HR Challenge Poland 2024 (5-6.03.2024r.) is behind us - it was a time of intense exchange of ideas and experiences. During the event, we presented our newest service #VivelioCare, created in cooperation with Mental Path. Wojciech Komnata, PhD nad Magdalena Kostrzon from Nivalit together with Agnieszka Szwedowicz and Łukasz Müldner-Nieckowski from Mental Path invited to support employees with #VivelioCare service to prevent work burnout risk. The presentation "Professional burnout - is it a problem for the manager or the specialist doctor?" was held s part of the session "How to care for employees and hold them in organization". The topic of professional burnout seen from different perspectives will be presented by: Magdalena Kostrzon and Łukasz Müldner-Nieckowski. We firmly believe that VivelioCare can play a key role in cultivating healthier organizations that prioritize employee well-being. Thank you for your support and keen interest in our project. brave conferences - congratulations on the excellent organization of the event! #HRChallenge #VivelioCare #MentalPath #HRInnovation #WorkBurnout #Vivelio #HR
Vivelio is a survey creation and online survey tool based on advanced artificial intelligence algorithms. ✍️ It is the first survey creation tool in Poland that allows behavioral observation. It enables: ➡ Better understanding of the team leading to lower turnover rates ➡ Learn the unconscious needs of the employee ➡ Conduct high-quality research using AI capabilities and in-depth analysis Want to learn more? Visit our website
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- Usługi HR
- Wielkość firmy
- 11–50 pracowników
- Siedziba główna
- Kraków, Małopolskie
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- 2020
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- Badania ankietowe, Kwestionariusze ankiet, Badania pracownicze , Badania opinii konsumenckiej, Badania rynku, Badania okresowe i Badania ankietowe
First day od HR Challenge Poland 2024 (5-6.03.2024r.) behind us!
HR Challenge Poland 2024 (5-6.03.2024r.) Pierwszy dzień V Forum dobiega końca❗ To był dzień pełen eksperckich wystąpień, wymiany doświadczeń, wspólnych dyskusji i poszukiwania rozwiązań najważniejszych #wyzwańHR. Dzisiejsze wystąpienia wygłosili przedstawiciele InPost, MOWI Central Europe, Netguru, Signify, PepsiCo, Primark, Agora SA, CD PROJEKT RED, Dr Irena Eris S.A. ERIS, PZU, Angelini Pharma Polska, 4kraft, ERBUD GROUP, Dr.Max Polska, Grupa Unibep, BIOTON S.A., Kaufland Polska, BORG Automotive Reman. Pierwszego dnia Forum eksperci i uczestnicy skupili swoją uwagę na 🎯 #Rynkupracy i pozyskiwaniu pracownika a koszty wynagrodzeń; 🎯 Docieraniu do kandydatów i tworzeniu atrakcyjnej #ofertypracy; 🎯 Budowaniu #motywacji i zaangażowania pracownika; 🎯 Prowadzeniu rozmów o #wynagrodzeniach i zarządzaniu nimi. Uczestnicy mieli również okazję wziąć udział w warsztatach #problemsolvingzone: 1️⃣ Od słów do działania: kiedy opinie o firmach reprezentują pozytywne doświadczenia #pracowników i kandydatów; 2️⃣ HR jako #lider zmiany: strategię na cyfrową #transformacjęorganizacji; 3️⃣ #Workforce transformation: od strategicznego HR do zarządzania operacjami; 4️⃣ Process Communiation Model – poznaj unikatowy model #komunikacji, który uratował misje NASA. Niżej krótka relacja z dzisiejszego dnia. Zapraszamy również na drugi dzień Forum: sesję plenarną nt. #efektywności organizacji a zmiany modelu pracy oraz nowych #technologii oraz sesje tematyczne dotyczące troski o pracownika i zatrzymania go w #organizacji, zapewnieniu organizacji potrzebnych #kompetencji czy jak korzystać z danych HR #AI i nowoczesnych technologii. Do zobaczenia jutro❗ Patronami Forum są: Iron Mountain, LeasingTeam Group, SD Worx Poland, eq system, GRUPA ODITK, Productive24, Hogan Assessments, WEBCON, PwC,, Nivalit, Mental Path, Flexee, Gamfi, Lunching, Ideo Software, BERLITZ, (Knowledge Base Platform), Chocolissimo, Urząd Pracy Warszawy, Fundacja Onkologiczna Rakiety. Patronat medialny nad wydarzeniem objęli: HR LINK, GOLDEN LINE, HR POLSKA, FRIENDLY WORKPLACE, MARKA PRACODAWCY, PORADNIK PRZEDSIĘBIORCY, SEKA, FOCUS ON BUSINESS, PORADNIK PRACOWNIKA. #HRCHALLENGE #EVENTDLAHR #WYZWANIAHR #ZARZĄDZANIEZASOBAMILUDZKIMI #KULTURAORGANIZACJI #EFEKTYWNOŚĆORGANIZACJI #HRILIDER #KRYZYSWORGANIZACJI
Vivelio ponownie to opublikował(a)
First day of HR Challenge Poland 2024 (5-6.03.2024r.). Topics discussed will range from strategies for attracting the right employee to preventing employee attrition. The subject of data management will resonate in many sessions. Wojciech Komnata, PhD , Agnieszka Szwedowicz and Łukasz Müldner-Nieckowski - we are here as Vivelio and Mental Path to introduce Vivelio Care - a comprehensive service that includes not only burnout screening, but also psychological support for employees.
At HR Challenge Poland 2024 (5-6.03.2024r.), we will be launching our service in partnership with Mental Path - #VivelioCare, which is part of our Vivelio brand. 🎉 And it was created precisely by listening to customers' needs. VivelioCare is a complex service aimed at detecting #workburnout risk factors and eliminating them. This symptom negatively affects the well-being and performance of employees in a company. Our priority is prevention, not reaction to the crisis, so we focus on identifying and taking action in the early stages of professional burnout development. Want to learn more? Join us at HR Challenge 2024! 🌟🔍 #HRChallenge #Nivalit #Vivelio #Mentalpath #WorkBurnout #HumanResourcesManagement #HRInnovation
Decisions made by customers significantly impact the success of every business project. The success of an undertaking and the ongoing business operations depend on customers. 👥 Satisfied customers become loyal ambassadors, ready to share positive experiences. It is through them that a company builds not only its brand but an entire community. ✅ Companies that focus on customer service can effectively develop their competitive advantage. Customers willingly return to brands and products they know, provided they feel well taken care of during the purchasing process and are satisfied with the product quality. 💻 This is why Vivelio always prioritizes customer experiences. Our attention to detail, intuitive design, and swift support build trust among users. Customer satisfaction surveys have transitioned from a luxury to a necessity ✨. They provide a true picture of the situation and insights into how to strengthen the company's position in the eyes of consumers 👁. An entrepreneur keen on business development should focus on analyzing customer satisfaction to effectively respond to the evolving needs of both new and existing customers.
Changes in the labor market are an inevitable process. From the study "Future of skills. Employment in 2030" - conducted by the Nesta Foundation, shows that as many as 70% of people have an occupation whose way of doing things will change. This means not only extensive changes in the implementation of new processes but also in the ways of performing activities in the area of selected jobs. 📌 Unfortunately, as many as 20% of workers have jobs that will be replaced entirely by robots. How might such predictions affect an employee's perception of his current job and the level of uncertainty? Concerns about losing one's place of employment are increasing with the development of modern technologies, and with them, tension and declining levels of commitment. What steps can you take to retain your team's high level of performance? Find out in our latest article available at: 🧠 #FutureOfWork #EmploymentTrends #JobSecurity #TechnologyImpact #WorkplaceChanges #EmployeePerformance #CareerDevelopment #HR
Emotional marketing is a strategy that focuses on creating and leveraging emotional connections between a brand and its audience. Its goal is to evoke specific emotions that resonate with the target audience, leading to increased brand loyalty, engagement, and ultimately customer satisfaction. Many well-known brands employ emotional marketing strategies to build strong and lasting relationships with their customers. Some examples include: Nike is renowned for its campaigns that focus on motivation, determination, and achieving goals. The famous slogan "Just Do It" is not just about the product but also about conveying emotions associated with overcoming challenges and achieving success. Coca-Cola has long employed emotional marketing, especially during the holiday season. Their advertisements often emphasize values such as joy, community, and love. Dove has gained recognition for its campaigns that focus on positive body image and building self-confidence. These companies are aware of the positive reception of their ads and the expectations of their consumers regarding the values the brand represents. Where do they gather this knowledge? Check out our latest post #EmotionalMarketing #BrandStrategy #CustomerEngagement #BrandLoyalty #CustomerSatisfaction #ConsumerExpectations #BrandValues #MarketingInsights #vievlio #surveys #SurveyTool #marketing #marketingb2b
Vivelio articles - Use of surveys in business
The world of work is evolving, presenting us with new challenges, and one of them is the phenomenon of “quiet quitting”, which is becoming increasingly noticeable in the job market. The introduction of the term “great resignation” in 2021 led to reflection and widespread professional changes. However, surprisingly, the great resignation has transitioned into a new phase – quiet quitting 💼. Employees aren't necessarily quitting their jobs but are gradually disengaging, performing only the essential minimum. This phenomenon is often linked to burnout. Faced with stress, frustration, and a lack of satisfaction, employees start executing their duties mechanically, devoid of emotional involvement. It's not just about the younger Generation Z, It's a response to changing trends and needs in the workplace. 🔥📤 Overcoming quiet quitting requires understanding its roots and implementing remedial actions. Empathetic leadership, clear communication, and offering non-monetary benefits that support work-life balance are crucial to motivating teams. Assess the level of burnout to react in a timely manner. Research and implement with Vivelio. #Burnout #QuietQuitting #WorkplaceTrends #Motivation #NonMonetaryBenefits #TeamManagement
Are you an HR leader who faces daily challenges in managing compensation, organizational effectiveness, talent acquisition, employee motivation, and ensuring psychological safety in the company? Join the 5th edition of HR Challenge Poland 2024 (5-6.03.2024r.), of which our company is a partner. This is a unique forum where more than 300 HR professionals share their knowledge and experience. We are pleased that among the experts there will also be representatives of our company - Nivalit. The event will feature a presentation by Wojciech Komnata, PhD. The speech will address such topics as: 👉 Preventive actions of the manager - stress monitoring, education of the team space for open conversation, individual consultations, and team workshops. 👉 What is the opposite of professional burnout - work engagement or work-life balance? 👉 What extent do co-workers influence the level of professional burnout Join the event. Don't miss the opportunity to learn how to solve the challenges of modern HR effectively! 🔍🚀 #HRChallenge #HRMeeting #HRConference #BraveConferences #HRLeadership #Networking #HRManagement #Nivalit #SurveyTool #Vivelio
The most recent study conducted by Michael Page unveils the aspirations of today's employees. Surprisingly, a whopping 92% of respondents consider career advancement as either “very important” or "important." The results emphasize the significance of striving for success and career progression in the workplace. What else does the study reveal? 🔍 Many employees expect transparency from their employers. As much as 87% of respondents believe that companies should communicate promotion criteria, with 63% considering access to well-defined career paths a crucial element of work engagement. 💡 However, surprisingly, 54% of employees have never asked for a promotion. Why? Primarily because they believe it's the employer's role to initiate the conversation about career advancement (45%). 👉 What does this mean for your company? - Competency assessment is crucial! Understanding employees' ambitions, skills, and goals allows tailoring promotion strategies to individual needs. - Transparency is the cornerstone of successful talent management. Clear promotion criteria and career paths motivate employees and strengthen their commitment. - Mentoring and training are essential! The majority of employees desire mentors (67%) and access to professional training (89%) concerning career advancement. 🚀 To assess the competency levels of your team members and simultaneously verify their knowledge of both hard and soft skills, try Vivelio's survey tool. 💼📈 Evaluate and implement positive changes. #JobMarketStudy #Career #Advancement #ProfessionalDevelopment #EmployeeCompetencies #CareerSuccess #Vivelio #surveytool #surveys #HR