It's a great honor to represent the Eclipse Foundation 4diac project at the SPS – Smart Production Solutions 2024 trade fair in Nuremberg and showcase our collaborative work with We had the opportunity to show how these open automation solutions are driving software-defined facilities and real-world interoperability! - É uma grande honra representar o projeto 4diac da Eclipse Foundation na SPS – Smart Production Solutions 2024 em Nuremberg e apresentar nosso trabalho colaborativo com a Tivemos a oportunidade de mostrar como essas soluções de automação baseadas em tecnologias open source estão impulsionando o software-defined facilities e a interoperabilidade no mundo real!
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How to choose the best Container Network Interface (CNI) for your Kubernetes deployment? I recently dove into this insightful blog while researching CNIs for my Homelab K3s setup. It really helped clarify the options! I found myself torn between Calico and Cilium, mainly because I was looking for a balance between performance and simplicity. After weighing the pros and cons, I ultimately chose Calico for its robust network policy capabilities and better scalability. Plus, I’m considering a future migration to Cilium as my needs grow (integration with Istio). The best part of the blog? It lays out clear pros and cons for each CNI, making it easier to narrow down your options. Read Article by Harshit Mehndiratta: What has your experience been with CNIs? Share your thoughts below!
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