Tag Archives: Fuji full frame camera

Fuji explains why they do not have a full frame camera

In this interview, Takashi Ueno from Fujifilm explains in details why Fuji decided go with an APS-C sensor in their cameras and not with full frame that would eventually provide better image quality:

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Fuji has no current plans for a full frame camera

Fujifilm X-Pro1 sensor

Fujifilm remind us again that they do not have any plans for a full frame camera for now: Oishi said Fuji plans to launch further X-series cameras, and that there is no current plan for a full-frame model. But he pointed out that Fuji is a camera developer, so it may be a possibility at […]

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Fujifilm is planning to compete on the full frame market; new X-E2 firmware is coming soon; company wins 5 iF awards

Dpreview published their CP+ interviews with Toshihisa Iida from Fujifilm. Here are the key points:

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Fujifilm has no plans for a full frame camera for now

In a recent interview with 2how.com, Fujifilm’s manager Mr.Kawahara said that for now there are no plans for a full frame camera because that will require a new line of lenses (the current XF lenses will not cover a full frame sensor). Here are few other interesting points from the interview:

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Fuji now claims their XF lenses cannot cover a 35mm sensor, Sony and Panasonic full frame cameras are “possible”

After yesterday’s post about a recent statement from a Fuji representative that some XF lenses are compatible with a full frame sensor, the same Hiroshi Kawahara from Fujifilm told a completely different story to dpreview: It has also moved to quell suggestions that its XF lenses are ready for a full-frame X-mount camera. ‘It would not work […]

Posted in Fuji, Panasonic, Sony | Also tagged , | 45 Comments

Fuji looking into the possibility of a full frame mirrorless camera, some XF lenses will be compatible

Fujifilm X-Pro1 sensor

In a recent interview Fujifilm’s operations manager Hiroshi Kawahara said that the company is looking into the possibility of a full frame mirrorless camera. With the exception of some wide angle models, the current XF lenses are designed to cover a full frame sensor.

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