Free With Ads

Why pay for streaming services when movies like Timecop and Grease 2 can be watched for nothing more than the cost of enduring a few loud, unskippable ads? Join us every week for a dive into the internet’s bargain bin! Emily Fleming and Jordan Morris are real friends, real comedy writers and real cheapskates. They met working in comedy writing rooms and bonded over their love of “trashy” pop culture and saving a buck. They’re combining these loves for the podcast “Free With Ads,” a movie review show dedicated to the weird, amazing, inexplicable movies streaming free on an internet near you.
These three kids are great!
17 feb
I am so happy Emily plugged this on Good Mythical Weekend. Ya’ll are amazing and fun to listen to. I am so glad this podcast exists.
Weekly must listen!
27 ene
Fantastic rapport between the hosts. Makes the morning work commute fly by. I even enjoy listening to the episodes for films I’ve never seen, that’s how engaging their conversations are. Love this pod!
It’s like, like, like, like
5 feb
Good grief, enough with “like” already
Free, with enjoyment.
20 ene
It’s become one of my regular listens and now I regularly find myself narrating various actions with the stinger beat, so thanks to Matt Lieb for ruining my life like that. If only I could also summon godzilla sounds to pepper in.
Acerca de
- Canal
- CreadorEmily Fleming, Jordan Morris
- Años de actividad2024 - 2025
- Episodios57
- ClasificaciónExplícito
- Copyright© 2024 Maximum Fun
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