Particularly satisfied with the accommodation, the location is not far from Wang Xiangyan, it can be reached in ten minutes on foot, and parking is available at the door of the hotel. It is not far from the town center. You can rent a battery car opposite the hotel and the accommodation is quiet. Breakfast is eaten on the first floor. The taste and variety are acceptable. The accommodation contains breakfast, which is very convenient. Dinner was eaten on the terrace on the fourth floor. It was very pleasant, the price and the amount of dishes were cost-effective. The homestay environment is good, clean, high-grade, and the accommodation is very comfortable. The boss is enthusiastic and helps with luggage. In the homestay that just opened in July, we stayed in mid-August. There was no decoration taste, indicating that the decoration materials were good. The staff here are a group who want to do a good job of the homestay. Next time I come to Shiyan Town, I will choose to live here. Because it is a newly opened homestay, some facilities need to have a real stay experience to feel it. For example, the suite we live in, the bathroom is narrow and long, one side of the bath, one side of the toilet, there is no place to put clothes inside, and there is no place to take off the clothes in the bath. It might be better to press a few hooks away from the shower (not wet). Besides, there is a chair in the room, and our family of three lives, some less. Other places and sockets are enough. In addition, the roof of the hotel looks up, which is the sky suspension corridor of Taihang Tianlu; look down on the sky suspension corridor, you can also see the terrace on the fourth floor of the hotel. In short, very satisfied!
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