Você se depara com mudanças organizacionais. Como você navega nas discussões de coaching de forma eficaz?
Em tempos de mudanças organizacionais, liderar conversas eficazes de coaching é fundamental. Aqui estão algumas estratégias para guiá-lo:
- Estabeleça confiança sendo transparente sobre as mudanças e como elas afetam as funções.
- Ouça ativamente, reconhecendo as preocupações e explore soluções juntos.
- Defina metas e expectativas claras para alinhar no caminho a seguir.
Como você abordou o coaching em tempos de mudança? Compartilhe suas experiências.
Você se depara com mudanças organizacionais. Como você navega nas discussões de coaching de forma eficaz?
Em tempos de mudanças organizacionais, liderar conversas eficazes de coaching é fundamental. Aqui estão algumas estratégias para guiá-lo:
- Estabeleça confiança sendo transparente sobre as mudanças e como elas afetam as funções.
- Ouça ativamente, reconhecendo as preocupações e explore soluções juntos.
- Defina metas e expectativas claras para alinhar no caminho a seguir.
Como você abordou o coaching em tempos de mudança? Compartilhe suas experiências.
Organizational changes bring challenges, but also opportunities for growth. To navigate coaching discussions effectively, preparation is key: understand the 'why' behind the change, its impact on your coachees and their teams, and their role in the new structure. Evaluate how they align with the evolving organizational goals and encourage agility in leadership. Tailored guidance during transitions fosters resilience and ensures alignment with the bigger picture.
In today's new BAU, not business as usual but business as UNUSUAL, organizations will need to determine how emerging trends can potentially disrupt existing practices and businesses. Coaching interventions to seize opportunities as well as address impact on status quo is thus critical. By doing this proactively and enabling employees to jointly curate what success can look like, they are better able to appreciate the need to evolve and more likely to take on the needed organization changes more constructively.
Organizational changes and the continuity and regularity of these changes in almost all organizations make this a very pertinent topic to tackle. The first realization most leaders should have is that any and every change is difficult and tricky and should not be taken lightly. Second realization is to ensure change is happening to "others and to a lesser extent to the leaders". The analogy of four fingers pointing inwards when one is pointing outward must be kept in mind. After these two have been properly and adequately acknowledged, discussed and managed one can move to usual change management routine of proper communication, acknowledging fears and anxieties and painting the vision and need for change.
𝗟𝗲𝗮𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵 𝗨𝗻𝗰𝗲𝗿𝘁𝗮𝗶𝗻𝘁𝘆 Here are 4 practical steps for leading through uncertainty: 1. Focus on shared purpose. Remind your team of the greater mission or vision to unite and inspire action. 2. Communicate with clarity and calm: Even when you don’t have all the answers, consistent and transparent communication builds trust. 3. Encourage Personal Reflection: Pose questions that help people connect your message to their own leadership 4. Acknowledge the Shared Struggle: Reiterate that fear and uncertainty are universal experiences, even for great leaders, and that the key is not perfection but perseverance and presence.
Organizational change creates pressure points - that's when your coaching skills matter most. It's like navigating turbulence: your steadiness influences how others handle the bumps. Start with reality checks: "What's your biggest challenge right now with these changes?" Then dive deeper: "Help me understand what success looks like for you in this new structure." This gives you a foundation to build on. Ask questions that shift perspective: "Where do you see yourself adding the most value as we reorganize?" "What skills could you develop to thrive in this new role?" These help people move from feeling like change is happening to them, to actively engaging in shaping their path. Show your interest in people through small, frequent check-ins.
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