Você está gerenciando funcionários de alto desempenho em risco de esgotamento. Como você pode garantir seu sucesso sustentado?
Os de alto desempenho são o motor da sua equipe, mas o risco de esgotamento pode impedir o progresso. Mantenha-os disparando em todos os cilindros com estas estratégias:
- Incentive pausas regulares para recarregar as energias e reduzir o estresse.
- Defina metas e expectativas realistas para evitar sobrecarga.
- Promova uma cultura de comunicação aberta para que os funcionários expressem preocupações.
Quais estratégias você achou eficazes na prevenção do esgotamento entre os de alto desempenho?
Você está gerenciando funcionários de alto desempenho em risco de esgotamento. Como você pode garantir seu sucesso sustentado?
Os de alto desempenho são o motor da sua equipe, mas o risco de esgotamento pode impedir o progresso. Mantenha-os disparando em todos os cilindros com estas estratégias:
- Incentive pausas regulares para recarregar as energias e reduzir o estresse.
- Defina metas e expectativas realistas para evitar sobrecarga.
- Promova uma cultura de comunicação aberta para que os funcionários expressem preocupações.
Quais estratégias você achou eficazes na prevenção do esgotamento entre os de alto desempenho?
Some strategies to manage high performers risk of burnout 1. Regular Feedback and Reflection 3. Gratitude Practice 4. Self-Care and Self-Compassion 4. Foster a Supportive Community 5. Me Time and Take a Pause !
Some ways to get started: 1. Remind them to take regular breaks to recharge and stay motivated. 2. Set goals that are realistic to avoid too much stress. 3. Make it easy for them to share any concerns. 4. Celebrate their achievements to keep their spirits up. 5. Offer flexible work options to help with work-life balance.
It is always better if we can have our ears on ground to sense the burnout among the high performers. 1) Having a constant and open dialogue with the concerned team member and provide an assurance that we as a leader will watch out for them. 2) Offer to provide with solution whenever you sense there is an issue with regard to burnout, but ensure this doesn't result into micro managing. 2) Counsel them regularly and coach them to handle the situation 3) Assure them with proper resources so that they do not feel left out. Ensure to abide by the assurance that is provided. Trust building is a key factor. Once the team members trust and believe that the leaders are there to back them, the performance significantly improves.
Here are some simple and effective steps to prevent burnout in your team: 1. Promote work life balance: a) Offer WFH where necessary b) Fixed shifts c) Promote taking breaks or take breaks with them if they are in the office 2. Workload monitoring and proper assignment is key 3. Communicate with the teams frequently. Promote voicing out if they have issues 4. Hire adequate staff if your teams are understaffed. If it's a seasonal volume increase, hire temporary workers 5. Rewards and recognition While these are fundamental steps, your relationship with the team plays a crucial role. When team members feel valued and respected, they are more willing to handle additional responsibilities, so always prioritize showing them respect.
Burnout happens not because you do a lot, but because you do less of the things that nourishes you. Once you fill up your own cup, you will have the ability to flourish again, see things from another perspective, fresh ideas and deeper connection to your meaning and purpose. 1. Promote work-life balance, as a leader be wary of transmitting your frantic-draining energy to your team. Learn to respect boundaries. Not everything demands urgency. Respect personal time. Ex: If your team is off and shows offline on teams do not call to invite in a meeting. 2. For team members: set boudaries. Saying Yes all the time is unproductive. This will result to personal neglect then resentment. Dont over commit. Empowerful no leads to meanignful yes
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