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Offer new users of VisualEditor a short guided tour
Closed, DuplicatePublic40 Estimated Story Points

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Feb 10 2015, 2:58 AM
Referenced Files
F38821: guidedtour2-02.png
Feb 10 2015, 2:58 AM
F38829: guidedtour6-02.png
Feb 10 2015, 2:58 AM
F38825: guidedtour4-02.png
Feb 10 2015, 2:58 AM
F38823: guidedtour3-02.png
Feb 10 2015, 2:58 AM
F38827: guidedtour5-02.png
Feb 10 2015, 2:58 AM
F38819: guidedtour1-02.png
Feb 10 2015, 2:58 AM
"Love" token, awarded by Quiddity."Love" token, awarded by Rdicerb."Like" token, awarded by TheDJ.


Guided tour will show new users common tasks, explain what they are and how to find them.
Toolbar, links, cite, media, and saving.

guidedtour1-02.png (802×1 px, 338 KB)
Task T89072

guidedtour2-02.png (802×1 px, 419 KB)

guidedtour3-02.png (802×1 px, 415 KB)

guidedtour4-02.png (802×1 px, 417 KB)

guidedtour5-02.png (802×1 px, 418 KB)

guidedtour6-02.png (802×1 px, 421 KB)

Event Timeline

KHammerstein raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
KHammerstein updated the task description. (Show Details)
KHammerstein subscribed.
Jdforrester-WMF set Security to None.
Jdforrester-WMF moved this task from To Triage to TR6: Visual diffs on the VisualEditor board.

We are not accepting this as a critical issue right now, but we will consider having a pre-release stage of development that focuses on UX polish and first experience blockers, and will consider a guided tour (along with alternatives) in that context. To be discussed further with UX.

I think we should really take another look at the 'on boarding' ui, because 2 edit buttons is just 'weird'. If we keep that, we should explain it to users who have never seen two edit buttons yet.. Either with a Getting Started tour, or something similar if people feel like building tour system 2.0

Mattflaschen-WMF renamed this task from Create a guided tour for VisualEditor using Getting Started tooltips to Create a guided tour for VisualEditor using GuidedTour guiders.Feb 19 2015, 11:11 PM
Mattflaschen-WMF edited a custom field.

Just a note, GuidedTour is the general framework for this, not GettingStarted.

I think this would be useful, though.

Not sure why it says "removed Story Points"; I don't even see a blank Story Points field when I edit the task.

Please keep Communications in the loop when the copy and messaging is being created. Thanks!

For information: @Mattflaschen spent a long time (weeks, from what I'm told) trying to make GuidedTour work with VisualEditor and found them fundamentally incompatible. So there are significant technical challenges standing in the way of this project.

nshahquinn-wmf renamed this task from Create a guided tour for VisualEditor using GuidedTour guiders to Offer new users of VisualEditor a short guided tour.Jun 5 2015, 1:32 AM
nshahquinn-wmf removed KHammerstein as the assignee of this task.
In T89074#1340033, @Neil_P._Quinn_WMF wrote:

For information: @Mattflaschen spent a long time (weeks, from what I'm told) trying to make GuidedTour work with VisualEditor and found them fundamentally incompatible.

I think this is some kind of misunderstanding. GuidedTour is not perfect, but it is not "fundamentally incompatible", and that is not exactly what that time was spent on.

I spent a little time tonight and prototyped the tour (using the mocks above) on Beta. Code at (note, GuidedTour has full i18n support for extension tours; just can't do it for on-wiki tours). Basically, everything is there except for the images, which can be done too.

GuidedTour was rewritten specifically to support non-linear use cases like VE, and there are already simple VE tours (oriented towards basic editing and GettingStarted, rather than oriented towards touring VE) in production. Go to when logged in with an auto-confirmed account, and VE enabled. After you see the initial prompt, follow that. Then, in VE, start making a change (e.g. type something into a paragraph), then you'll see the save step.

Note the non-linear tour work was partly based on the idea that we might want to let users walk from dialog to dialog while keeping the tour going. The tour speced above is simpler and does not use that kind of functionality, but the new API handles it fine too.

GuidedTour already has support for listening to mw.hook firings (which we already use for VE tours). It could be extended to support EventEmitter firings as well if needed.

I don't know if this is the way the VE team would go (e.g. GuidedTour does not yet use OOjs UI since it was based on another library). It's also true that no one has been working on GuidedTour in a while, and there's some technical debt; that doesn't mean the code's disappeared or doesn't work, though.

The reason there's no elaborate VE tour is just that we (both the Growth team and VE team) never prioritized that after the non-linear tour framework was done.

@Mattflaschen: Sorry for the misunderstanding, and thank you so much for the correction and the prototype! It looks what we want is totally achievable with GuidedTour in its current state. I'll start iterating on the prototype and figuring out how it fits into T101481.

Great. I assigned this to you, but feel free to ping me here or on IRC if you or anyone on the VE team have questions.

Please do keep this good idea updated. I may integrate this into my VE training video, or remove some planned content from the script if it will be covered by the tour.
