Uma das melhores maneiras de aprender com os especialistas e manter-se atualizado sobre as últimas tendências e melhores práticas é ler e seguir blogs, boletins informativos, podcasts, livros e cursos que abordam o tema. Algumas das fontes mais populares e respeitáveis de conteúdo de growth hacking são Growth Marketing Pro, The Growth Show, Hacking Growth e Growth Tribe. Você também pode seguir hackers de crescimento influentes no Twitter, LinkedIn ou Medium, como Sean Ellis, Brian Balfour, Andrew Chen e Neil Patel.
- Clean your followers by subscribing to the content you like while unfollowing the people who are not making a difference. - Read as much as you can. - Subscribe to the various newsletters. - Follow people who give knowledge. - Talk to people and learn from their experiences.
I've noticed that diving into the deep end with growth hacking can teach you more than any guide. It's in the trenches, testing out tactics from the greats or engaging with fellow entrepreneurs at meetups, where the real growth magic happens. Don't just read about growth; start writing your own playbook.
Absorb knowledge like a sponge. Stay curious and keep learning—always be reading about the latest trends in your industry and beyond. Read up on those who've achieved some of your goals already, what did they do? What do they recommend? It's all about constantly learning, trying out new ideas, and then sharing what you've learned with others.
I would suggest that you can waste a lot of time following other bloggers on the subject of growth hacking etc. Better to follow domain experts so you can learn about interesting domains such as #AI or #web3. More important still is to dive in and start sharing insights. It is valuable to become a thought leader in your chosen domain.
Growth hacking, by its very nature, will look different across different distribution strategies at the same company, let alone across different companies or industries. Survivorship bias is real, algorithms and trends change, and there's no "best" way to do it. And this is all good news! That means you have the chance to apply the basic principles in unique ways to stand out from your competitors.
Ler e seguir não basta. Também é importante praticar e aplicar o que você aprendeu em sua própria startup. A melhor maneira de fazer isso é executar experimentos de crescimento, medir os resultados e iterar com base nos dados. Experimentos de crescimento são testes em pequena escala que visam validar ou invalidar uma hipótese sobre como crescer sua startup. Por exemplo, você pode testar diferentes títulos, imagens ou CTAs em sua página de destino, diferentes canais ou mensagens para seu alcance ou diferentes recursos ou incentivos para seu programa de indicação. Para executar experimentos de crescimento de forma eficaz, use ferramentas como Google Analytics, Optimizely, Mailchimp ou Typeform.
As you know, it is impossible to enter the same river twice. A river is a stream that is constantly changing. Same thing with growth hacking. All the growth hacking tools we have are just components for a new experiment. But fortune favors the brave. Experiment as you should, and come what may.
Growth hacking is more art than science. Don't expect tremendous results if you're merely copying what others have already done. A prime example of this is Dropbox and their highly successful strategy of incentivising existing users to bring in new ones. Following their success, many other startups attempted the same approach. However, over time, the results dwindled because everyone was doing it. It's valuable to learn from what others are doing, but it's even better to devise novel approaches.
Effective growth hacking is not only the application of tactics and tools but also a deep understanding of the behaviors, challenges, and motivations of your users. By investing time in market research, customer interviews, and data analysis, you can uncover valuable insights that will inform your growth strategies. This information will help target your growth experiments more accurately and create more relevant campaigns and messages.
Reading about growth is useful but real skill development comes from hands-on application! Run small experiments on your startup to validate growth ideas. This could include testing landing page variations, outreach channels and messages, referral program incentives. Use tools like Optimizely and Brevo to deploy tests and track impact on signups, conversions, engagement. Analyze results objectively and double down on what moves the needle. Rapid iteration and continuous small-scale testing will sharpen your growth hacking skills. Skills are honed through practice. So focus on running quantified experiments, measuring outcomes, and optimizing based on data. This first-hand experience is how to improve.
To improve growth hacking skills: Identify focus areas. Practice hands-on. Analyze data. Stay updated. Network. Seek feedback. Mentorship. Create valuable content. Embrace experimentation. Solve challenges creatively. Iterate and optimize. Define metrics. Document successes and lessons. Enhance skills through practical application and learning.
Outra maneira de melhorar suas habilidades de growth hacking é aprender e interagir com outros growth hackers. Você pode participar de comunidades, fóruns, grupos ou eventos on-line focados em growth hacking, como GrowthHackers Community, Indie Hackers, Product Hunt ou GrowthHackers Conference. Você também pode participar de encontros, workshops ou bootcamps off-line que oferecem treinamento prático e mentoria sobre growth hacking, como Growth Hacking Bootcamp, Growth Hackers Academy ou Growth Marketing Bootcamp. Essas plataformas permitem que você troque ideias, insights, feedback e oportunidades com outros growth hackers.
Furthermore, in my experience a mindset of continuous testing is crucial. Don't expect to have a perfect strategy from the outset. Instead, create an environment of constant experimentation, where you are always testing, measuring, and adjusting your tactics. This allows you to quickly learn what works and what doesn't, and continuously optimize your growth strategies.
To improve growth hacking skills: Continuously learn. Take online courses. Join peer groups. Attend industry events. Engage in online communities. Listen to webinars/podcasts. Seek mentorship. Experiment. Gather feedback. Stay curious and innovative. Enhance skills through learning and networking.
Subscribe to newsletters and podcasts focused on growth hacking. This will help you stay updated with new techniques and industry developments. Take notes to help retain knowledge.
Analise e otimize seus esforços de growth hacking regularmente. Acompanhe e meça as principais métricas que indicam o sucesso de seus experimentos de crescimento, como conversões, retenção, referências ou receita. Identifique e priorize os principais drivers e alavancas que influenciam essas métricas, como fontes de tráfego, segmentos de usuários, propostas de valor ou loops virais. Use ferramentas como Google Data Studio, Mixpanel, Hotjar ou Amplitude para visualizar e entender seus dados. Use frameworks como o Pirate Metrics, o lean startup ou o Growth Hacking Canvas para orientar sua análise e otimização.
Continuous analysis and optimization of growth efforts are essential for maintaining momentum and achieving sustainable results. By focusing on actionable insights from key metrics and leveraging frameworks for structured evaluation, startups can refine strategies effectively. This disciplined approach ensures alignment with business goals and enhances scalability in competitive landscapes.
'Hacking' growth often means, doing whatever is required to unlock the growth potential of any venture. But, this hacking should come sustainably - otherwise, what follows is a steep downfall right after the quick ascend. What often helps here is looking at things from a first principle level and questioning our actions and strategies to see if it actually makes sense. Once you have a working bare-bone approach towards your execution, make best friends with data and introduce objectivity into your decision making.
To enhance growth hacking skills: Collect and analyze data. Define KPIs. Conduct A/B tests. Optimize conversion funnels. Gather user feedback. Analyze competitors. Iterate based on insights. Embrace experimentation. Use data tools. Test hypotheses. Monitor performance. Document results. Foster a feedback culture. Improve skills through data-driven analysis and optimization.
Track Everything! Implement a data-driven approach by tracking key metrics relevant to your goals. This helps you quantify the impact of your actions and guide future strategies. Befriend aforementioned tools like Google Analytics, Mixpanel, and Hotjar.
Study case studies of successful growth hacking campaigns. Reverse engineer these campaigns to understand the strategies and tactics used. Apply similar approaches to your projects, adapting them to your unique context.
Before PMF, I wouldn't focus a second on Growth Hacking. Or on anything related to Growth for what matters. Be honest and transparent with yourself. While it could suck to admin you are not there yet, it will save you a lot of trouble down the line. After PMF, and only after that, design a pipeline to perform quick experiments based on data.
Growth hacking is not the path to venture success. It's the path to venture failure! Market adaptation is the goal for every venture. To adapt, a venture must learn. And, a venture learns as it intentionally changes its beliefs and behaviors. Growth Hacking implies a quick way to circumvent the hard work of learning. An entrepreneur doesn't grow a unicorn by reading a blog or listening to a podcast. Unicorns are grown by studying the market's dynamics and deeply understanding the venture's capabilities. Entrepreneurs who are driven to summit Mount Unicorn need to ditch the growth hacks and invest in their own learning capacity. Entrepreneurs who learn start and scale ventures that learn, adapt, and dominate. Venture With Vision 😎
This is my favorite tip – Integrate detail mastery into your growth hacking strategies. For example, use your writing skills to create compelling content that attracts and retains users. Focus on the finer details of user experience, ensuring every interaction is optimised for growth.
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