Como interpretar o comportamento de um usuário que interage pela primeira vez ? Confira os excelentes insights!
Stopping new account fraud can be challenging when you have no history on a new user. So how do you spot unusual behavior? That’s where population-level behavior analysis comes in. Continuing our deep dive into new account fraud from last week, {{linkedin_mention(urn:li:person:_6S3JZFUs0|Daniel Holmes)}} and {{linkedin_mention(urn:li:person:QKreyIMLKZ|Richard Harris)}} explore how to detect anomalies in users you've never seen before. The key lies in examining trends across the entire population, not just individual behavior. For example, it might be a red flag if: • One device is used to submit applications for three different users. • There’s a sudden spike in activity from an unfamiliar group of IP addresses. • A user’s form field data entry time significantly deviates from the typical baseline. By analyzing population norms and integrating behavioral biometrics, we can more effectively identify and prevent new account fraud. Watch now, and learn how to use a data-driven approach to put a face to the name of new account fraud. #bankingindustry #riskmanagement #fraudprevention