March 31, 2019 Fix It Already! How often have you run across something so obviously bad or behind the times that you just want to scream: Hey, fix this already!…
March 24, 2019 Preparing for Your Digital Afterlife What happens to your digital life when you die? The answer is only slightly less philosophical than what happens to your soul. The laws,…
March 17, 2019 Enter the Panopticon (Part 2) In second half of my interview with EFF’s Bill Budington, Bill helps us understand how we can at least attempt to disguise ourselves on…
March 10, 2019 Enter the Panopticon (Part 1) In the first part of my discussion with Bill Budington from the EFF, we’re going to talk about some of the key ways in…
March 3, 2019 Account Defense in Depth The Mayor of Tampa, Florida, had this Twitter account hacked due to “the usual weaknesses, including poor passwords.” The hackers used the account to…