Tag Archives: Fuji interview

Fujifilm interviews

Phototrend published two new interviews with Fujifilm representatives from CP+ 2024. Here are the recaps by FujiAddict:

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Upcoming Fujifilm lenses, medium format GFX sports camera, X-Pro4 and more

At the 2023 CP+ show (see previous coverage) Fujifilm had on display some of their upcoming lenses:

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Interview with Fujifilm management

Image Resources published a new interview with Mr. Udono, Mr. Iida, and Mr. Toshi Iida from Fujifilm. Here is a recap of the lengthy interview from FujiAddict:

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Another Fuji interview: no plans for a fixed lens X100 style GFX medium format camera

DPR interviewed Toshihisa Iida, General Manager of Fujifilm’s Optical Device and Electronic Imaging Products Division – her is the recap from FujiAddict:

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Fujifilm will make smaller, lighter and cheaper medium format GFX cameras to become a mainstream product

Cinema5D interviewed Fujifilm General Manager Toshi Iida – here is the recap from FujiAddict:

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Interview with Fujifilm manager Toshihisa Iida

The Japanese website Newswitch published an interview with Fujifilm Manager Toshihisa Iida. Here is the recap from FujiAddict:

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Another interview with Fujifilm senior executives

Pixel Village & GMax Studio interviewed Fujifilm executives – here is the recap from FujiAddict:

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Another interview with Fujifilm senior executives

Dpreview published their CP+ interview with Fujifilm senior executives. Here is the recap from FujiAddict:

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