from the Codex build process, and we need to integrate them into MediaWiki in a basic way.

Codex Artifacts
Design Tokens
  • Produce a plain CSS file with a filtered set of tokens as CSS vars in a :root block
  • Produce a LESS file that replaces the value of those same filtered tokens with var( --whatever )
Codex components
  • Define an "experimental" build mode that replaces references to theme-wikimedia-ui.less with the above LESS file so that component styles include cals to var( --whatever )
  • Any styles which rely on LESS functions (like Tabs) need to be fixed because we cannot rely on these features any more (T356541)
Out of scope
  • Supporting legacy browsers that do not understand CSS variables

Blocked By (to be resolved during current sprint)

Event Timeline

CCiufo-WMF renamed this task from Codex: Release experimental styles and CSS variable set of design tokens for use in MediaWiki to Release experimental styles and CSS variable set of Codex design tokens for use in MediaWiki.Feb 5 2024, 6:58 PM
Volker_E updated the task description. (Show Details)
Volker_E subscribed.

I'm working on an updated patch for this that does not require changes to the token source files.

Instead, I'm running a filter on the tokens (which are organized by CSS property) to expose as variables any token which contains one of the following in its path: color, background-color, border-color, or border. This also catches the box-shadow-color and outline-color tokens (since these are organized under a nested color property).

Here's the full set of variables this produces:

:root { 
  --background-color-base: #fff;
  --background-color-interactive: #eaecf0;
  --background-color-interactive-subtle: #f8f9fa;
  --background-color-disabled: #c8ccd1; /* Components like Buttons, Checkboxes, Radios, ProgressBars…. */
  --background-color-disabled-subtle: #eaecf0; /* Components like TextInputs, Selects…. */
  --background-color-progressive: #36c;
  --background-color-progressive--hover: #447ff5;
  --background-color-progressive--active: #2a4b8d;
  --background-color-progressive--focus: #36c;
  --background-color-progressive-subtle: #eaf3ff;
  --background-color-destructive: #d73333;
  --background-color-destructive--hover: #ff4242;
  --background-color-destructive--active: #b32424;
  --background-color-destructive--focus: #d73333;
  --background-color-destructive-subtle: #fee7e6;
  --background-color-error: #d73333;
  --background-color-error--hover: #ff4242;
  --background-color-error--active: #b32424;
  --background-color-error-subtle: #fee7e6;
  --background-color-warning-subtle: #fef6e7;
  --background-color-success-subtle: #d5fdf4;
  --background-color-notice-subtle: #eaecf0;
  --background-color-backdrop-light: rgba( 255, 255, 255, 0.65 ); /* Backdrop is the term used by CSS Fullscreen API and is used to dim the background when a modal Dialog is open. Also known as overlay mask. */
  --background-color-backdrop-dark: rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0.65 );
  --background-color-transparent: rgba( 255, 255, 255, 0 );
  --background-color-button-quiet--hover: rgba( 0, 24, 73, 0.027 );
  --background-color-button-quiet--active: rgba( 0, 24, 73, 0.082 );
  --background-color-input-binary--checked: #36c;
  --background-color-primary--hover: rgba( 51, 102, 204, 0.1 );
  --background-color-tab-list-item-framed--hover: rgba( 255, 255, 255, 0.3 );
  --background-color-tab-list-item-framed--active: rgba( 255, 255, 255, 0.65 );
  --color-base: #202122;
  --color-base--hover: #404244; /* Aimed to be replaced by `color.gray600` in future. */
  --color-emphasized: #000;
  --color-subtle: #54595d;
  --color-placeholder: #72777d;
  --color-disabled: #72777d;
  --color-inverted: #fff;
  --color-progressive: #36c; /* 'Progressive' Color and states */
  --color-progressive--hover: #447ff5;
  --color-progressive--active: #2a4b8d;
  --color-progressive--focus: #36c;
  --color-destructive: #d73333; /* 'Destructive' Color and states */
  --color-destructive--hover: #ff4242;
  --color-destructive--active: #b32424;
  --color-destructive--focus: #d73333;
  --color-visited: #6b4ba1; /* 'Visited' color. In combination with progressive. Used for default links. */
  --color-error: #d73333;
  --color-warning: #edab00; /* Note, this is only meant for warning icon for contrast reasons. */
  --color-success: #14866d; /* Note, this needs to use a tone darker than Red and Yellow for contrast reasons with background White. */
  --color-notice: #202122;
  --color-base--subtle: #72777d;
  --color-link-red: #d73333; /* Red ('new') Link color and states */
  --color-link-red--hover: #ff4242;
  --color-link-red--active: #b32424;
  --color-link-red--focus: #d73333;
  --color-link-red--visited: #a55858;
  --border-color-base: #a2a9b1;
  --border-color-interactive: #72777d;
  --border-color-disabled: #c8ccd1;
  --border-color-subtle: #c8ccd1;
  --border-color-muted: #eaecf0;
  --border-color-inverted: #fff;
  --border-color-progressive: #36c;
  --border-color-progressive--hover: #447ff5;
  --border-color-progressive--active: #2a4b8d;
  --border-color-progressive--focus: #36c;
  --border-color-destructive: #d73333;
  --border-color-destructive--hover: #ff4242;
  --border-color-destructive--active: #b32424;
  --border-color-destructive--focus: #d73333;
  --border-color-error: #b32424;
  --border-color-error--hover: #ff4242;
  --border-color-warning: #ac6600;
  --border-color-success: #096450;
  --border-color-notice: #54595d;
  --border-color-transparent: transparent;
  --border-color-divider: #a2a9b1;
  --border-color-input--hover: #72777d;
  --border-color-input-binary: #72777d;
  --border-color-input-binary--hover: #447ff5;
  --border-color-input-binary--active: #2a4b8d;
  --border-color-input-binary--focus: #36c;
  --border-color-input-binary--checked: #36c;
  --border-base: 1px solid #a2a9b1;
  --border-subtle: 1px solid #c8ccd1;
  --border-progressive: 1px solid #36c;
  --border-destructive: 1px solid #d73333;
  --box-shadow-color-base: #000;
  --box-shadow-color-progressive--active: #2a4b8d;
  --box-shadow-color-progressive--focus: #36c;
  --box-shadow-color-progressive-selected: #36c;
  --box-shadow-color-progressive-selected--hover: #447ff5;
  --box-shadow-color-progressive-selected--active: #2a4b8d;
  --box-shadow-color-destructive--focus: #d73333;
  --box-shadow-color-inverted: #fff;
  --box-shadow-color-transparent: transparent;
  --outline-color-progressive--focus: #36c; /* Use in places where no more customized focus styles are provided, for example on generic `:focus`. */

Anything missing here?

Change 1003824 had a related patch set uploaded (by Eric Gardner; author: Eric Gardner):

[design/codex@main] build, tokens: Add "experimental" tokens and stylesheets

Change 1003824 merged by jenkins-bot:

[design/codex@main] build, tokens: Add "experimental" tokens and stylesheets

Change 1005171 had a related patch set uploaded (by VolkerE; author: VolkerE):

[mediawiki/core@master] Update Codex from v1.3.2 to v1.3.3

Change 1005171 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/core@master] Update Codex from v1.3.2 to v1.3.3

Shouldn't we have prefixes for these variables, like --cdx-*?
