ADV Romania cover photo
ADV Romania

ADV Romania

Organizații civice și sociale

Iasi, Iasi 2.910 adepți

ADV Romania Foundation is a promoter of the social economy in Romania and the EaP countries.

Despre noi

The ADV Romania Foundation is a non-governmental organization, promoter of social economy law and a favourable legal framework for Romania's social economy sector. Also, one of the Romanian Network of Work Integration Social Enterprises initiators. ADV Romania is one of the most significant work integration social enterprises which has developed three social businesses: UtilDeco - one of the largest WISE in Romania, offering B2B products in services. JobDirect - employment agency and workplace assistance for people with disabilities. is the only travel broker in Europe that operates as a social enterprise, with 100% of profits going into social projects. In 2019 ADV Romania developed the "Social Enterprises Accelerator" through which, with financing from the European Commission, were established 42 social enterprises in Romania and five in the Republic of Moldova (4,2 mil Euro third-party support). In 2021, ADV Romania established the first social economy cluster from Romania and the Rep. of Moldova. The Accelerator of Social Enterprises cluster is registered on the European Cluster Collaboration Platform (more than 60 social enterprises are members of this cluster). ADV has developed four social innovation labs with local partners in Chisinau, Cahul, Cantemir in the Republic of Moldova and Ismail in Ukraine to continue developing the social economy sector. ADV Romania is one of the founders of AFIN - the first non-bank financial institution dedicated to the social economy sector, established in April 2022 with 171 shareholders from Romania.

Site web
Sector de activitate
Organizații civice și sociale
Dimensiunea companiei
51-200 de angajați
Iasi, Iasi
Economie Sociala, Arhivare si depozitare documente, Imprimare si multiplicare, Echipamente de protectie, Echipamente de Protectie, Personalizare produse și Croitorie


  • Principal

    Str. Bazinelor nr. 5

    sat Uricani, com. Miroslava (vis-a-vis de Antibiotice S.A)

    Iasi, Iasi 707316, RO

    Primiți indicații

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