Actor Anushka Sharma and her husband, cricketer Virat Kohli are reportedly expecting their second child. According to reports, the couple will formally make an announcement at a later stage, like they did the last time. As per the latest updates, Virat flew home as the Indian cricket team arrived at Trivandrum Domestic Airport for an ODI warm-up match against the Netherlands. He reportedly took a detour from Guwahati and took permission from the team management to come to Mumbai due to a personal emergency. Amidst the ongoing rumour, pictures of the couple have gone viral on social media. The two are one of the most heartwarming celebrity couples around. The way they hype and support each other is exemplary and they almost make us believe in the concept of soulmates. Not only do their personality traits match, but their wardrobe is super compatible too. In addition, their goofy pictures are proof of how they are BFFs before lovers. The duo tied the knot in 2017 in an intimate dreamy ceremony and welcomed their first child, a daughter in 2021. (All photos: Anushka Sharma/ Virat Kohli/ Instagram)