Mission vs Vision

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The vision statement focuses on tomorrow and what the organization wants to become. The mission statement focuses on today and what the organization does. While companies commonly use mission and vision statements interchangeably, it is important to have both. One doesn’t work without the other, because having purpose and meaning are critical for any business.

Your mission statement drives the company. It is what you do and from it come the objectives and finally, what it takes to reach those objectives. It also shapes your company’s culture. Questions to consider when drafting mission statements could include – what is our organization’s purpose, why does our organization exist.

The vision statement promotes growth, both internally and externally. A strong vision helps teams focus on what matters the most for their company. Questions to consider when drafting vision statements might include – what problem are we seeking to solve, where are we headed.

On the flip side, a lack of vision is a road to nowhere for a business. Imagine this: stagnation, outdated processes, moving without purpose, feeling uninspired. Can a company even survive without a clear vision?

Management cannot create a new values statement or ethics code and expect immediate change. For an organization to have an effective values statement, it must fully embrace its values and ethics at all levels of the company and use them daily to guide its attitudes, actions and decision-making.

This template will be useful for startups when presenting a mission and vision at an investor meeting. You can use multiple slide options to find the best fit for your industry. Salespeople can use the slides in this template to prepare for their major customer meetings. You can describe in detail the mission and values ​​of the company.

Human resources managers can use the slides in this template to prepare corporate culture information. Each new employee of the company will be able to study in detail the corporate culture of the company based on the presentation you have developed. CEOs can use this template when changing their company strategy. You can also use the slides in this template as you prepare for a multi-company merger and develop a new mission and vision.

University professors can use this template to prepare courses on strategic planning and corporate culture in the enterprise. You can add slides of this template to your business plan.

This PowerPoint does an excellent job of comparing and contrasting your vision and mission statements. More importantly, it visually shows how your company vision and company mission come together to provide a core set of values for shareholders and stakeholders. The hues of blues and yellows are calming to the eye — drawing attention to the core strategy and aspirations of your startup and/or enterprise. All content and graphics are editable and customizable.