Reporting Global Tech Stories

Help us raise $30,000 by December 31. Please donate!

With nearly four billion internet users living outside the West, Rest of World’s deeply reported, award-winning tech stories are filling a critical information gap.

Since launching in 2020, we have published nearly 2,000 human-centered stories from over 100 countries, garnering support from readers and donors like you around the world. As a nonprofit, the support of readers is paramount. Our articles are free thanks in part to your generosity. 

Your gift to Rest of World will support investigative reporting in 2025 and beyond, helping us move to the next phase of our journalism. Tech is moving faster than ever in rising markets, and we can’t afford to let it go uncovered. Your gift also makes you a member, joining a global community of readers who care about our stories.

Thank you for supporting Rest of World. We are so grateful for you.

Learn more below

Where is the money going?

Your donation goes to support our entire global news operation across six continents, including core reporting infrastructure, digital outreach, fact checking, and freelance journalist, photographer, and artist compensation. This special end of year donation will support our investigative work in 2025 and beyond.

What do Rest of World members receive?

As a Rest of World member, you become part of a global community of readers, whose donations help sustain and grow our coverage – and to keep our stories free to read everywhere from Silicon Valley to Sumatra. Members receive a special edition of our annual Impact Report each spring and are invited to join special events throughout the year.

Is my donation tax deductible?

Rest of World is a 501(c)(3) private operating foundation. All U.S. donations to the publication are tax deductible as prescribed by law. To understand how this fits into your charitable giving, we recommend that you consult with your accountant or tax advisor. Please keep your email donation receipt as your official record for tax purposes. Rest of World’s EIN is 83-4475862.

What’s Rest of World’s gift acceptance policy?

Please see our section on making charitable gifts and our policy for accepting them here.

What are the various ways I can give?

We accept digital payments in the following ways:

  • Credit/Debit via Stripe
  • PayPal and Venmo
  • Bank transfer (ACH, Bacs, and SEPA)
  • Stock or publicly traded securities

Please make checks payable to Rest of World Media, Inc. and mail them to:
Rest of World Media, Inc.
1010 Alma St.
Suite 200
Menlo Park, CA 94025

How can I manage my recurring donation?

To manage a recurring donation, sign into your Donor Portal or email us at

What’s the best way to reach you?

Contact us at We'd love to hear from you!
