Publicação de SAIL for Health

Meet our Head of Growth and Business Development: Luca Gavazzi Betancourt! Luca graduated in Economics from the University of Miami (USA) and has been working in healthcare companies since 2018. In his previous experiences, he led proposal teams and acted as Business Development Manager and Alliance Manager, building a strong expertise that includes prospecting and negotiation, commercial strategy, project development, and crisis management. At SAIL, Luca is responsible for our entire commercial strategy, playing a key role in the company's operations. In addition to prospecting and negotiating new projects, he monitors the market to assess opportunities, ensures that each project follows the expectations of all players, and leads the company's structuring and growth strategy. It's an honor to have you on board, Luca! . Conheça nosso Head of Growth and Business Development: Luca Gavazzi Betancourt! Luca é Economista formado pela Universidade de Miami (EUA) e, desde 2018, atua na área comercial de empresas de saúde. Em suas experiências anteriores, liderou times de propostas, foi Gerente de Desenvolvimento de Negócios e Gerente de Alianças, construindo uma expertise variada que engloba prospecção e negociação, estratégia comercial, desenvolvimento de projetos e gerenciamento de crises. Na SAIL, Luca é o executivo responsável por toda a nossa estratégia comercial, desempenhando um papel chave na operação da companhia. Além de atuar na prospecção e negociação de novos projetos, ele monitora o mercado para avaliar oportunidades, garante que cada projeto seja conduzido de acordo com as expectativas de todos os envolvidos e lidera a estratégia de estruturação e crescimento da empresa É uma honra tê-lo a bordo, Luca! #sailforhealth #businessdevelopment #growthstrategy

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Carolina Sellani

Head of Strategic Alliances at SAIL for Health

1 sem


Thales Basílio

Copywriting | Conteúdo | Estratégia

1 sem

A SAIL tem o melhor comercial que poderia ter! Sucesso sempre, Luca 🚀

Danielle Houck

Writing & Career Coach; Professor of the Year

1 sem

Great news and best wishes!

Caroline Justo

Head of Communication & Brand Strategy at SAIL for Health

1 sem

Um privilégio ter você no time, Luca Gavazzi Betancourt

Luca Gavazzi Betancourt

Head of Growth and Business Development at SAIL for Health

1 sem

Happy to be part of this incredible team!

Elenice Lobo


1 sem

Congrats! They’re lucky to have you!

Akshaya Nath.

Executive Vice President at Intas Pharmaceuticals

1 sem

Best of luck! Luca

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