Zdjęcie główne użytkownika Baltic Sea & Space Cluster
Baltic Sea & Space Cluster

Baltic Sea & Space Cluster

Badania i technologie kosmiczne

Gdynia, Pomorskie 1005 obserwujących

BSSC is an effective promoter of the Polish Maritime Industry and Space Technology


BALTIC SEA & SPACE CLUSTER (BSSC) is an effective promoter of the Polish Maritime Industry and Space Technology and utilizes Polish coastal location as a national treasure. Cluster acts as a partner and a participant in numerous endeavours regarding Polish maritime and space economy, including by creating it as an equivalent of the national and European intelligent specialization. Cluster also interacts in the International Ocean Governance programme.

Badania i technologie kosmiczne
Wielkość firmy
2–10 pracowników
Siedziba główna
Gdynia, Pomorskie
Organizacja non-profit
Data założenia


Pracownicy Baltic Sea & Space Cluster


  • Sinking profits “Shares of the No. 1 U.S. oil producer fell 1.7% to $107.72 in late January 2025, mirroring declines in the S&P 500 Energy Sector Index,” Reuters reports, noting that “global oil demand was weaker than expected in 2024, pushing down oil and fuel prices and weighing on the industry’s economic performance.” Competitors Exxon, Chevron (CVX.N) and Shell (SHEL.L) also saw their refining revenues fall. Chevron reported a loss in its refining business for the first time since 2020. Chevron Corporation (NYSE: CVX) said it “reported earnings of $3.2 billion, or $1.84 per share, on a quarterly basis.” Q4 2024 data. Q4 2023 was $2.3 billion ($1.22 per share).” The quarter included severance costs of $715 million and impairment charges of $400 million. Currency added $722 million to earnings. However, adjusted earnings in Q4 2024 were $3.6 billion ($2.06 per share), down significantly from adjusted earnings of $6.5 billion ($3.45 per share) in Q4 2023.

  • The Space Science Committee PAS Gdansk Branch and the Institute of Oceanology PAS invite to the conference Science for Sea and Space on 09 April 2025. This is the next event in the series of conferences organised on the initiative of the Space Science Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Gdańsk Branch, in cooperation with the Baltic Sea and Space Cluster under the auspices of the Polish Space Agency. This event is a continuation of the discussion started in previous years by the circles of science, business and administration, identifying problems, needs and common points in areas seemingly only distant from each other: maritime and space. The interdisciplinary nature of these conferences provides a platform for the exchange of views, the presentation of knowledge and discussion of research results and issues relating to engineering, regulation, management and technology in both these areas, their interrelationships and opportunities for practical applications. The premise of the conference organisers is to present the latest scientific developments and their applications in the maritime and space areas. Three panel discussions are planned: Young Stars with short speeches presenting the achievements of young people, the best of which will be awarded by the chairman of the Space Sciences Committee of the Gdansk Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Prof. Edmund Wittbrodt, a panel of experts from the world of science and a panel of practitioners presenting the application possibilities of scientific achievements in administration, economy and other areas of activity. On behalf of the Organising Committee, we encourage you to participate in this event. Participation in the conference is free of charge, however, due to the limited number of places, we ask all interested persons to register through the form placed on the website www.iopan.pl/KNK2025, where you will also find up-to-date information about the conference. If you are interested in presenting a paper, please send titles and short abstracts of your proposed presentations in Polish and English to knk2025@iopan.pl by 17 March 2025 https://lnkd.in/dheBD_ME

  • I3-4-BLUE GROWTH activity 🌊 🔆 More than a year has passed and the project is still running at full speed to support green innovation for a blue growth. Throwback in time here is the year in review! 👇 👇 👇 Check out in I3-4-BLUE GROWTH‘s website all submitted deliverables where you can find insightful content on topics: 🔹 Ecosystem Mapping 🔸 Innovative Best Practices 🔸 I3 Opportunities for targeted value chains 🔹 Action plan for the improvement of the regional innovation ecosystem 🎯 Targeted value chains: sustainable seafood, aquaculture and valorisation of blue resources 🔹 maritime renewable energy and decarbonisation of the maritime sector. Stay tuned for our 2025 planned activities: 👉 The Hub for a sustainable blue growth: https://lnkd.in/emDCsPUH 👉 Website: https://lnkd.in/dADkikVg ANI | Agência Nacional de Inovação Technology Centre Merinova Oy HAMAG-BICRO – Croatian agency for SMEs, Innovations and Investments CTAQUA Centro Tecnológico de Acuicultura Agrifood Clust-ER Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique Unknown Group Baltic Sea & Space Cluster BLUEBIO ALLIANCE @Direção Regional da Ciência e Tecnologia

  • Południowokoreańscy stoczniowcy spodziewają się korzyści z posunięć USA mających na celu pokonanie Chin. Prognozuje się rozszerzenie zamówień na nowe budowy i działalność MRO (Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul) stoczni. Nadzieje na lepszą koniunkturę wywołał niedawno opublikowany projekt ustawy rządu USA, który ma na celu zapobieżenie rosnącej dominacji Chin w globalnym sektorze morskim. Przewiduje on zwiększenie współpracy z krajami sojuszniczymi. Po ogłoszeniu protekcjonistycznych działań prezydenta Donalda Trumpa wzrosły akcje stoczni południowokoreańskich. To wynik oczekiwanych korzyści wynikających m.in. z „Shipbuilding and Harbor Infrastructure for Prosperity and Security for America Act”, znanej również jako „Ships for America”.

  • https://lnkd.in/dH69hVgA Na globalnym rynku turystycznym trwa silna walka konkurencyjna i lokalne organizacje turystyczne wraz zarządami portów walczą o każde wejście statku i każdego morskiego turystę. Każdy rodzaj usług związanych z obsługą turystów statków pasażerskich przynosi wymierne przychody zarządom portów i miastom portowym. Zorganizowana i kompleksowa promocja przynosi konkretne efekty wizerunkowe i biznesowe. To często turyści, którzy przypływają na statkach wyrabiają portom i miastom portowym dobrą opinię, która przekłada się na efekty biznesowe. Warto więc walczyć o każdy procent rynku.

  • https://lnkd.in/dpHjXqZG Space Sciences Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Gdańsk Branch in cooperation with Baltic Sea & Space Cluster and Institute of Oceanology of Polish Academy of Sciences under the honorary patronage of the Polish Space Agency (POLSA) invite for conference: Science for Sea and Space 09 April 2025 Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences, POLAND Participation in the conference is free of charge, however, due to the limited number of places, we ask all interested persons to register through the form placed on the website www.iopan.pl/KNK2025, where you will also find up-to-date information about the conference. If you are interested in presenting a paper, please send titles and short abstracts of your proposed presentations in Polish and English to knk2025@iopan.pl by 17 March 2025.

  • projektowanie bezpieczeństwa morskich akwenów i wybrzeży oraz portów morskich wymaga dziś innego podejścia niż jeszcze 10 lat temu. Ten system nie będzie szczelny jeśli nie będzie kompleksowy. Bez integracji instytucji cywilnych i wojskowych, bez pełnego zaangażowania w system ochrony i obrony administracji morskich i dowództw wojsk oraz służb granicznych bezpieczeństwo będzie miało luki. A nawet jeden nieszczelny odcinek może być początkiem katastrofy, która wywoła efekt kuli śnieżnej. Dlatego warto prześledzić wyniki projektu CISE-ALERT, który obnażył wszelkie luki w ochronie akwenów morskich i wybrzeży, głównie na Morzu Śródziemnym.

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