O membro da sua equipe está lutando com o desempenho. Como você pode capacitá-los sem ser controlador?
Quando o desempenho de um membro da equipe cai, é crucial capacitá-lo com cuidado. Veja como ajudar sem ultrapassar:
- Defina expectativas claras e forneça os recursos necessários para atendê-las.
- Incentive a autonomia, pedindo sua opinião sobre soluções e dando-lhes espaço para implementar suas ideias.
- Ofereça feedback construtivo e comemore pequenas vitórias para aumentar a confiança.
Você apoiou com sucesso um colega em dificuldades? Compartilhe sua abordagem.
O membro da sua equipe está lutando com o desempenho. Como você pode capacitá-los sem ser controlador?
Quando o desempenho de um membro da equipe cai, é crucial capacitá-lo com cuidado. Veja como ajudar sem ultrapassar:
- Defina expectativas claras e forneça os recursos necessários para atendê-las.
- Incentive a autonomia, pedindo sua opinião sobre soluções e dando-lhes espaço para implementar suas ideias.
- Ofereça feedback construtivo e comemore pequenas vitórias para aumentar a confiança.
Você apoiou com sucesso um colega em dificuldades? Compartilhe sua abordagem.
To empower a team member struggling with performance, I’ll start by having an open, supportive conversation to understand their challenges and identify any obstacles they’re facing. I’ll work with them to set clear, achievable goals, breaking down larger tasks into manageable steps to build confidence. Rather than micromanaging, I’ll provide resources, mentorship, and regular check-ins to offer guidance without hovering. I’ll celebrate their progress, however small, to reinforce positive momentum and build self-assurance. By focusing on their strengths and encouraging autonomy in problem-solving, I’ll help them improve their performance while maintaining a sense of ownership and growth.
Active listening, let's understand the challenges and difficulties. Instead of micromanagement, I'd provide proper tools (training, time, ...) to help the person to develop with autonomy. The goals should be clear, measurable and reachables, let's work with the team to define challenging though realistic objectives. And constructive and positive feedback is key, celebrating each achievement.
To empower a team member you need to have an understanding of their core skills which is the first level tool to assist them, secondly, have a connection with them where they are open to sharing their challenges if the task is not their core expertise or any other issue. As a first layer I would try to understand where they have been struggling and how could I help them, as it's not always going to be a core area of expertise for me as well, so getting right people to help them, getting them trainings and assistance, or learning by their side and be a support where they do feel they are not just pushed to get the job done.
Have an informal conversation to ensure they are ok. Foster a psychologically safe environment where people feel comfortable sharing, while respecting confidentiality. Begin by asking about their recent successes, starting on a positive note. Seek to understand some of the challenges they are facing by actively listening to their concerns. This approach will help you build the right kind of support and offer suggestions, while also seeking their permission. Ensure expectations are well-defined and achievable. Let them know you're there to support them. Trust them to take ownership of their tasks. Highlight their strengths and areas for improvement without being overly critical. Be a role model and don't micromanage.
In my opinion, if a team member is struggling, the best way to help is by being supportive, not controlling. I believe success is in asking "What obstacles are you facing?" and "How can I help remove them?" This opens honest dialogue and shows trust in their capabilities. Set clear goals, but give them the freedom to figure out the best way to achieve them. Check in regularly, but focus on how they can improve, not just what they're doing wrong.
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