Free SPF Generator Tool

Use our free SPF Record Generator tool to secure your domain. By listing all the sending sources authorized to send email from your domain, you can block email spoofing attempts from outsiders. Generate your unique SPF record, publish it on your DNS, and you’re all set!

SPF Record Generator

Use this tool to generate your SPF record.

Please enter a valid IPv4 addresses. If you have multiple IPv4 addresses, please separate them using a space
Please enter a valid IPv6 addresses. If you have multiple IPv6 addresses, please separate them using a space
Please enter a valid domain name, without the http:// prefix. If you have multiple domain names, please separate them using a space
Please enter a valid domain name, without the http:// prefix. If you have multiple domain names, please separate them using a space
Please enter a valid domain name, without the http:// prefix. If you have multiple domain names, please separate them using a space
Please enter a valid domain name, without the http:// prefix. If you have multiple domain names, please separate them using a space

Please publish the following DNS TXT Record on your domain’s DNS

Record Type : TXT
Host : @

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Why Should I Use an SPF Record Generator Tool?

Configuring SPF for your domain with the instant SPF record generator helps receiving MTAs check which IP addresses are allowed to send emails on your behalf. This ensures that unauthorized sending sources cannot send emails posing to be you.

PowerDMARC’s free SPF record generator allows you to: 

  • Instantly create an SPF record for your domain

  • Generate a valid and error-free SPF record

  • Directly copy the created SPF record by clicking on the copy button

  • Configure SPF authentication for your domain by publishing the SPF record in your DNS

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Steps to Publish the Generated SPF Record in Your DNS 

  • Log in to your DNS management console

  • Navigate to your desired domain

  • Specify your resource type: TXT

  • Specify your hostname: _spf

  • Paste the value of your generated SPF record

  • Save changes to configure SPF for your domain

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“On Joining PowerDMARC’s MSP venture I realized how easy the configuration is, how nice and smooth their portal is, and how tremendously responsive they are on the support side. The founders of PowerDMARC saw a need, filled the need and here you are, reading this text, hoping that your need will be met. Trust me, it will…”

miguel de sousa pires | CEO & Founder, Private Hosting Ltd.
