O primeiro passo é definir claramente o problema que você quer resolver ou o objetivo que você deseja alcançar. É preciso entender as causas raízes, os sintomas, os impactos e as partes interessadas do problema. Você pode usar várias ferramentas e métodos, como entrevistas, pesquisas, observações, análise de dados e modelos de solução de problemas, para reunir e analisar informações. Você também deve envolver as pessoas relevantes no processo de definição do problema, para garantir sua adesão e comprometimento.
The problem can only be described by those immediately experiencing it. Those closest to the problem also are closest to the solution. It is imperative to center these people, not those in leadership usually far removed from the actual situation or process of concern. Elevating the voices of the usually marginalized employee should be a priority for every OD practitioner. Their contribution should be prioritized, and heavily influences the uptake of improvement interventions.
As you do the steps indicated above, it allows you to become more knowledgeable and refine the scope to a more narrow lens. To further define the problem, you should lead with curiosity. You can ask questions based on data, procedures, and/or inputs, such as: - how often does this occur? - when does it occur? - why does it occur? - where does it occur? You should then be able to start putting together a more clear picture of the problem and supporting statements.
Selecting the optimal intervention for an organizational problem involves a systematic approach. Start by defining the problem clearly, then assess potential interventions based on their alignment with organizational goals, resources required, feasibility, and anticipated outcomes. Conduct thorough research, considering past successes and industry best practices. Engage stakeholders to gather diverse perspectives and ensure buy-in. Prioritize interventions that offer sustainable solutions and address root causes. Pilot testing can validate effectiveness before full implementation. Ultimately, the best intervention is one that fits the unique context of the organization and promises the greatest positive impact on the identified problem.
Deep Data Dive is key to problem identification. Conduct a thorough analysis of available data, including financial reports, performance metrics, customer feedback, and organizational documents. This quantitative and qualitative data provides valuable insights into the underlying issues. Then engage with key stakeholders, from frontline employees to top-level executives, to gather their perspectives and firsthand experiences. This qualitative approach helps us understand different viewpoints, identify blind spots, and uncover hidden challenges.
When defining the problem, it's important not to confuse the presenting problem with the underlying (root cause) problem. The OD practitioner must work closely with the key business stakeholders to ensure they're considering interventions that help resolve the underlying problem, as this is what's causing the presenting problem. If we fail to address the deeper rooted issues, we can invest in interventions that don't have the long-term success and results we're hoping to achieve. Doing this right from the start will help build credibility for OD practitioners and lead to positive results that drive the business forward.
O próximo passo é identificar os resultados desejados da intervenção, ou o que você deseja mudar ou melhorar como resultado da intervenção. Você deve especificar os benefícios esperados, os indicadores de sucesso e o prazo para alcançá-los. Você também deve alinhar os resultados com a visão, missão, valores e estratégia da organização e comunicá-los às partes interessadas. Você pode usar ferramentas como metas SMART, modelos lógicos ou teoria da mudança para definir e medir seus resultados.
Identifying desired outcomes is crucial for ensuring that interventions align with organizational goals and deliver tangible benefits. 🎯 Use SMART goals to set clear, measurable targets, and logic models or theory of change to map out the path to success. 🛤️ This not only keeps everyone on the same page but also boosts stakeholder buy-in by clearly linking outcomes to the organization's vision and strategy. 🌟 Communicating these outcomes effectively can transform stakeholder engagement and drive collective effort towards achieving them. 🚀
Using business process flow maps, you can document the current state. This allows stakeholders and influencers to see and understand the big picture with the smaller steps that create the outcome. Your next step is to examine and analyze the process flow to understand the bottlenecks, loopholes, questions, and steps. You should be able to give into these areas to propose improvements to the flow and test the results. After conducting the theory, you can document the new future state process. Identify an owner to monitor and manage the work. As they see normal and outliers, examine them to confirm you are meeting the expected service levels.
Referencing the ADKAR model, when there is an Awareness for an improvement of a specific area in an organisation, this will therefore define the SMART goals to be developed and the planned outcomes which are desired to strengthen the issues identified.
If you don't know where you're going, it's hard to get there. Things move fast. But take a breath, examine the road ahead, and determine if you're heading in the right direction. A short pause could be essential to getting it right.
Before diving into solutions, take time to understand the specific goals you aim to achieve and the impact you wish to create. This clarity guides the selection of interventions by aligning potential strategies with these outcomes. For example, if improving team collaboration is the goal, interventions might include team-building activities or collaboration workshops. Conversely, if increasing efficiency is the target, process reengineering or technology upgrades could be more appropriate. Evaluate each potential intervention against the desired outcomes, considering factors like feasibility, cost, and impact.
O terceiro passo é avaliar a prontidão e a capacidade da organização e das pessoas para implementar e sustentar a intervenção. Você precisa considerar o nível de urgência, motivação e apoio para a mudança, bem como a disponibilidade de recursos, habilidades e conhecimento. Você também deve identificar as possíveis barreiras, riscos e desafios que podem dificultar ou atrasar a intervenção. Você pode usar ferramentas como análise SWOT, análise de campo de força ou análise de partes interessadas para avaliar sua prontidão e capacidade.
This is an example of when Change Management is truly applied via surveys, engagement, and training deliverables. Via polling or other qualitative/quantitative methods, you use that data to help measure influence. You can also leverage stakeholders engagement with dialogues and listen ing to their voice. Training content and communication is where you build ability to learn new habits and unlearn old habits for adoption.
Start by clearly defining the problem and analyzing its root causes. Conduct a readiness assessment to evaluate leadership support, cultural readiness, and employee engagement. Evaluate organizational capacity: financial, human, technological resources, skills, and infrastructure. Perform a needs assessment through surveys, interviews, and a SWOT. Ensure the intervention aligns with organizational goals. Evaluate potential impact. Identify risks and develop mitigation plans. Conduct small-scale pilots to test the intervention’s feasibility. Finally, establish KPIs and feedback loops for continuous monitoring and improvement. This comprehensive approach ensures effective and appropriate interventions for addressing organizational problems.
This third step should in fact be the fourth. And the listed 4th step - looking at the interventions - should be the 3rd. Why? Well you can only assess the organisational readiness when you know what (the range of interventions) it is being considered against. The 5th step follows, as in choosing the best course of action having decided how ready the organisation is to execute it.
It is imperative to evaluate the organization's and individuals' preparedness and capability to effectively implement and maintain the intervention. This assessment should encompass factors such as the urgency, motivation, and support for the proposed change, as well as the accessibility of resources, skills, and knowledge. Additionally, it is crucial to identify potential obstacles, risks, and challenges that may impede or prolong the intervention. To assess readiness and capacity, tools such as SWOT analysis, force field analysis, or stakeholder analysis can be employed.
I like to look at these situations from a worst case scenario. If readiness and capacity are low, start a phased approach to change, by building awareness and readiness among key stakeholders. This might involve conducting workshops or town hall meetings to communicate the need for change, its benefits, and the role of each stakeholder in the process. Simultaneously, efforts could focus on capacity-building, training programs or resource allocation, to equip the organization with the necessary tools and skills to support the proposed changes. By gradually building readiness and capacity over time, you can lay a solid foundation for successful implementation and sustainability of an intervention.
O quarto passo é explorar as possíveis intervenções que poderiam abordar o problema e alcançar os resultados. Você precisa pesquisar e comparar diferentes tipos de intervenções, como treinamento, coaching, formação de equipes, melhoria de processos ou reestruturação organizacional, e como elas se encaixam em sua situação. Você também deve considerar a viabilidade, adequação e aceitabilidade de cada intervenção, bem como as evidências de sua eficácia e impacto. Você pode usar ferramentas como matriz de intervenção, análise de custo-benefício ou revisão de práticas recomendadas para explorar suas opções.
The initiative is not in itself the solution. The solution lies on the directed action of the collective who initiate change with clarity over implementation, iteration of relevant steps and measurement while maintaining a degree of flexibility over adjusting the course if needed. Change becomes sustainable when it is centred around collaborative system thinking that focuses on shared value creation. Moreover, it requires relevant metrics to evaluate change impact against agreed outcomes through a combination of milestones and sprints mapped out as part of the change program.
O passo final é selecionar a melhor intervenção com base em sua análise e avaliação. Você precisa pesar os prós e contras de cada intervenção, e como eles correspondem aos seus critérios e prioridades. Você também deve consultar e envolver as partes interessadas no processo de tomada de decisão, e explicar a lógica e as expectativas da intervenção escolhida. Você pode usar ferramentas como matriz de decisão, construção de consenso ou teste piloto para selecionar sua intervenção.
Seguindo esses passos e critérios, você pode escolher a melhor intervenção para o seu problema organizacional específico e aumentar a probabilidade de alcançar resultados positivos e duradouros.
Integrate AI in steps 4 and 5. As an OD practitioner, these steps have an opportunity now where we can use technology to help us do our jobs more effectively and efficiently.
To choose the best intervention for a specific organizational problem, I first conduct a thorough diagnosis to understand the root causes. This involves gathering data through surveys, interviews, and observations. Next, I evaluate potential interventions based on their relevance, feasibility, and alignment with organizational goals. I also consider the impact on employees and stakeholders. Finally, I pilot the intervention, gather feedback, and adjust as necessary before full implementation.
Apply PDCA, the so called Deming cycle of Plan Do Check Act. Agility here is key, being able to assess what is working and adapting as you go. Nothing happens in a vacuum.
Pilot testing If feasible, consider piloting the selected intervention on a smaller scale before implementing it organization-wide. This allows for testing and refinement of the intervention based on real-world feedback and results.
The above-mentioned five points are all things I would have included had they not been mentioned, and all are vital to the success of an intervention. Nevertheless, one element that should be mentioned above is communication. When interventions occur, leaders must possess the ability to adequately communicate the problem(s) being addressed by the intervention, the intervention's need, and the projected outcomes of the intervention and any inherent changes thereto. The inability to justify the vitality of an intervention can cause push back from organizational members and delay the implementation of the intervention, subsequently leading to a delay in fixing the issues.
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