صورة غلاف ‏World Innovation Summit for Health (WISH)‏‏
World Innovation Summit for Health (WISH)

World Innovation Summit for Health (WISH)


‏Doha‏، ‏Qatar‏ ‏٥٬٧١٠‏ ‏متابع‏

A healthier world through global collaboration.

نبذة عنا

The World Innovation Summit for Health (WISH) is a global healthcare community dedicated to capturing and disseminating the best evidence-based ideas in healthcare, providing global solutions that will save both lives and much needed resources. WISH is unique in its ability to unite stakeholders from many different countries and diverse sectors – from policymakers and healthcare providers to researchers, academics, and industry leaders. Together, we are harnessing the power of collaboration to overcome the world’s most urgent healthcare challenges and inspiring other stakeholders to take action. At WISH, we are starting conversations and spurring change through ground-breaking discussions and content. Today, researchers and industry leaders are using WISH's evidence-based ideas to diffuse innovative best practices through their health systems, tackling the most urgent global health challenges. Active 365 days a year, we undertake global research into healthcare challenges to provide recommendations and frameworks for governments around the world to benefit from. Through international summits we present our findings to the world’s healthcare experts aiming to inspire change and cultivate collaboration. WISH is an initiative of Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development (QF) and was founded by Her Highness Sheikha Moza bint Nasser, its Chairperson.

الموقع الإلكتروني
المجال المهني
حجم الشركة
١١- ٥٠ موظف
المقر الرئيسي
Doha, Qatar
غير ربحي
تم التأسيس
Research و health care

المواقع الجغرافية

موظفين في World Innovation Summit for Health (WISH)


  • During the discussions at #WISH7, experts highlighted the essential role of sports in building resilient communities. They discussed how sports can promote the inclusion of marginalized individuals, including those with disabilities, and strengthen communities in conflict-affected regions. خلال المناقشات التي جرت في #قمةـويش7، سلط الخبراء الضوء على الدور الأساسي الذي تلعبه الرياضة في بناء مجتمعات أكثر مرونة وتماسكاً. وناقشوا كيف يمكن للرياضة أن تعزز إدماج الأفراد المهمشين، بما في ذلك الأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة، وتعزيز المجتمعات في المناطق المتضررة من النزاعات. Ministry of Public Health - Qatar #WISH7 #WISHSummit #7قمةـويش #Doha #Qatar #GlobalHealth 

  • #WISH7 brought together a diverse group of innovators across three categories, each showcasing their unique solutions at the Innovation Hub. With 47 innovators participating, the summit emphasized the role of innovation in improving healthcare outcomes. جمعت #قمةـويش7 نخبة من المبتكرين المتميزين من ثلاث فئات، حيث قدم كل منهم حلولاً مبتكرة فريدة من نوعها في مركز الابتكار. وبمشاركة 47 مبتكراً، أكدت القمة على دور الابتكار في تحسين نتائج الرعاية الصحية. Qatar Research, Development and Innovation (QRDI) Council Qatar Scientific Club #Innovation #WISH7 #WISHSummit #7قمةـويش

  • At #WISH7, the 'Humanizing Health Through Community Engagement' session highlighted the power of people in transforming health systems. Experts emphasized the importance of community-driven solutions, from empowering youth to fostering trust and building partnerships. They discussed how these approaches can strengthen health systems, create lasting change, and address both individual and societal health needs. في #قمةـويش7، سلطت جلسة "تعزيز المنظور الإنساني للصحة من خلال المشاركة المجتمعية" الضوء على قوة الأفراد في تحويل أنظمة الرعاية الصحية. أكد الخبراء على أهمية الحلول المجتمعية، بدءاً من تمكين الشباب إلى تعزيز الثقة وبناء الشراكات. ناقشوا كيف يمكن لهذه الأساليب تعزيز أنظمة الرعاية الصحية، وإحداث تغيير دائم، ومعالجة الاحتياجات الصحية الفردية والمجتمعية على حدٍ سواء. #WISH7 #WISHSummit #7قمةـويش #Doha #Qatar #GlobalHealth 

  • أعاد World Innovation Summit for Health (WISH) نشر هذا

    A month after the summit feels like the perfect time to reflect on my time at WISH and look back on the past seven years as CEO, during which I’ve had the privilege of curating four extraordinary summits. The team and I often referred to these summits with nicknames such as: ‘the one that flooded,’ ‘the one with the pandemic’, ‘the one with the World Cup,’ and so on—each nickname capturing the unique challenges we faced for each edition. The summits, already complex by design, became even more demanding due to these added challenges. Yet, despite—or perhaps because of—these challenges, I am immensely proud to say that each summit exceeded expectations. WISH 7, in particular, set new benchmarks in content, attendance, and delegate experience, standing as a testament to the dedication and resilience of the wonderful team. And within that team are the unsung heroes who are so key to its success Maha, Aljawhra and Newton and our wonderful colleague who left Qatar recently, Neil Moors.  While the summit is undoubtedly the pinnacle of WISH’s work, its true impact lies in what follows. I’ve always likened the summit to a pebble dropped in a pond: while the pebble is significant, it’s the ripples—the programs, reports, innovations, and collaborations that emerge—that truly measure our success. From groundbreaking initiatives in autism, palliative care, and dementia to policy shifts in diabetes and other critical areas, the ripples of WISH’s work have reached far and wide. But today, as I say a final farewell, I will focus less on these achievements and more on gratitude. To the dear friends I’ve made along along the way, thank you for your unwavering support and cherished memories. To the colleagues and collaborators who believed in our vision, your commitment has been invaluable, and I know you’ll continue to champion WISH under its new leadership. To the incredible WISH team, thank you for your passion, hard work, and for making every challenge worthwhile—we have created memories that will last a lifetime. As I step into the next chapter, one thing remains clear: health and social inequity is more pressing now than ever before. The hardships and suffering we see today demand compassion and action. My future endeavors will focus on driving change in this critical area, with the hope of making a meaningful difference for those most in need. Thank you all for an extraordinary journey. This isn’t goodbye, but rather, until next time.

  • The Art Gallery at #WISH7 presented 3 separate exhibitions highlighting the intersection of health and conflict. From the graphic novel 'Till The Last Bird Sings' on post-conflict Afghanistan, to Sudanese photographer Mazin Al-Zain’s powerful images [of grassroots activism] from an IDP camp [in Sudan], and the heartfelt art of children from Gaza, Sudan, and Ukraine, these exhibitions showcased resilience and hope in the face of war. استضاف معرض الفن في #قمةـويش7 ثلاثة معارض متميزة، رسمت لوحة مؤثرة عن تقاطع الصحة والصراع. بدءاً من الرواية المصورة المؤثرة "حتى يصدح آخر طائر" التي تستكشف آثار الحرب في أفغانستان، مروراً بالصور التي التقطها المصور السوداني مازن الزين والتي تكشف عن معاناة النازحين، وصولاً إلى الأعمال الفنية المعبرة التي أنتجها أطفال من غزة والسودان وأوكرانيا. استطاع المعرض أن يبرز قدرة الإنسان على الصمود والأمل في ظل الظروف الصعبة. #WISH7 #WISHSummit #7قمةـويش #Doha #Qatar #GlobalHealth

  • Here’s a look back at the Children’s Athletics Championship that took place during Doha Healthcare Week!🏅 The event brought together students from different schools, to participate in fun, age-appropriate athletic activities. It was a fantastic opportunity to encourage physical activity and teamwork among young students. لمحة عن بطولة ألعاب القوى للأطفال التي أقيمت خلال أسبوع الرعاية الصحية في الدوحة! 🏅 جمعت الفعالية طلاباً من مدارس مختلفة للمشاركة في أنشطة رياضية ممتعة ومناسبة لأعمارهم. كانت فرصة رائعة لتشجيع النشاط البدني والعمل الجماعي بين الطلاب الصغار. #DHW2024 #DohaHealthcareWeek2024 #WISH7 #أسبوع_الدوحة_للرعاية_الصحية_2024 #قمةـويش7

  • At the #WISH7 closing ceremony, the Cardio4Cities initiative, led by the Novartis Foundation and Qatar Foundation, was unveiled, showcasing how cities can leverage data, AI, and partnerships to tackle cardiovascular disease and promote health equity. Global experts shared powerful insights on the importance of intersectoral collaboration, data-driven approaches, and innovative interventions to improve heart health and empower communities. في ختام #قمةـويش7، تم إطلاق مبادرة Cardio4Cities، بقيادة مؤسسة نوفارتس ومؤسسة قطر، والتي تبرز كيف يمكن للمدن الاستفادة من البيانات والذكاء الاصطناعي والشراكات لمكافحة أمراض القلب والأوعية الدموية وتعزيز العدالة الصحية. شارك خبراء عالميون رؤى قوية حول أهمية التعاون بين القطاعات المختلفة، والنهج القائمة على البيانات، والتدخلات المبتكرة لتحسين صحة القلب وتمكين المجتمعات. #WISH7 #WISHSummit #7قمةـويش #Doha #Qatar #GlobalHealth

  • Celebrating the inspiring journey of the Innovators of Tomorrow at #WISH7! WISH 7 introduced its first student-led competition in partnership with Qatar Science Club, where participating students presented innovative solutions to improve the healthcare sector. The competition featured two main categories, with winners from both categories awarded during the closing ceremony. Their accomplishments highlight the strength of creativity, resilience, and the boundless capabilities of youth in shaping a healthier tomorrow. نحتفي بالمسيرة المُلهمة لمبتكرو الغد في #قمةـويش7! شهدت قمة ويش 7 إطلاق أول مسابقة طلابية بالتعاون مع النادي العلمي القطري، حيث قدم الطلاب المشاركون حلولاً مبتكرة لتحسين قطاع الرعاية الصحية. تضمنت المسابقة فئتين رئيسيتين، وتم تكريم الفائزين من كل فئة في حفل الختام. وتعد إنجازاتهم دليل على قوة الإبداع والعزيمة، وتأكيد على الإمكانات الكبيرة للشباب في صياغة مستقبل أكثر صحة. #InnovatorsOfTomorrow #WISH7 #قمةـويش7 #مبتكروـالغد

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