

Atividades de consultoria em gestão empresarial

From Strategy to Execution - every step of the way.

Sobre nós

We are a hard core extention of your team with hands on support and tangliable results. Our team of Doo'ers comprise of carefully chosen professionals with a rare blend of years of experience and expertise, coupled with a strong drive to turn ideas into action. Rolling up our sleeves for you instead of "death by PowerPoint. Do you have an idea in your head but it’s overwhelming to think of all the steps that are needed to make it a reality? Does your company have a fantastic digital product? A game? An animated character? An App? There are many twists and turns and detailed levels on how to bring an idea in your head or from the board meeting to a product that sells off the shelves across global retailers. This is where our support comes in. We work as an extension of your company. We believe that if you focus on the essence that built your company- we can, side by side, build your idea to a new revenue-stream for you. Plug and Play! As individuals, or as a wider team, we have the knowhow and experience to allow us to almost instantly focus on deliverables via execution. The strategies and blueprints are there. Thats who we are. Tweaks here and there to fit your exact objectives. This is why we offer a tailored strategy as an introductory gesture. No strings attached. None. Then you chose what, and how deep you want to continue. And no risk. We offer outsoursed services including marketing, strategy, manufacturing, sales , distribution, logistics, licensing, product development, logo and packaging design, operations, content creation and distribution....and more

Atividades de consultoria em gestão empresarial
Tamanho da empresa
2-10 funcionários
Empresa privada
Fundada em
Fast - Flexible - Connected - Experienced - Transparent, Strategy, Execution, Product Development, Manufacturing, Distribuition and Sales, Compliance, Licensing, Operations, Influencer Marketing, Retail, Industry Insights, Advertising materials e Content Creation and Distribution


Funcionários da StrateDoo


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