We lift up Mozambique 🇲🇿 in our prayers, asking for peace, healing, and protection for its people. May God bring comfort to those who are suffering, courage to those who are standing up for justice, and wisdom to its leaders to guide the nation towards a future filled with hope and unity. In Jesus’ name, we declare peace over Mozambique, believing that with faith and perseverance, a brighter tomorrow is possible. Amen. 🙏🏽 Elevamos Moçambique 🇲🇿 em nossas orações, pedindo paz, cura e proteção para seu povo. Que Deus traga conforto aos que sofrem, coragem aos que lutam por justiça e sabedoria aos líderes, para que possam guiar a nação rumo a um futuro de esperança e união. Em nome de Jesus, declaramos paz sobre Moçambique, acreditando que, com fé e perseverança, um amanhã melhor é possível. Amém. 🙏🏽
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🔊 What is Eid ul-Adha? Eid ul-Adha, also known as the "Festival of Sacrifice," is one of the most significant Islamic holidays. It commemorates the willingness of Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) to sacrifice his son Ismail (Ishmael) as an act of obedience to Allah. However, before the sacrifice could take place, Allah provided a ram (Animal) to sacrifice instead. 🔊 When is Eid ul-Adha Celebrated? Eid ul-Adha is celebrated on the 10th day of Dhu al-Hijjah, the last month of the Islamic lunar calendar. The exact date varies each year, as it is based on the lunar calendar, which is approximately 11 days shorter than the Gregorian calendar. 🔊 Significance of Eid ul-Adha * Commemoration of Sacrifice: The holiday honors the act of sacrifice and obedience to Allah, as demonstrated by Prophet Ibrahim. * End of Hajj: Eid ul-Adha also marks the end of Hajj, the annual pilgrimage to Mecca, which is one of the Five Pillars of Islam. 🔊 Rituals and Traditions * Sacrificial Animal: One of the central rituals is the Qurbani (sacrifice) of a goat, sheep, cow, or camel. The meat from the sacrifice is divided into three parts: one-third for the family, one-third for friends and relatives, and one-third for the needy. * Prayer: Special prayers are offered in congregation at mosques and open areas. * Festive Meals: Families and friends gather to share meals, often featuring the meat from the sacrificial animal. * Charity: Giving to the less fortunate is emphasized, ensuring that everyone can join in the festivities.
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O Ramadan chegou! O calendário islâmico é um sistema baseado nos meses lunares. Em outras palavras, a contagem dos dias é feita conforme a observação das fases da Lua. Como resultado, um mês pode ter 29 ou 30 dias. É importante destacar que o início do mês de Ramadan 1445H/2024 está sujeito ao aparecimento da Lua. Dessa forma, para saber o início do Mês de Ramadan e consequentemente o início do Jejum, em seu Estado ou Cidade, entre em contato com a sua Mesquita local ou com as Organizações Islâmicas existentes em sua região. Em 2024 o Ramadan será de 10/03 à 08/04. Na religião, todos os meses levam um nome e o nono é chamado de Ramadã, que, segundo o islamismo, foi o mês em que Deus – em árabe Allah – revelou o livro sagrado para eles, o Alcorão. Apesar de leigos acharem que é apenas um período de jejum, o Ramadã é muito mais do que isso. Este é o mês usado pelos muçulmanos para reflexão, balanço e estreitamento de laços com Deus e pessoas ao seu redor. É como se fosse um período para que todos buscassem suas melhores versões. Sua importância geral deve ser levada em consideração pelos turistas ao planejarem uma viagem a países em que o islã tem forte presença, como Indonésia, Emirados Árabes, Qatar, Egito, Síria, Marrocos, Turquia, entre outros. #ramadan #exportacao #importacao #orientemedio #agenciamentodefrete #import #export #transporteinternacional #internationaltransport #jebelali #sharjah #fcl #wcamembers #wca
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Unveiling the Significance of Ashura in Saudi Arabia: A Look Beyond Mourning Unveiling Ashura: Traditions, Significance, and Peaceful Observance in Saudi Arabia Islam, Saudi Arabia, Ashura, Muharram, Muslim Holidays Related Queries: How is Ashura observed in Saudi Arabia? What is the significance of Ashura for Sunni Muslims? What traditions are followed during Ashura in Saudi Arabia? Is Ashura a public holiday in Saudi Arabia? What other events are commemorated on Ashura? Audience Queries: You might be wondering why this scene from Saudi Arabia is significant on the 10th of Muharram. Is Ashura a day of mourning for all Muslims? What peaceful traditions are followed in Saudi Arabia during Ashura? Add Tags: Ashura, Muharram, Islam, Saudi Arabia, Sunni Islam, Muslim Holidays, Fasting, Charity, Commemoration Add Hashtags: #Ashura, #Muharram, #Islam, #SaudiArabia, #SunniIslam, #MuslimHolidays, #Fasting, #Charity, #Commemoration Keyword Search: Ashura in Saudi Arabia, Significance of Ashura, Sunni Observance of Ashura, Peaceful Traditions of Ashura Description: The 10th day of Muharram, known as Ashura, holds a special place in the Islamic calendar. While often associated with mourning in some parts of the world, Ashura in Saudi Arabia presents a unique perspective steeped in traditions of remembrance, gratitude, and peaceful reflection. Sunni Significance of Ashura: For Sunni Muslims, the majority sect in Saudi Arabia, Ashura commemorates a multitude of historical events marking divine favor and salvation. It is believed that on this day, Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) and the Israelites were delivered from Pharaoh's tyranny by the parting of the Red Sea. Additionally, some traditions hold that Noah's Ark came to rest on Mount Judi, God forgave Adam and Eve, and Prophet Joseph (peace be upon him) was released from prison – all on the 10th of Muharram. Peaceful Observance in Saudi Arabia: In line with these positive historical markers, Ashura in Saudi Arabia is observed as a day of voluntary fasting. Muslims abstain from food and drink as an act of gratitude for past blessings and a reminder of God's mercy. Mosques may hold special sermons reflecting on the significance of Ashura and the lessons learned from the aforementioned historical events. Charity and acts of kindness are also encouraged on this day. Beyond Mourning: While the tragic events of Karbala are acknowledged by Sunni Muslims, the focus in Saudi Arabia remains on the positive historical context of Ashura. Public displays of mourning or self-flagellation are not practiced. A Day for Contemplation: Ashura in Saudi Arabia serves as a day for quiet contemplation and reflection. Muslims might spend time in prayer, reading scripture, or visiting family and friends. It's a time to appreciate God's blessings, both past and present, and to recommit oneself to a life of faith and good deeds.
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🇮🇱🇵🇸 O caminho para a Paz A Palestina, em particular a Faixa de Gaza, vive uma crise humanitária extrema com uma extensão sem precedentes. Situação à qual não podemos fechar os olhos, por muito difícil que seja encarar a dimensão da tragédia humana. A paz é urgente - perdem-se vidas todos os dias. E quem não morre, vive permanentemente ameaçado, sujeito à violência, sem saneamento ou comida. Todos os esforços diplomáticos devem ser empregues numa negociação que termine rapidamente com as hostilidades na região. Na prossecução do objetivo da paz existem algumas premissas das quais não abdicamos. Nomeadamente a solução de dois Estados. A prioridade neste contexto é alcançar a paz. Para que possa surtir algum efeito prático o reconhecimento do Estado da Palestina não deve ser feito isoladamente pelo Estado Português, deve antes ser parte da acção concertada de vários Estados.
🇮🇱 🇵🇸 O caminho para a Paz
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Today's Word With God we overcome obstacles Saturday, August 17, 2024 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. - Philippians 4:13 In life, we encounter countless obstacles that can discourage us and make us question our strength. However, in the midst of difficulties, we find an unshakable foundation in God. He is our refuge, our strength, and with Him, all obstacles can be overcome. Every obstacle we face is an opportunity to grow in faith and dependence on the Lord. God never promised that the journey would be easy, but He assured us that He would be by our side every step of the way. When we feel weak, His strength is made perfect in our weaknesses. When we are faced with the impossible, He reminds us that all things are possible for those who believe. When we place our trust in God, we discover that He enables us to face and overcome challenges that, on our own, would be insurmountable. He gives us the wisdom to make wise decisions, the peace that surpasses all understanding, and the courage to move forward, even when the path seems difficult. In God, we find the strength to overcome personal, emotional, and spiritual barriers. He gives us the grace to forgive, love, and persevere. When our eyes are fixed on Him, mountains that once seemed insurmountable become mere molehills. Remember that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you! Trust in Him, give Him your worries, and let Him turn your barriers into victories. With God, there is no limit to what we can achieve. https://lnkd.in/dshCaqbb
Rompendo em fé
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Ramadã: entenda o que é, curiosidades e como se comportar em países islâmicos nesse período Entre março e abril é o período do Ramadã; entenda o que é, descubra curiosidades e pontos de atenção ao viajar nesta época para países islâmicos “Ramadan Mubarak“. É com esta frase, dita em árabe, que os cerca de 2 bilhões de muçulmanos do mundo deverão começar o mês mais importante do ano para o islamismo: o Ramadã. A expressão é usada para desejar que este período – tão esperado por eles – seja abençoado. O nome Ramadan – ou Ramadã (em português) – é dado ao nono mês do ano da religião islâmica, regida pelo calendário lunar – que possui 354 ou 355 dias. Em 2024, ele tem início previsto para 10 de março e término em 8 de abril, podendo variar um dia para mais ou para menos por conta da lua. Na religião, todos os meses levam um nome e o nono é chamado de Ramadã, que, segundo o islamismo, foi o mês em que Deus – em árabe Allah – revelou o livro sagrado para eles, o Alcorão.
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Sharad Purnima, also known as Kumar Purnima or Kojagiri Purnima, is a significant festival in Hinduism, celebrated on the full moon day of the Ashvin month (September-October). Here are its significance and rituals: *Significance:* 1. Worship of Goddess Lakshmi: Sharad Purnima is dedicated to Goddess Lakshmi, the deity of wealth, prosperity, and good fortune. 2. Harvest Festival: It marks the end of the harvest season and the beginning of the winter season. 3. Moonlight: The full moon on this day is considered sacred, as it's believed to have healing properties. *Rituals:* 1. Moonlight worship: Devotees worship the moon and offer prayers to Goddess Lakshmi under its light. 2. Fasting: Many observe a day-long fast, breaking it after moonrise. 3. Food offerings: Traditional sweets like kheer (rice pudding) and other dishes are offered to the goddess and distributed among family and friends. 4. Charity: Donations to the poor and needy are considered auspicious. *Regional Celebrations:* Sharad Purnima is celebrated with varying traditions across India: 1. Odisha: Kumar Purnima, worship of Lord Kartikeya. 2. Bengal: Kojagiri Purnima, worship of Goddess Lakshmi. 3. North India: Sharad Purnima, worship of Goddess Lakshmi.
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Ramadan Mubarak! Ramadan is an Islamic holiday of fasting and prayer. The most important Islamic holiday, Ramadan occurs in the ninth month of the lunar calendar, which is when Muslims believe that the Quran was first disclosed to the prophet Muhammad. The Quran is the Islamic holy book, which is believed to contain all the revelations made from God to Muhammed. During Ramadan, practicing Muslims fast, pray, recite the Quran, and refrain from all negative behaviors. The only exceptions are for those who are ill, traveling, menstruating, elderly, or pregnant. The first day is marked by the sighting of the new crescent moon. Because the phases of the moon vary each year, the first day of Ramadan also fluctuates.
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Vimos que a missão do Messias não pode ser mais clara se lermos a Bíblia através da lente das profecias do Antigo e do Novo Testamento. Mas o que é que o Filho de Deus pensava ser a Sua missão? Hoje vai descobrir a missão secreta original de Jesus, apresentada em numerosos textos bíblicos. Pensem sobre o assunto
A07c - 4c - A missão secreta de Jesus
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