Szkoła Morska w Gdyni Sp. z o.o. cover photo
Szkoła Morska w Gdyni Sp. z o.o.

Szkoła Morska w Gdyni Sp. z o.o.

Szkolenia zawodowe i coaching

Gdynia, pomorskie 498 obserwujących


Szkoła Morska w Gdyni sp. z o. o. is running renowned training centres for merchant fleet seamen and officers. The Company is now running the following: Non-public Maritime College training for the profession of navigation officer, mechanic officer, seaman and motorman; Non-public Training Centre for both merchant fleet seamen and officers, maritime economy specialists as well as yachtsmen and powerboat operators; Publishing Centre conducting activities related to the preparation and publishing of textbooks and other training materials for the purpose of the courses. Gdynia Maritime School Sp. z o. o. is a founding member of the National Chamber of Maritime Economy, the National Forum of Non-Public Education and the Polish Forum of the Maritime Industry. In July 1998, the School was awarded an international quality assurance certificate within ISO 9001:2000 standard with regard to organization and delivery of the maritime training courses, granted by the Lloyd’s Quality Assurance Register.

Szkolenia zawodowe i coaching
Wielkość firmy
11–50 pracowników
Siedziba główna
Gdynia, pomorskie
Spółka cywilna
Data założenia


Pracownicy Szkoła Morska w Gdyni Sp. z o.o.


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