Non-binding guide to good practice for implementing Directive 2013/35/EU Electromagnetic Fields. Volume 1, Practical guide
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The Directive 2013/35/EU lays down the minimum safety requirements regarding the exposure of workers to risks arising from electromagnetic fields (EMF). This practical guide has been prepared to assist employers, particularly small to medium sized enterprises, to understand what they will need to do to comply with the Directive. However, it may also be useful for workers, workers representations and regulatory authorities in Member States. It consists of two volumes and a specific guide for SMEs. The practical guide volume 1 provides advice on carrying out risk assessment and further advice on the options that may be available where employers need to implement additional protective or preventive measures. Volume 2 presents twelve case studies that show employers how to approach assessments and illustrate some of the preventive and protective measures that might be selected and implemented. The case studies are presented in the context of generic workplaces, but were compiled from real work situations. The guide for SMEs will assist you to carry out an initial assessment of the risks from EMF in your workplace. Based on the outcome of this assessment, it will help you decide whether you need to take any further action as a result of the EMF Directive.