Polski Klub Ekologiczny Gliwice

Polski Klub Ekologiczny Gliwice

Organizacje non-profit

Gliwice, śląskie 35 obserwujących

Niezależna, pozarządowa organizacja ekologiczna kształtująca w społeczeństwie świadomość ekologiczną i przyrodniczą.


Naszymi głównymi celami jest kształtowanie w społeczeństwie świadomości ekologicznej, świadczenie powszechnej edukacji ekologicznej, poprawa stanu środowiska przyrodniczego Polski oraz ochrona dziedzictwa kulturowego i przyrodniczego. Tematy w których działamy to m.in. rolnictwo, leśnictwo, ochrona wód, zmiany klimatu, zanieczyszczenia powietrza i wiele innych. W naszych działaniach współpracujemy ze szkołami, przedszkolami i uczelniami wyższymi w Polsce i za granicą. Edukujemy samorządy lokalne, angażujemy mieszkańców w lokalne inicjatywy, pracujemy z rolnikami nad zrównoważoną gospodarką nawozami oraz wspieramy wiedzą i doświadczeniem przedsiębiorców w wybieraniu rozwiązań i technologii bardziej przyjaznych środowisku.

Organizacje non-profit
Wielkość firmy
2–10 pracowników
Siedziba główna
Gliwice, śląskie
Organizacja non-profit
Data założenia
ochrona przyrody, rolnictwo, leśnictwo, klimat, ochrona wód, prawodawstwo, ochrona gleb, ochrona środowiska, współpraca międzynarodowa i edukacja


Pracownicy Polski Klub Ekologiczny Gliwice


  • Polski Klub Ekologiczny Gliwice ponownie to opublikował(a)

    The co-chairs of the Investor PolicyDialogue on Deforestation (#IPDD), a coalition of 82 financial institutions managing over $11 trillion in assets, today released a statement in support of the European Union Deforestation Regulation (#EUDR).   Tomorrow, on Thursday 14 November, the European Parliament will vote on a proposal from the European Commission to postpone the implementation of the EUDR by one year, and the European people’s party (EPP) has proposed a range of proposals that would reduce the scope effectiveness of the regulation.   We believe the European Parliament should reject the proposed 1-year delay to the EUDR which would disadvantage countries and companies that have moved promptly to prepare for the new requirements.   “We would also not want to see traders exempted from the EUDR’s requirements, since they are key participants in the supply chains that need to be monitored”, says Jan Erik Saugestad, CEO of Storebrand AM.   Deforestation is a significant risk—not only to ecosystems but also to the stability of economies and the security of investments. Effective regulations like the EUDR are essential to address the supply and demand forces driving deforestation, safeguarding both natural resources and investor interests.   #SustainableInvestment #Deforestation #EUDR #IPDD #ResponsibleInvesting #ClimateAction #Bluebay #Graham Stock   To the statement 🔗 https://lnkd.in/d2idSw2D

    Investor statement in support of the European Union Deforestation Regulation (EUDR).

    Investor statement in support of the European Union Deforestation Regulation (EUDR).


  • Polski Klub Ekologiczny Gliwice ponownie to opublikował(a)

    Zobacz profil użytkownika Luciana T.; grafika

    Senior Researcher, Forests and Human Rights

    New report: Sarawak, Malaysia's largest state and home to millions of hectares of rainforest more ancient than the Amazon, is a high risk area for deforestation and violations of Indigenous peoples' rights. Human Rights Watch is calling on the European Commission to benchmark Sarawak as high risk under its deforestation-free products regulation (EUDR), in coalition with Sarawak-based Indigenous orgs SAVE Rivers and KERUAN, Malaysian environmental watchdog RimbaWatch, and international orgs Bruno Manser Fonds and The Borneo Project. 👉 https://lnkd.in/eAYeDu_C A “high risk” designation would require EU member countries to triple their customs checks on imports of timber and palm oil products from Sarawak. EU companies importing these products would also have to conduct more rigorous due diligence to mitigate environmental and human rights risks. The Commission would be required to collaborate closely with Malaysian officials to identify measures to reduce risk. Our assessment of Sarawak found that: > 1.75 million hectares of natural forests are at risk of being razed to give way to timber plantations, and an additional 600,000 hectares are slatted to be converted to oil palm plantations. > The state government will not recognize Indigenous peoples' land claims unless it can verify that they were settled in the same area based on a 1958 aerial survey conducted by the British colonial government - and the aerial survey is a classified document. > The state government can unilaterally revoke Indigenous land titles without consent or even compensation. > The state government grants companies with special leases that delegate the responsibility of surveying the land to the company. Companies are required to report, and then remove from their concession, any Indigenous land their lease area encroaches on, but without penalties if they don’t. Companies can illegally disregard Indigenous peoples’ land rights claims without consequences. Netherlands, Germany, France, and Belgium are among the top 10 buyers of certified Malaysian timber products, according to the most recent report by the Malaysian Timber Certification Council, dating from 2022. The EU is the third largest destination of Malaysian palm oil exports, according to the Malaysian Palm Oil Board. The Malaysian federal government should address these longstanding issues with the Sarawak state government. Many of these issues have been side stepped in the EU-Indonesia-Malaysia Joint Taskforce talks, but human rights can't fall by the wayside. We shared several recommendations 👉 https://lnkd.in/eAYeDu_C

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  • Polski Klub Ekologiczny Gliwice ponownie to opublikował(a)

    Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Earthsight; grafika

    2239 obserwujących

    In the run-up to implementation of the EU Deforestation Regulation, a growing chorus of affected governments and culprit industries has been calling for the law to be delayed and weakened.   Sam Lawson, Earthsight's Executive Director, responds to these calls in a new comment piece published today in Mongabay.   The EU must stand firm against self-interested opposition voices and ensure that European consumption does not drive deforestation and human rights abuses. The problems the law is intended to solve have not gone away, the need to address them grows ever more urgent, and any delay risks opening the door to the law being gutted.

    Why the EU must stand firm on its plan to help protect the world’s forests (commentary)

    Why the EU must stand firm on its plan to help protect the world’s forests (commentary)


  • Polski Klub Ekologiczny Gliwice ponownie to opublikował(a)

    Zobacz profil użytkownika Luciana T.; grafika

    Senior Researcher, Forests and Human Rights

    I’ve worked in rainforest countries in South America, Central Africa, and Southeast Asia, supporting forest peoples whose territories are under pressure. In all of them, the human rights risks were a powerful indicator of looming environmental devastation. When agribusiness operations pose a major risk to front line forest communities, it should weigh on their reputation. This is why Human Rights Watch is calling on the European Commission to factor human rights risks in their country risk benchmarking under the EUDR >>> https://lnkd.in/esM8gkWR

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  • 19 września br. w godzinach 10:30 – 12:00 na platformie Zoom odbędzie się debata poświęcona wylesianiu pt. „Przebieg implementacji EUDR – potrzeby, obawy i trudności”. W trakcie debaty przyjrzymy się temu, jak przebiega proces implementacji nowych przepisów. Wśród prelegentów znajdą się: – dr Tomasz Figarski, członek zarządu Stowarzyszenia Przyrodników Ostoja „Wylesianie na świecie – analiza problemu i globalne inicjatywy” – Krzysztof Cibor, koordynator zespołu kampanii Greenpeace Polska „Analiza implementacji EUDR na szczeblu krajowym i europejskim” – dr inż. Agata Szczebyło, specjalistka ds. zrównoważonej gospodarki, WWF Polska „Implementacja EUDR w sektorze biznesowym” Spotkanie poprowadzi Beata Borowiec, specjalistka ds. polityki klimatycznej. ❗ Debata jest bezpłatna. Wymagana jest rejestracja. Zgłoszenia przyjmowane są do 17.09. 👉 Link do formularza zgłoszeniowego: https://lnkd.in/dfkx3qRe 🌲 Więcej informacji: https://lnkd.in/dNXWs95m

    Rejestracja na debatę: Przebieg implementacji EUDR - potrzeby, obawy i trudności

    Rejestracja na debatę: Przebieg implementacji EUDR - potrzeby, obawy i trudności


  • Polski Klub Ekologiczny Gliwice ponownie to opublikował(a)

    Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Fern NGO; grafika

    6155 obserwujących

    Our Sustainable Consumption and Production Campaigner Nicole Polsterer's opinion piece in Climate Home News outlines the harm already being done by efforts to delay the EU's ground-breaking Deforestation Regulation https://lnkd.in/euR8PU_f

    Delaying the EU's anti-deforestation law is not an option 

    Delaying the EU's anti-deforestation law is not an option 


  • Polski Klub Ekologiczny Gliwice ponownie to opublikował(a)

    Zobacz profil użytkownika Glenn Hurowitz; grafika

    Founder and CEO at Mighty Earth

    The EU Deforestation Regulation is one of the most important international conservation policies of the last decade. A handful of corporations have tried to sabotage its implementation by claiming the mantle of smallholder farmers. They say these farmers will be excluded from agricultural markets because the requirements to avoid deforestation and provide traceability are somehow insurmountable for smaller farmers - and that it's the corporate agribusiness sector that are their true champions. It's pure twaddle of course, but the hasn't stopped hand-wringing. To make sure Europe and the rest of the world understand the real dynamics in tropical agriculture, we've joined with the heroes at Fern NGO to assemble an all-star panel who will share intell about how smallholder farmers are actually dealing with the new law - and the many resources available to ensure their inclusion. We'll also discuss how - despite their lobbyists' laments in Brussels - smallholders around the world have been ahead of the curve on preparing for compliance. In some cases, these smallholder farmers may even have lessons for a few of their laggardly corporate counterparts who are trying to lobby their way out of having to stop deforestation instead of just actually working to avoid it. And we'll share real examples of how most responsible agribusinesses are actually well on their way to ensuring compliance for their entire supply chains, and working constructively behind the scenes to make it happen. Some of them are even finding that it's even helpful for improving relations with their suppliers, and assuring customers that the products they're buying are from places they know and are produced in ways compatible with their values. You can sign up here. Thanks to panelists Michael Amoah, Deputy Director of R&D at Ghana Cocoa Board (Cocobod); Juliette Cody of Barry Calleabaut (a leading cocoa company); Mansuetus Darto of Indonesia's Palm Oil Smallholder Union; Raoni Rajão, PhD of the Brazilian Government; and Katja Albrecht of GIZ, the German Agency for International Cooperation. Thanks to the great Philippa Nuttall of Financial Times for moderating! Register here ➡ https://lnkd.in/eN7inarz

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  • Polski Klub Ekologiczny Gliwice ponownie to opublikował(a)

    Happy #BalticSeaDay! 😍 🌊 Today, we celebrate the Baltic Sea—a unique and vital part of our planet. This beautiful body of water is more than just a natural wonder; it's a source of life, culture, and history for millions of people across the region. Let’s take a moment to appreciate the Baltic’s rich biodiversity, from its stunning coastal landscapes to the incredible marine life that calls it home. But let's also remember that the Baltic Sea faces significant environmental challenges, from pollution to climate change. 🌍 💧 On this day, let’s pledge to protect and preserve the Baltic Sea for future generations. Whether it’s reducing plastic waste, supporting sustainable fishing practices, or raising awareness about the need for conservation—every action counts. Together, we can make a difference! 💙 🙌 Check it out: https://lnkd.in/dtQv755 John Nurmisen Säätiö #WeAreTheBaltic #balticsea #BalticSeaRegion #östersjön #SaveOurSeas #ProtectOurOceans #SustainableFuture #ClimateAction #championsofthebaltic

  • W dniach 4-5 lipca mieliśmy przyjemność zorganizować w Gliwicach II spotkanie projektowe w ramach #WESEM podczas to którego spotkaliśmy się z reprezentantami wszystkich organizacji partnerskich. 🌾 Projekt WESEM rozpoczęliśmy w styczniu '24 i od tego czasu poczyniliśmy już znaczące kroki - opracowaliśmy metodologię, w oparciu o którą będziemy tworzyć treści szkoleniowe skierowane do rolników, doradców rolnych oraz właścicieli gruntów. 🌾Nie możemy się doczekać, aby już niebawem podzielić się z Wami postępami naszych prac! #EUproject #ErasmusPlus #EUfunded Luua Forestry School/ Luua Metsanduskool European Landowners' Organization The Nature Fund OnProjects

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  • Polski Klub Ekologiczny Gliwice ponownie to opublikował(a)

    Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Fern NGO; grafika

    6155 obserwujących

    🇪🇺 Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) are currently negotiating the policies their coalition will support over the next five year mandate. Conservative lawmakers from the European People's Party are asking to postpone and re-open the EU Deforestation Regulation in order to “address problems related to its implementation”. This is baffling given their previous support: the Regulation’s lead rapporteur was from their Party and his fellow MEPs overwhelmingly voted in favour just a year ago. 👉 Their indecision will hit European businesses and forests hard! Companies have spent millions preparing for implementation and many small-scale farmers are proactively making themselves compliant, seeing it as an opportunity to improve their livelihoods. They see the benefits of increasing traceability, and thereby reducing supply chain complexity, and the number of middlemen. The Regulation has already spurred long lasting improvements in producer countries.   🇧🇷 In Brazil, the Agriculture Ministry is setting up a tracking system to check whether cattle have been illegally grazed in protected areas or Indigenous territories. 🇮🇩 In Indonesia, authorities are improving national palm oil and timber traceability systems. 🇨🇮 In Côte D’Ivoire, the Regulation is encouraging technological innovations which could potentially lift smallholders out of poverty. Moving the goal posts at the last minute would be a blow to all of their efforts and damage the EU's domestic and international credibility!

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