Zdjęcie główne użytkownika Third What
Third What

Third What

Konsulting biznesowy i usługi

Brand Personality Studio™


Third What is a design studio. We design brand personality — the synergy of language and appearance. Relatability, charisma, credibility, recognition, persuasiveness. Our niche is brands judged by their character.

Konsulting biznesowy i usługi
Wielkość firmy
2–10 pracowników
Siedziba główna
Spółka cywilna
branding, brand design, brand personality, corporate identity, rebranding, brand positioning, brand strategy, verbal identity, visual identity, digital design, brand design audit, brand identity, brandbook, brand manuals, brand portfolio strategies, visual communication, naming, wayfinding, website design, creative direction, brand architecture, brand experience i user experience


Pracownicy Third What


  • "We picked people, not numbers in spreadsheets. We chose a team, a vision, brains, and passion. We chose a team with which we felt a shared vibe! We chose our partner!" - these powerful words from Robert Majer, CMO at Exact x Forestall Group, highlight what truly matters when selecting a strategic partner for a business-critical transformation. When Exact x Forestall faced the monumental task of rebranding across 13 countries, they understood what was at stake: market position, brand value, and business resilience. The right partnership wasn't just about deliverables—it was about finding minds that could translate their vision into a cohesive brand identity that strengthens competitive advantage and elevates company value. This is the essence of strategic brand transformation that drives business growth. Learn more about this extensive international rebranding project in our case study: https://lnkd.in/dT8jXvDi

    Zobacz profil użytkownika Robert Majer

    CMO at Exact x Forestall, Paramedic Student

    The Rebranding Journey #1 EN The key to initiating such significant changes in a company as rebranding is finding the right partner – regardless of whether you're tackling a large-scale project or one that's smaller yet equally important. Don't do it alone – find a partner! In our process, it was Kinga Mieruszyńska she was responsible for finding the partner for our journey! Dozens of emails and completed briefs led to online meetings with several companies, and we invited three potential partners to in-person meetings. If the process is to be carried out well, you must be honest and open with your potential partner, equipping them with comprehensive knowledge about your organization and clearly articulating your expectations. Don't forget about the NDA. Out of three potential partners, we decided to work with two simultaneously! (That was a challenge!) Stage 0 – the process of detailed cost estimation and discussions with employees and clients – enabled them to prepare a comprehensive offer. Importantly, Stage 0 was fully priced and accounted for. This is the part of the process that allows you to choose the best – don't skimp on it. Ultimately, we chose one of the companies where – interestingly – we picked people, not numbers in spreadsheets. We chose a team, a vision, brains, and passion. We chose a team with which we felt a shared vibe! We chose our partner! This is the beginning of our "The Rebranding Journey." PL Kluczowe przy rozpoczęciu procesu tak istotnych zmian w firmie, jak rebranding, jest znalezienie odpowiedniego partnera – niezależnie od tego, czy realizujesz zadanie na dużą skalę, czy dotyczy ono mniejszej, lecz równie ważnej działalności. Nie rób tego sam – znajdź partnera! W naszym procesie to Kinga Mieruszyńska odpowiadała za znalezienie partnera do naszej podróży! Dziesiątki maili i wypełnionych briefów zaowocowały spotkaniami z kilkoma firmami online, a trzech potencjalnych partnerów zaprosiliśmy na spotkania osobiste. Jeżeli proces ma być przeprowadzony dobrze, musisz być szczery i otwarty wobec potencjalnego partnera, przekazać mu pełnię wiedzy na temat swojej organizacji oraz szczegółowo wyrazić oczekiwania. Nie zapomnij o NDA. Z trzech potencjalnych partnerów zdecydowaliśmy się na współpracę z dwoma jednocześnie! (to było wyzwanie!) Etap 0, czyli proces szczegółowej wyceny oraz rozmów z pracownikami i klientami, pozwolił im przygotować kompleksową ofertę. Co ważne, Etap 0 był w pełni wyceniony i rozliczony. To część procesu, która pozwala wybrać najlepszego – nie oszczędzaj na nim. Ostatecznie zdecydowaliśmy się na jedną z firm, gdzie – co ciekawe – wybraliśmy ludzi, a nie cyferki w tabelkach. Wybraliśmy zespół, wybraliśmy wizję, wybraliśmy głowy i pasje. Wybraliśmy zespół, z którym czuliśmy wspólny vibe! Wybraliśmy naszego partnera! To początek naszej „The Rebranding Journey”. Greg Derlukiewicz / Mariusz Ruciński / Kuba Kędzia / Third What Exact x Forestall Group / Steam

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  • Exact x Forestall Group's VP Paweł Wieczorek names the recent rebranding as "a giant leap for our group". Listen how this leading global provider of quality control solutions elevated their market presence with our help.

    Zobacz stronę organizacji dla Exact x Forestall Group

    6755 obserwujących

    A giant leap made for client-centric mission Our over 20 years old history has been so far a massive journey of growth, focused on personalized solutions, addressing quality and constant development. With introduction of new branding, our goal is to empower thousands of clients and guarantee precision and reliability, which manifests through products meeting the highest standards. Thank you for the trust and feedback received so far. Keep on and expect the best from us. And for now, familiarize yourself with the message from Paweł Wieczorek, Vice President of Exact x Forestall Group.

  • Zapraszamy trzeciego dnia każdego miesiąca na indywidualne konsultacje, dyskusje, pogadanki. Trzy po trzy, jeden na jeden. Studenci, projektanci, klienci – mile widziany każdy, kto chce porozmawiać swobodnie, na serio, bez ogródek o tworzeniu marek. Przychodźcie z pomysłami, wątpliwościami czy po prostu ciekawością. Poświęcimy każdemu pełną uwagę podczas 50-minutowego spotkania. Możemy przedyskutować: - koncepcję Waszej marki i jej pozycjonowanie - strategie komunikacji werbalnej i wizualnej - portfolio projektowe - prowadzenie własnej działalności kreatywnej - możliwości współpracy - rozwój kariery w brandingu lub cokolwiek innego związanego z brandingiem, co Was nurtuje. Gdzie: Studio Third What ul. Stanisława Noakowskiego 10/19, Warszawa Kiedy: 3. dzień każdego miesiąca, 9:00-16:00 Format: Spotkania indywidualne, 50 minut Zapisy przez formularz: https://lnkd.in/dR7yFCGc (w kalendarzu kliknij przycisk "Przejdź do następnego wolnego terminu" aby wyświetlić prawidłową datę i listę wolnych terminów) Liczba miejsc ograniczona, decyduje kolejność zgłoszeń.

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  • Breaking conventions can lead to extraordinary results. Our recent rebranding project for Exact x Forestall Group has been featured as "Project of the Week" by Grafmag, who noted: "The rebranding stands as a compelling case study of how going against conventional branding trends can yield powerful results when backed by strong strategic thinking and clear vision." At Third What, we believe that powerful branding isn't about following trends – it's about creating authentic, strategic narratives that strengthen market positions and drive business value. Share your brand challenges with us – we're here to turn them into opportunities. Full article: https://lnkd.in/d4cu5tx5

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  • New project: https://lnkd.in/d5vqNXCW We’re excited to share our latest strategic rebranding for Slowhop.com – Central Europe's premier marketplace for unique holidays. As the leading platform specializing in strictly curated agrotourism and sustainable tourism experiences, Slowhop connects conscious travelers with extraordinary destinations. The challenge: Help an established market leader align their visual communication with their position while preserving the authentic character that made them the go-to platform for unique stays. Our solution delivered measurable impact: 1—Developed a cohesive visual system that merges heritage travel elements with contemporary design 2—Created a scalable identity that works across all business touchpoints 3—Strengthened brand recognition in the competitive travel market The result? A brand identity that not only organizes and elevates Slowhop's communication but also reinforces their position as the trusted destination for conscious travelers seeking genuine, sustainable experiences. Great to see how this work is already supporting Slowhop's continued market growth and helping them maintain their leadership in sustainable tourism.

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  • New case study: https://lnkd.in/d8UQdzqJ Veer, a lounge furniture manufacturer specialising in sofas and modular sofa systems, formerly trading as Adriana Furniture. We've rebranded the company from the ground up with a new philosophy, name and full identity (verbal and visual). Veer was founded on a family tradition, built upon three decades of furniture craftsmanship. A history initiated by the father, a master craftsman and businessman, has been passed down to the daughter - a visionary and innovator. The philosophy of Veer reflects the idea of a sanctuary, a retreat from the outside world, from the hustle and bustle and worries. The relaxation that the furniture aims to provide is an experience of detachment towards bliss, carefreeness, immersion in a soothing state of well-being, drifting amongst the clouds. Veer, a 180-degree turn, symbolises the experience of one who uses perfect furniture, whilst simultaneously viewing reality as a space for change, elevating it to a higher level. What were the objectives? 1.—To develop a positioning strategy distancing a new brand from the old one, and focusing on a new audience and markets. 2.—To design a new brand name and language supporting the positioning strategy and evoking a positive emotional response from the new audience. 3.—To design a comprehensive visual identity that supports the new positioning strategy and attracts fresh audiences to the brand.

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  • New project: https://lnkd.in/dT8jXvDi Exact x Forestall Group is a leading global provider of quality control solutions. As one of the largest companies of its kind in Europe, ExFG, with 7,000 employees across 1,000 manufacturing facilities worldwide (spanning 13 countries from Portugal to China), helps several industries avoid production failures. We elevated the brand image to better represent the global scope of operations of a behemoth of a company, with consistent communication around the notion of prevention, with leading slogan 'Quality is the ultimate prevention'. Our over year-long partnership included Brand Audit + Marketing Analysis, Verbal Design + Communication, Visual Identity, UX architecture, UI design & corporate portal development. The audit, followed by analysis and marketing strategy, took several months and included four brands. It resulted in presenting two recommended architecture scenarios for the Group's brand portfolio, along with a positioning strategy and additional recommendations. The 'x' shape forms the core of the identity, serving as its focal point. The logomark, consisting of four bidirectional arrows, symbolises a dynamic focus on critical action points. This design reinforces the concept of targeted actions with global impact. More than just a symbol, the 'x' sets boundaries, embodying ExFG's control over operations. It represents a system where everything functions within predefined parameters, ensuring streamlined, efficient work in the safest possible environment—free from surprises or complications, which is the domain of a quality control provider.

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  • Industry excellence recognized: Our client Wazdan just claimed "Casino / Slots Developer of the Year" on the SBC global stage. 🏆 This prestigious award speaks volumes about their commitment to innovation, but it also underscores the impact of strategic branding. In just 9 months since their rebrand, we've seen how a refreshed, cohesive brand identity has amplified their market presence, reinforced player trust, and sharpened their competitive edge. In the fast-paced gaming industry, a strong brand isn't just an asset—it's a catalyst for growth and recognition. Seeing a client's vision come to life and gain global accolades is truly rewarding. Here's to pushing boundaries and setting new standards in the gaming world!

  • New team member: Patrycja Stefaniak With over six years of education in Art Direction and Production Management in London, and hands-on experience with over 200 projects, Patrycja expertly executes branding processes, regardless of scale. By leveraging her expertise, she not only secures results but also fortifies relationships with clients and leading professionals within the industry.

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