Insignis TFI is a private asset management company independent of large financial groups. The company operates since 2016 and focuses exclusively on investing in the Polish equity market. It has extensive experience in this field, confirmed by many years of outstanding investment results. The company manages two funds for wealthy investors. Insignis FIZ is a market-neutral equity fund, which, thanks to using hedging, has the ability to achieve positive returns also in a falling market. Insignis Long FIZ is a traditional long only equity fund. Insignis also manages the assets of the world's largest sovereign pension fund in Poland. The combined value of assets under management makes Insignis one of the largest institutional investors on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Insignis does not replicate the typical model of offering many different funds in different asset classes. It concentrates only in one key area of expertise, which is Polish equities. Members of the investment team invest almost all of their savings in funds managed by the company. Wealthy and ultra-wealthy investors come to Insignis solely on the basis of mutual referrals because the company does not use any external distribution network when acquiring assets. Clients have direct contact with the company's employees, including those responsible for making investment decisions.
- Witryna
Link zewnętrzny organizacji Insignis TFI
- Branża
- Zarządzanie inwestycjami
- Wielkość firmy
- 11–50 pracowników
- Siedziba główna
- Warszawa
- Rodzaj
- Spółka prywatna
- Data założenia
- 2015
Królewska 18
00-103 Warszawa, PL