Foto de capa de Terraforma, Sociedade de Estudos e Projectos, Lda
Terraforma, Sociedade de Estudos e Projectos, Lda

Terraforma, Sociedade de Estudos e Projectos, Lda

Serviços de arquitetura e planejamento

Sobre nós

Terraforma is a firm with long experience in Portugal, with high technical expertise in several fields such as, urban and regional planning and management, spatial planning, urbanism, European Operational Programmes assessment studies on infrastructures, urban development projects, touristic resorts design and planning, urban regeneration programmes and plans, and feasibility assessment of urban developments, working in Portugal and the rest of the world for both the public and the private sector Terraforma is formed by experts in these areas of knowledge, which combine their academic knowledge, professional skills and experience, with permanent research and life-long learning of advanced knowledge in their areas of expertise. We have a wide experience in working with multi-disciplinary teams, usually co-ordinated by our own specialists. Terraforma operates within a network of consultancy firms and co-workers, which are re-known specialists in their areas of expertise. This way, we form multi-disciplinary teams adapted to the specific needs and complexity of each task, plan and project, thus ensuring added value, precision and reliability to each client.

Serviços de arquitetura e planejamento
Tamanho da empresa
2-10 funcionários
Fundada em
Spatial Planning, Strategic Planning, Infrastructure and Urban Development Projects, Studies, Plans and Programmes Assessment, Consultancy e Urban Regeneration


Funcionários da Terraforma, Sociedade de Estudos e Projectos, Lda


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