We are proud to announce that BICF | IMAP Romania has been honored with the Special Prize for M&A Advisory Services award by the prestigious ROPEA organization! This recognition reflects our unwavering commitment to delivering excellence in mergers and acquisitions, helping our clients turn their strategic visions into reality. This award highlights the trust our partners place in our expertise and tailored approach. It stands as a testament to our dedicated team, showcasing professionalism, innovation, and commitment every step of the way and motivates us to continue raising the bar in the M&A industry across the region. A heartfelt thank you to our incredible team, clients, and partners for making this achievement possible. This award is for you! #MergersAndAcquisitions #M&A #BICF #IMAP #ROPEA
BICF | IMAP Romania
Servicii financiare
Sectorul 1, Bucharest 724 adepți
Consultantul tau de incredere in Romania
Despre noi
Consultant independent in fuziuni si achizitii cu sediul in Bucuresti, BI Corporate Finance furnizeaza servicii de consultanta de top pentru proprietari de afaceri, echipe de management, consilii de administratie si de asemenea pentru investitori. Pe langa expertiza in fuziuni si achizitii, BI Corporate Finance se bazeaza pe experienta extinsa a echipei sale in finante corporative si piete de capital pentru a oferi asistenta companiilor in ceea ce priveste structura capitalului si diverse variante de finatari.
- Site web
Link extern pentru BICF | IMAP Romania
- Sector de activitate
- Servicii financiare
- Dimensiunea companiei
- 2-10 angajați
- Sediu
- Sectorul 1, Bucharest
- Tip
- Companie privată
- Înființată
- 2016
- Specializări
- M&A, Capital markets, Capital raising și Advisory
Strada Aleksandr Sergheevici Pușkin 10
4th Floor
Sectorul 1, Bucharest, RO
Angajați la BICF | IMAP Romania
Suntem încântați să anunțăm că echipa BICF | IMAP Romania, parte a rețelei globale IMAP - International Mergers and Acquisitions Partnership, a asistat DigiRay - Radiologie si Tomografie Dentara (liderul pieței locale de radiologie si imagistică dentară) în atragerea și structurarea unei finanțări pentru achiziția clinicilor Maraffka Dental.
BICF | IMAP Romania a distribuit aceasta
Yesterday, Sparking Capital have organised with BICF | IMAP Romania a workshop, for our portfolio companies Bright Spaces, Evertoys Romania, Flaminjoy, KFactory®, Sypher Solutions on M&A. Bogdan Iliescu, the Managing Partner of BICF | IMAP Romania shared his practical experience on the strategy, process and stages, readiness, timing, valuation methods, negotiation, closing and post closing elements, tips and tricks. Sparking Capital's Managing Partner Vlad Panait stressed on the importance of early preparation, having a compelling story telling told in a simple way emphasising not only the strength of the business today but also the ability to create and capture value during next ownership. #Techstartups, #Growth, #Venturecaptial, #M&A