Making sense of temporal data: the DECLARE encoding

Chiara Di Francescomarino, Ivan Donadello, Chiara Ghidini, Fabrizio Maria Maggi, Williams Rizzi. Making sense of temporal data: the DECLARE encoding. In Giuseppe De Giacomo, Antonella Guzzo, Marco Montali, Lior Limonad, Fabiana Fournier, Tagatha Chakraborti, editors, Proceedings of the Workshop on Process Management in the AI Era (PMAI 2022) co-located with 31st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the 25th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-ECAI 2022), Wien, Austria, July 23, 2022. Volume 3310 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, pages 77-80,, 2022. [doi]
