Mama! I don’t want to leave!
0 則劃線
0 篇書評

Mama! I don’t want to leave!

  • 出版日期: 2024/08/17
  • 語言:英文
  • 檔案大小:23.0MB
  • 商品格式:固定版面 EPUB
  • eISBN: 9786269860821
  • ISBN: 9786269860814
  • 頁數: 39
紙本書定價:NT$ 320
電子書售價:NT$ 224
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This is a story about longing and learning to say goodbye. Goodbye, is not a farewell to memories, but a promise of reunions yet to unfold. The wind, though invisible, is everywhere. Through seasons' turn, from spring's gentle bloom to winter's solemn grace, they bestow upon us full blessings and energy to face all the challenges of the future.

Valerie Yen
Valerie Yen 11th-grade student at Taipei American School Founder of To the Moon Art Charity



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