Greenweld Project

Greenweld Project


Green Welding Certificates

Sobre nós

GREENWELD is an european project that aims to identify, develop and integrate green skills into the EWF European qualification for Welders. It will be also develop new learning and innovative methods for the implementation of this training ending on the emission/awarding of green welding certificates for the candidates. In summary the relation between goals and priorities are: Identify and develop new green skills to integrate in Welders and Operators curriculum: will have a focus on the fight against climate change as it will integrate green skills; Identify and develop new learning approaches: the new approaches will be greener and will allow to use innovative tools and strategies to implement the training; Organize pilot courses to test and assess the new curricula: with the industrial partners will be possible to test and assess the training curriculum addressing the market needs; Issue Green Welding Certificates and Diplomas: will recognise the capabilities of the workers using a tool to issue digital certificates and diplomas.

Tamanho da empresa
2-10 funcionários
Fundada em
Welding, Skills, Training, Certificates, Manufacturing Certification, Welding Qualifications , Metal Addictive Manufacturing, Adhesive Bonding Qualifications , Laser Processing Training, Railway Welding, Thermal Spraying Certification, Welding Inspection, Welding Coordination , Manufacturing e Additive Manufacturing



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