Tag Archives: Biotar 58 f1.5 II

Meyer Optik Görlitz Biotar 58 f/1.5 II lens officially released (available for all mounts)

The previously rumored Meyer Optik Görlitz Biotar 58 f/1.5 II lens is now officially released and pre-orders are already open at B&H Photo (see all available MOG lenses). The new Biotar 58 f/1.5 II lens is available for most camera mounts. Here are the technical specifications:

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Two new Meyer Optik Görlitz lenses coming soon: Biotar 58 f1.5 II and Biotar 75 f1.5 II

Meyer Optik Görlitz will soon release two new lenses – Biotar 58 f1.5 II and Biotar 75 f1.5 II. The lenses were initially expected last year – see this blog post. Here is what we know so far:

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Meyer Optik Görlitz Trioplan 35 II, Biotar 58 II, and Biotar 75 II lenses are expected in Q4, new products coming next year

Meyer Optik Görlitz issued a bizarre press release stating that they are now “a real company again”. In terms fo future/upcoming products, the Trioplan 35 II, Biotar 58 II and Biotar 75 II are expected to be released in the fourth quarter. They also mentioned that other new products are already in the works or […]

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