“De ce m-a inselat?“ una dintre cele mai dureroase intrebari pe care le auzim zilnic in clinica. Infidelitatea nu este doar un simplu moment in timp. Este pentru individ si relatie “cancerul cu metastaze pentru corpul fizic” ce vine insotit de tulburare de stres postraumatic, depresie, risc suicidar, anxietate, furie si costuri enorme atat psiho-emotionale, medicale, finaciare dar si colaterale- cum ar fi pe termen lung bolile metale si rezultatele academice precare ale copiilor proveniti din divort. Un impuls, o placere (uneori doar de moment) poate afecta cel putin 2 sau poate 4 vieti. In articolul scris pentru Dilema, Dr Nadia Gorduza explica din punct de vedere biologic, genetic si psihologic ce sta in spatele tradarii. https://lnkd.in/ddqKamAs
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Centrul de psihoterapii personalizate si consultanta psihologica
Despre noi
ID Therapy Bespoke Treatment Center este primul centru din Romania care ofera solutii terapeutice personalizate calate pe nevoi unice individuale, de Psihoterapie, Terapie de Cuplu Gottman, Terapii Virtuale pentru Fobii si Adictii, Psihiatrie, Pshihoterapie Individuala (Cognitiv Comportamentala, Scurta Strategica, Scurta Colaborativa, Integrativa), Terapii Online si Servicii Corporate de Consultanta Psihologica. Promisiunea Id Therapy in materie de psihoterapii personalizate Am conceput ID Therapy inspirata de o intrebare care mi-a staruit ceva timp in minte: „Ce-ar fi daca tu, oricine ai fi, cu povestea ta de viata, cu provocarile tale de orice natura, cu probleme de sanatate fizica sau psihica, ai putea veni intr-un loc unde sa beneficiezi de o psiho-diagnoza complexa si completa si de unde sa pleci cu o solutie eficienta bazata pe cercetari stiintifice si adaptata pentru tine si nevoia ta, de maine incepand?” Acest “ce-ar fi daca?” a devenit crezul meu, bazat pe 3 principii: 1. La ID Therapy nu esti nici pacient, nici client. Esti o entitate unica ce primeste, ca urmare a unui analize in profunzime a problemei, un plan terapeutic personalizat cu descrierea tuturor etapelor care vor fi parcurse si timpul prezumtiv necesar pentru acest proces. 2. Combinam solutii psiho-terapeutice diferite intr-o maniera inovativa pentru a cartografia exact sursa si modalitatea de manifestare a unui simptom si pentru a scurta calea catre solutie. 3. Actionam avand mereu in minte scopul final pe care vrem sa-l obtinem si ne concentram pe terapii de scurta durata strategice si centrate pe rezultate precise. Stabileste o intalnire
- Site web
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- Sector de activitate
- Sănătate mintală
- Dimensiunea companiei
- 11-50 de angajați
- Sediu
- Bucharest, Sector 1
- Tip
- Non-profit
- Înființată
- 2015
- Specializări
- Individual psychotherapy, Couple Therapy - Gottman Method, Virtual Reality Therapy, Psychiatric consultations, Online Consultations, Clinical Evaluation, Workshops și Teenagers Psychotherapy
Strada Naum Ramniceanu, nr. 23,
ap. 1
Bucharest, Sector 1, RO
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Paris, FR
Angajați la idtherapy
Nadia Gorduza
Founder & CEO ID Therapy - Bespoke Treatment Center I Certified Gottman Couple Therapist | Gottman Institute & VBI Virtual Reality USA…
Raina Saguna
psychotherapist & clinical psychologist at Raina Saguna Cabinet Individual de Psihologie
Bogdan Pîrtoacă
Psychotherapist la ATLAS - atlas.app
Could Schizophrenia Begin Before Birth? Recent research suggests that schizophrenia’s origins may trace back to the womb. While traditionally linked to inherited genetics or environmental factors like trauma, a pivotal study identifies somatic mutations—genetic errors occurring during early embryonic development—as a potential cause. Key findings spotlight mutations in the NRXN1 and ABCB11 genes, which could disrupt early brain development. These mutations, influenced by factors like oxidative stress, viral infections, or toxins during pregnancy, might explain non-inherited cases. This research highlights the critical role of prenatal care and early detection in potentially mitigating schizophrenia’s impact. #MentalHealth #SchizophreniaResearch #Neuroscience #PrenatalCare #IdTherapy
The Power of Perspective: One Simple Tip for Better Decisions Making decisions during emotionally charged moments can feel overwhelming. Emotions often cloud judgment, leading to choices we may later regret. However, there’s a simple, emotionally intelligent strategy that can help: adopt the role of an advisor. Imagine someone else facing your challenge. This mental shift helps you detach from emotional biases, bringing clarity and logic to your analysis. Emotional intelligence doesn’t suppress feelings; it balances them with reason to guide thoughtful decisions. While this approach may not offer instant solutions, it initiates clarity and opens pathways to actionable insights. Paired with discussions with trusted mentors or peers, it can transform uncertainty into confident choices. Next time you’re unsure, ask: What advice would I give to a friend in this situation? The answer might reveal the clarity you need. #EmotionalIntelligence #DecisionMaking #PersonalGrowth #IdTherapy
May this Mărțișor be a symbol of hope, love, and inner peace. Have a beautiful spring filled with light and happiness! ✉️🌸 Nadia Gorduza, Raina Saguna #idtherapy #nadiagorduza #martisor
First Love Psychology: The Blueprint of Romance Your first love isn’t just a fleeting memory; it’s a foundational experience that shapes your perspective on relationships. Research highlights that the hormonal surge—dopamine, oxytocin, and norepinephrine—during first love creates an emotional imprint akin to addiction. Adolescence, a period of peak memory and brain development, magnifies this impact. Psychologists explain that these early experiences set the stage for future attachment styles, emotional resilience, and how we recover from heartbreak. With sensory and emotional triggers keeping the memories vivid, first love truly leaves a lasting mark. Do you still cherish those memories? #FirstLove #PsychologyOfLove #EmotionalHealth #RelationshipBlueprint #BrainScience #IdTherapy
Do Your Children Sleep at Regular Bedtimes? Having consistent bedtimes can significantly impact your child's emotional health, even more than the total amount of sleep they get. Recent research highlights that children with stable sleep schedules demonstrate better self-control and emotional regulation, particularly during challenging situations. Behavioral studies, which utilize objective sleep-monitoring devices, have shown that regular sleep patterns enable children to manage frustration and regulate their emotions more effectively. While the duration of sleep is important, the timing and consistency of bedtime routines play a crucial role in promoting emotional balance. Do you follow a specific sleep schedule with your children? Share your thoughts below. #ChildDevelopment #EmotionalHealth #ParentingTips #SleepMatters #IdTherapy
Can Silence Speak Louder Than Words? In our quest to fill every "awkward silence," we often overlook the profound power of quiet. Silence isn’t just the absence of words—it’s a tool that can enhance communication, foster understanding, and deepen connections. Breaking the Noise: Silence can emphasize a point, allowing it to resonate without the clutter of excessive explanation. Listening with Intention: Staying silent encourages others to share more, helping uncover deeper truths. Respectful Connection: Pauses signal presence and empathy, making others feel seen and heard. Could embracing silence transform the way you communicate? #MindfulCommunication #SilenceIsGolden #EmpathyMatters #HealthyConversations #ActiveListening #IdTherapy
Can Conflict Make Your Relationship Stronger? Every couple faces challenges, but what sets successful partnerships apart is how they handle conflict. Research from The Gottman Institute shows that nearly 70% of relationship disagreements stem from recurring issues, yet thriving couples manage to navigate these with grace. The secret lies in communication: 1️. Listen and Reflect: Repeat your partner’s words to show understanding. 2️. Validate Their Feelings: Acknowledge their emotions, even if you disagree. 3️. Share Your Perspective: Calmly explain your side once their feelings are validated. By focusing on connection rather than “winning,” couples can transform arguments into opportunities for growth. How do you approach conflict in your relationship? #RelationshipTips #ConflictResolution #CouplesGoals #EmotionalIntelligence #GottmanMethod #HealthyRelationships #MindfulCommunication #IdTherapy
Are We Obsessed with Our Reflections? In today’s tech-driven era, our self-perception is evolving faster than ever. From early photography to the modern selfie, technology has shifted our focus from inner qualities to external appearances. The Third-Person Perspective Social media encourages us to see ourselves as others do, blurring the line between self-awareness and self-absorption. Appearance Over Essence Platforms amplify external validation through instant photo sharing, often sidelining deeper personal values in favor of "likes" and filters. The Rise of Narcissism in the Digital Age Technology replaces genuine human connections with audiences. Sociologists warn that this shift might hinder our ability to build meaningful relationships. Take a moment to reflect: Is your self-worth tied to the image you project, or the person you truly are? #SelfImage #TechnologyAndSelf #MentalHealthMatters #NarcissismAwareness #SelfReflection #DigitalAge #DigitalNarcissism #IdTherapy
Is It Time to Let Go? In a world that glorifies persistence, knowing when to quit can be a profound act of self-care. Quitting Is a Choice Holding onto unattainable goals can deplete your energy and well-being. Choosing to quit is a powerful decision to refocus on what truly matters. Your Identity Isn’t Your Goal Tying your identity to a dream can make letting go feel like losing yourself. Remember, you are more than any single aspiration. Opportunity Costs Every effort spent chasing unrealistic goals may shut the door on other fulfilling opportunities. Letting go isn’t failure—it’s freedom to explore new paths and nurture joy. What will you release today? #MentalHealth #PersonalGrowth #LifeChoices #EmotionalWellBeing #GoalSetting #MentalHealthMatters #EmpowerYourself #HealthyChoices #Resilience #IdTherapy