ASAVAL - Associação das Sociedades de Avaliação e Avaliadores de Portugal

ASAVAL - Associação das Sociedades de Avaliação e Avaliadores de Portugal

Atividades imobiliárias

Lisboa, Lisboa 1.191 seguidores

"Pela dignificação e valorização da actividade de avaliação imobiliária"

Sobre nós

A ASAVAL - Associação das Sociedades de Avaliação e Avaliadores de Portugal é uma associação aberta, sem fins lucrativos. Os membros da ASAVAL são pessoas singulares e sociedades profissionais cuja actividade consiste na avaliação de activos, patrimónios, bens imobiliários e/ou equipamentos, que mantêm sistemas de controle interno que garantem a qualidade e a independência das avaliações e que não desenvolvem actividades de mediação imobiliária ou outras que constituam conflito de interesses com a actividade de avaliação ou que coloquem em risco a integridade das avaliações. A ASAVAL é “Awarding Member” da TEGoVA – The European Group of Valuers’ Associations (, atribuindo em Portugal as acreditações REV – Recognised European Valuer e TRV – TEGoVA Residential Valuer.

Atividades imobiliárias
Tamanho da empresa
2-10 funcionários
Lisboa, Lisboa
Sem fins lucrativos
Fundada em
Avaliação de bens imobiliários, Avaliação de Equipamentos e avaliação de activos


Funcionários da ASAVAL - Associação das Sociedades de Avaliação e Avaliadores de Portugal


  • CONGRESSO ASAVAL 2024 No passado dia 07.11, realizou-se o Congresso ASAVAL 2024, na sua 7ª edição, constituindo já uma verdadeira marca da ASAVAL, pelos elevados níveis de participação que se vêm verificando, facto que retrata a pertinência dos temas abordados e, sobretudo, a dinâmica crescente da atividade de avaliação imobiliária e a sua ligação a esta Associação. A elevada participação registada deixa-nos gratos e reconhecidos a todos aqueles que estiveram presentes e participaram.   Uma palavra de agradecimento público ao Dr. Isaltino Morais – Presidente da Câmara Municipal de Oeiras, ao Dr. Francisco Rocha Gonçalves – Vice-Presidente da Câmara Municipal de Oeiras e às pessoas das várias equipas que intervieram mais diretamente com a ASAVAL – Irina Lopes, Filipa Laborinho, Rui Nascimento, Joana Ferro, Catarina Campos, Maria José Sardinha, Pedro Pinto e Ana Palma, Nuno Vaz, Paulo Ferreira e Mónica Branco.   O setor das avaliações imobiliárias saiu reforçado e com determinação para continuar a melhorar, com claro benefício para todos os intervenientes dos vários setores envolvidos.

    • Luís Benedito - Presidente da Direção da ASAVAL, fez a abertura do Congresso
    • Francisco Rocha Gonçalves - Vice-Presidente da Câmara Municipal de Oeiras - fez a apresentação de boas vindas
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    • Filipa Laborinho - Vereadora da Câmara Municipal de Oeiras
    • Filipa Laborinho - Vereadora da Câmara Municipal de Oeiras - apresentou o tema "Energia e Sustentabilidade".
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    TEGOVA BOARD'S SUGGESTED DISCLAIMER FOR MORTGAGE VALUATION REPORTS On 1 January the Capital Requirements Regulation becomes law across the Union including its provisions on a ‘property value’ incorporating ‘prudently conservative valuation criteria’. Only TEGOVA has provided clear guidance in EVS 2025 EVGN 2.   The TEGOVA Board of Directors considers that it is now time to make sure that borrowers and credit institutions are made aware of the EVS Guidance and also to help TEGOVA members protect themselves. It therefore advises TEGOVA’s EU and EEA members in the absence of instruction from banks – i.e. the bank simply goes on asking for market value or mortgage lending value as usual – to use the following disclaimer as of 1 January: "  This valuation is in full compliance with European Valuation Standards (EVS), with one caveat: To the extent that it is used for mortgage valuation purposes, it is not in compliance with EVS 2025 EVGN 2 Valuation for Mortgage Lending – Prudently Conservative Valuation Criteria due to the instruction to estimate exclusively market value notwithstanding Regulation (EU) 2024/1623’s requirement as of 01.01.2025 to estimate a ‘property value’ taking account of ‘prudently conservative valuation criteria’. "   NOTA BENE: In mortgage lending value countries, replace “exclusively market value” by “exclusively mortgage lending value”.

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  • ASAVAL - Associação das Sociedades de Avaliação e Avaliadores de Portugal compartilhou isso

    EVS 2025 AT A GLANCE   EVS 6 Valuation and Energy Efficiency   Already in the previous edition, when the European Green Deal was just a speck on the horizon, the Blue Book innovated profoundly with the first new standard in decades: EVS 6 Valuation and Energy Efficiency. For the first time, valuers were instructed to be aware of legal obligations to renovate a building to a higher level of energy efficiency by a fixed date or at a certain inflection point (e.g. sale, rental, major renovation) and to have regard for the cost of a renovation deep enough to meet the required new level of energy efficiency and consider the extent to which this cost affects the Market Value at the date of valuation.   But the Standard did not indicate how to do this. In EVS 2025, it does, step-by-step, with an essentially residual approach. See EVS 6 in EVS 2025 or “EVS at a Glance” in the October issue of European Valuer Journal (page 18).

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  • ASAVAL - Associação das Sociedades de Avaliação e Avaliadores de Portugal compartilhou isso

    EVS 2025 AT A GLANCE   EVS 2025 Part II : Valuation Methodology – The residual methods   The previous post showed how in EVS 2025, Standard 6 “Valuation and Energy Efficiency”, the previous edition has been enhanced with a step-by-step essentially residual approach to meet the obligation to integrate the cost of legally required energy efficiency renovations into the estimation of Market Value.   At the same time, in EVS 2025 Part II Methodology, the previous edition's section on “The Residual Method” has been completely reviewed. In particular, it now includes two residual methods: the “classic residual method” and the “alternative discounted cash flow method”.   See Part II Methodology, section 9 “The Residual Methods” in EVS 2025 or “EVS at a Glance” in the October issue of European Valuer Journal (page 21).

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  • ASAVAL - Associação das Sociedades de Avaliação e Avaliadores de Portugal compartilhou isso

    EVS 2025 AT A GLANCE   EUROPEAN VALUATION GUIDANCE NOTE (EVGN) 2 – VALUATION FOR MORTGAGE LENDING – PRUDENTLY CONSERVATIVE VALUATION CRITERIA The revised EU Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR) will apply directly across the Union from 1 January 2025. It complements Market Value by a concept of ‘property value’ based on valuation using ‘prudently conservative valuation criteria’ by which:   -- the value excludes expectations on price increases;   -- the value is adjusted to take into account the potential for the current market value to be significantly above the value that would be sustainable over the life of the loan.   RATIO LEGIS: At least as far as the valuation of bank collateral is concerned, the European authorities are no longer satisfied with a stand-alone ‘Market Value’ that they correctly view as a ‘spot value’ at the date of valuation. They want to ‘secure the future’ by excluding expected price increases and internalising the potential for future lower market prices/values. THE GUIDANCE NOTE   The CRR lays down that in valuation according to ‘prudently conservative valuation criteria’, “the value excludes expectations on price increases”.   EVS 2025’s EVGN 2 addresses the issues arising from this in the contexts of:   -- Valuation under the income approach   -- Using the direct capitalisation model   -- Valuations carried out by means of a DCF model   -- Treatment of rental increases, and -- the developer’s profit in the residual method of valuation.   The second CRR requirement for appraisal according to ‘prudently conservative valuation criteria’ is that “the value is adjusted to take into account the potential for the current Market Value to be significantly above the value that would be sustainable over the life of the loan”.   Here EVGN 2 highlights issues of:   -- Assessing the sustainability of the value over the life of the loan   -- The impact of oversupply of a particular type of property on prices and value   -- The impact on future value of declining population of a given locality and other negative factors changing the surroundings of the real estate See Part III, EVGN 2 in EVS 2025  

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    EVS 2025 TOP TOPIC AT TEGOVA FRANCE CONFERENCE ON VALUATION STANDARDS AND PRACTICE   The day-long event in Paris on 13 November covered all the top European valuation themes:   -- The valuer’s application of prudently conservative valuation criteria under the amended Capital Requirements Regulation coming into effect on 1 January 2025, Jean-François Drouets REV FRICS, Vice Chairman of TEGOVA   -- The innovations in European Valuation Standards 2025, Mark Booth President of TEGOVA France   -- What does TEGOVA do to promote the valuation profession? – Michael MacBrien, Adviser to TEGOVA, Editor European Valuer Journal, Founding Partner MacBrien Cuper Isnard European Affairs   -- The valuer and cyber security – Quentin Lagallarde REV   -- Valuation and AI – Cédric Perrière REV MRICS, Chairman of the European Valuation Standards Board

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    EUROPEAN VALUER JOURNAL N° 34 - OCTOBER 2024 EDITORIAL: EVS 2025 AND THE BLUE BOOK CONSTELLATION AT EUROPE’S CUTTING EDGE   In the editorial of the latest issue of EVJ, Michael MacBrien argues that, despite the negative ambient noise, Europe is in fact at the cutting edge of technological mutation and that the three Blue Books – real estate, business and plant, machinery & equipment valuation – provide the cross-disciplinarity that valuers increasingly need to master the challenges of sustainability, decarbonisation and technology.   See EVJ issue n° 34 October 2024

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  • Registos do convívio e networking: CONGRESSO ASAVAL 2024 No passado dia 07.11, realizou-se o Congresso ASAVAL 2024, na sua 7ª edição, constituindo já uma verdadeira marca da ASAVAL, pelos elevados níveis de participação que se vêm verificando, facto que retrata a pertinência dos temas abordados e, sobretudo, a dinâmica crescente da atividade de avaliação imobiliária e a sua ligação a esta Associação. A elevada participação registada deixa-nos gratos e reconhecidos a todos aqueles que estiveram presentes e participaram.

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    CONGRESSO ASAVAL 2024 A ASAVAL tem o maior prazer em convidá-lo(a) para assistir ao seu Congresso anual, o qual abordará temas relevantes, pela sua atualidade e impacto na atividade da avaliação imobiliária e restantes setores que estão, direta e indiretamente relacionados.    É sempre uma oportunidade privilegiada para ouvirmos os testemunhos e experiência dos vários oradores, especialistas nos temas que abordarão. Será ainda e como sempre, um evento propiciador de networking entre os participantes. Inscrição (gratuita): basta clicar na imagem abaixo:

    Congresso ASAVAL 2024

    Congresso ASAVAL 2024

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