This is Book 9, Collection IV, of the Million-Word Reading Project (MWRP) readers. It is suitable for learners with a basic vocabulary of 1,500 words.
Million-Word Reading Project (MWRP) is a reading project for ESL/EFL learners at the elementary level (with a basic vocabulary of 1,500 words). In two years, for about fifteen minutes each day, an ESL/EFL learner can read one million words, and reach the upper-intermediate level, gaining a vocabulary of about 3,500 words and a large number of expressions.
For Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, his love of aviation inspired stories, which have touched the hearts of millions around the world. Mystical and enchanti...
Sunshine Valley is an adventure story about a caterpillar named Tiny Wings. Misunderstood in the forest, Tiny Wings was driven from his home. His jour...
"Moving Island" is a story about a 16-year-old teenager named Evan who shows courage in the face of adversity and seeks survival in an unknown environ...
The Snow Queen is a story about the friendship between a girl named Gerda and a boy named Kai. Their lives take a turn when they encounter a wizard wh...
The Hound of the Baskervilles is about an old curse running in a rich family, that a huge, supernatural and diabolical hound causing deaths of the fam...
One day, a nightingale arrived at the emperor's palace, and its captivating melodies filled the air, spreading joy and awe among all who listened....
A Christmas Carol mainly follows a story of a mean-spirited and selfish old man named Ebenezer Scrooge, who hates Christmas. While he is sitting in hi...
A Tale of Two Cities is a historical novel published in 1859. It is set in London and Paris before and during the French Revolution, a time that Engla...
《西藏民間故事與寓言》乃德國藏學家 Franz Anton Schiefner(斯福爾)譯自《甘珠爾》的作品,再由 William Ralston Shedden 從德文譯成英文。《甘珠爾》裏的故事大量取材梵文寫成的古印度婆羅門故事。 此電子版經由編著譯者鄭玉萍編制校對及修正錯別字。此英譯版為英式...
Animal Farm is one of Orwell’s representative works, first published in 1945. It tells the story of a group of animals fighting against the oppression...
In 2125 BCE, humanity fell short of achieving the United Nations' sustainable development goals. Technological advancements in the past century le...
A Study in Scarlet was published in Beeton’s Christmas Annual, introducing people to later world-renowned Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John H. Watson. The ...
This is Book 6, Collection III, of the Million-Word Reading Project (MWRP) readers. It is suitable for learners with a basic vocabulary of 1,500 words...
This is Book 9, Collection IV, of the Million-Word Reading Project (MWRP) readers. It is suitable for learners with a basic vocabulary of 1,500 words.
Million-Word Reading Project (MWRP) is a reading project for ESL/EFL learners at the elementary level (with a basic vocabulary of 1,500 words). In two years, for about fifteen minutes each day, an ESL/EFL learner can read one million words, and reach the upper-intermediate level, gaining a vocabulary of about 3,500 words and a large number of expressions.
Text Information
Readability | 87.9
Total word count | 40036
Words beyond 1500 | 2233
Unknown word percentage (%) | 5.58
Unknown headword occurrence | 3.53
Unknown words that occur 5 times or more | 141
Unknown words that occur 2 times or more | 356
This book is rewritten from Book 9 of THE FAMOUS FIVE - Enid Blyton’s most popular adventure series. The “Famous Five” are Georgina (preferred name George) and her dog, Timmy, with her three cousins, Julian, Dick and Anne.
George’s parents go on a holiday in Spain, so the children and the cook remain at home. The Five are very happy, for they expect a very peaceful holiday. At night, a mysterious face appears at the window of the girls’ bedroom. The next night, someone breaks into Uncle Quentin’s study. And then, George and Timmy both disappear. What is behind all this?
Enid Blyton (1897 - 1968) is one of the world’s best-loved children’s authors. Her books have been translated into over 90 languages and are still enjoyed by children and adults all over the world.
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