Business Development Group Romania a distribuit aceasta
🔔 AWARD GENERAL ASSEMBLY 🔍 To conclude our #General #Assembly, the AWARD_HEU team had the privilege of visiting the Universitatea Tehnică de Construcții București department, including the Lab of Aerodynamics and Wind Engineering Constantin Iamandi and the Lab of Hydraulics and Environmental Protection Dumitru Cioc. Many thanks to Alexandru Stefan Dimache, Andrei-Mugur Georgescu, Costin Ioan Coșoiu, and Iulian Iancu for their guidance during this visit! 🤝 We also had the opportunity to meet with key #stakeholders and present the AWARD project, leading to insightful #discussions and constructive #exchanges. These interactions reinforced our shared vision and strengthened the #collaboration essential to the project's success. 🚀 A heartfelt thank you to all our #partners for their presence, #motivation, and #dedication throughout this general assembly. The discussions and #collective #efforts made this week promise a bright #future for the AWARD project and for water in Europe, and we look forward to the next steps together! 💧🌍 ➡️ Stay tuned for more updates! #EUProject #WaterResources #AWARD #AWRs #Alternative_Water_Resources