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Top 8 Blogging Tips for a New Bloggers and beginners



  1. Conviction

The first important thing for any blogger to understand is that a blog is the voice of its author, and the internet its medium for reaching the wider audience. Therefore, it is imperative that anyone about to write a blog does not hesitate to voice his or her opinion, and with conviction. However, while it is good to be opinionated, one should also remember that a blog reaches out to audiences across countries, cultures, and most importantly, ideologies. Any new blogger is liable face criticism. The trick is: to take it positively. Debatable blogs provide a platform for healthy arguments and exchange of ideas.

  1. Time

The next factor that a new blogger should consider is time. In the early stage, it might happen that the blog does not receive enough online traffic. It often appears that the much-needed jumpstart may be acquired by simply blogging and rewriting articles that are already in the news. It is important to remember that such articles tend to age over time. Therefore, rather than turning the blog into a news e-zine, it might be better to analyze several incidents that were in recent news and forge one’s subjective opinion through attention-grasping nuances that are bound to keep the audience engaged. These topics are timeless.

  1. Dedication

Time, once again, is a key factor once the traffic starts flowing in. One of the worst mistakes that bloggers commit is not updating the blog with new articles every now and then. Irregular updates lead to loss of traffic. What is worse, even the audience might lose their interest and stop checking the blog for updates after some time. Therefore, it is important to post even smaller topics – preferably witty, thought-provoking ones – when it is not possible to write more exhaustive content.

  1. Engaging content

Speaking of exhaustive content, something sure has changed on the Internet over the past couple of years. From readers, people are rapidly turning into scanners. They are beginning to prefer crisp content in shorter paragraphs that convey the message immediately. Grasping the attention is an art that, if mastered, can make any blogger the master of the world of blogs.

  1. Empathy

A blog may be a platform to voice one’s opinions, but it is also important to empathize with the readers. While it is not exactly desirable to write on sensitive topics where public opinion may be divided, it is advisable to attain as neutral a stance as possible. Angering the majority is not exactly the best survival strategy in the real or the virtual world.

  1. Debate and encourage contribution

A daringly experimental, yet extremely effective move might be to open a debate and encourage the audience to contribute. It is amazing, how many incredible ideas the web is teeming with!

  1. No plagiarism

Among the obvious and yet, frequently ignored tips for any new blogger is: no plagiarism! A blog is – and always should be – one’s unique voice.

  1. Visual design and social networking

Last but not the least, it is very important to focus on the visual aspect of a blog. A well-designed blog attracts attention, creates a good impression, and builds reliance. The use of social networking widgets, such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn widgets, help expand the reach of a blog further through social networking sites.

Image via Thesaleslion