Publicação de Nicole Moraes

Ver perfil de Nicole Moraes, gráfico

Soluções para Arquitetos e Engenheiros

📍 Seção Ideias em Foco Até que ponto seu projeto pode despertar emoções? #ideiasemfocoarq

Ver perfil de Amar A., gráfico

Award winning ♦︎ AI-Driven Visual Solution ♦︎ Events ♦︎ Exhibition ♦︎ Retail ♦︎ Marketing ♦︎ Experiential ♦︎ Hospitality ♦︎ Architecture ♦︎ Branding ♦︎ 174K Followers ♦︎ 70M+ Views

// Creating A Mesmerizing Unique "DreamScape" Experience at Changi Airport (Singapore). T2’s terminal design philosophy is guided by a nature-inspired theme, with key touchpoints being transformed within the terminal. From ceiling designs to wall finishes mimicking natural landforms to the choice of carpet patterns and horticulture displays, elements of nature are seamlessly incorporated throughout the terminal. Lush green columns adorned with a diverse array of plants contribute to creating a serene and soothing atmosphere, fostering tranquility and relaxation for passengers and visitors alike. Inside the departure transit area, a brand-new garden – Dreamscape, mesmerises with its enchanting array of plants amid a meticulously landscaped backdrop, brought alive by a ‘digital sky’ which changes its hues depending on the time of day. #ImmersiveTech #ImmersiveArt #DigitalOOH #LEDDisplay #CreativeContent #Storytelling #3DExperience #CeilingLED #LEDDisplayScreen #Experiential #Memorable #ShanghaiAirport #Singapore

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