Leaders Warriors Friends
My family and I are deeply grateful for the friendship, encouragement, and unwavering support you have shared with us over the years—both personally and professionally. Your kindness and connection mean more to us than words can express.
Every time someone stops me on the street, in a restaurant, or anywhere else to say hello, it truly touches my heart. Those moments remind me of the genuine bonds we’ve built, and my family and I cherish each one of them.
To those who have supported Lucy and her journey with Fine Design Gallery, thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Your encouragement has been invaluable, and we are endlessly grateful.
In 2024, we embarked on a new chapter with LABAAP.Official. Our mission is bold yet simple: to empower college students to thrive before graduation, support individuals transitioning into new industries, and enhance businesses—big and small—across Puerto Rico and the Americas.
Over the years, I’ve come to truly understand the power of networking. Whether it’s through a handshake, a conversation, or a connection online, I’ve witnessed the incredible potential of relationships to inspire growth and open doors. Social media has been a profound tool for building these connections, allowing me to foster meaningful personal and professional relationships across the globe.
With this in mind, I humbly ask for the opportunity to collaborate with you. Whether it’s achieving your goals, navigating new challenges, or unlocking potential, LABAAP, my family, and I are here to walk alongside you on your journey.
Finally, thank you simply for being here—sharing your time, energy, and connection. Remember to cherish every moment with family and friends. No matter what challenges you face, know that you are blessed.
I wish you all health, strength, and wisdom. Let’s make today—and every day—one of purpose and gratitude.
With appreciation!
Israel & Family
🦃 Happy Thanksgiving! 🍂
Today, we are grateful for your trust and support. Wishing you and your loved ones a day filled with joy, love, and togetherness.
🦃 ¡Feliz Día de Acción de Gracias! 🍂
Hoy estamos agradecidos por tu confianza y apoyo. Te deseamos a ti y a tus seres queridos un día lleno de alegría, amor y unión.
#labaap #HappyThanksgiving #ThanksgivingDay #DíaDeAcciónDeGracias #FelizAcciónDeGracias