MKBT: Make Better

MKBT: Make Better

Dezvoltare comunitară și planificare urbană

Know-how for urban regeneration.

Despre noi

MKBT initiates and facilitates local development and regeneration processes. We use a long-term, interdisciplinary approach, working at the grassroots level, through participatory action, connected to local needs, aspirations, and opportunities. Our goal is to build the best home for the residents of the cities we are active in. We always start from a deep understanding of the place and communities we work with. We act with patience and perseverance to build trust, which is essential in systemic urban regeneration processes committed to long-term goals. We love being on the ground, immersing ourselves in problems, and have the curiosity to meet people and understand distinct realities. At the same time, we explore the interdependence of local and global challenges; we pay attention to international best practices and leverage local knowledge and resources to address the multiple crises and challenges of our generation, such as demographic changes, climate change, social inequality, sustainable economic development, and access to natural resources.

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Sector de activitate
Dezvoltare comunitară și planificare urbană
Dimensiunea companiei
2-10 angajați
Companie privată
local development, urban planning, participatory processes, mobility, public sector advisory, strategic planning, urban analysis și GIS


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  • Investors' perspectives on reindustrialization efforts are vital for fostering local development and evaluating investment readiness. Our colleague Marina Batog recently conducted a training session on this topic, focusing on effective strategies for attracting investments to brownfield sites. She also shared insights into the successful approach the Municipality of Reșița implemented to enhance its investment appeal, with support from MKBT.

    Vizualizați pagina organizației pentru Interreg ReInd-BBG, grafic

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    🌍 Training: Understanding Investment Readiness 💡 📆 On November 19th, partners in the ReInd-BBG Project, Vojvodina Development Agency - Razvojna agencija Vojvodine from Serbia and MKBT: Make Better from Romania, hosted the Understanding Investment Readiness training. 🎯 The goal? To provide an investor's perspective on assessing reindustrialization projects and equip project partners with effective strategies for attracting investments in brownfield sites, both regionally and locally. 🌐 For more info about the training, visit the project's website: #Interreg #DanubeRegion #InvestmentReadiness #Reindustrialization #BrownfieldProjects #EconomicDevelopment #ReIndBBG

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  • Our colleague Alexandra wrote about the shortcomings of the Just Transition Mechanism implementation in Romania, highlighting how ignoring local needs and spatialized inequalities risks undermining the just transition. She advocates for a more place-based approach, as opposed to a one-size-fits-all approach, ensuring that no one is left behind.

    Vizualizați pagina organizației pentru BOLSTER, grafic

    317 urmăritori

    🌍 Building a Just Transition: Why Local Voices Matter 🍃 How can the green transition truly serve communities? Alexandra Lulache explores this in a new article based on the BOLSTER project, showing how the EU’s Just Transition Fund could better address local needs through a place-based approach. 🗝️ Key takeaway: A one-size-fits-all policy risks missing what matters most - addressing local inequalities and supporting marginalised groups. By engaging communities and tailoring investments to their realities, we can ensure no one is left behind. 👇 Read the blogpost to see how Romania’s experience offers lessons for equitable transitions below or here 👉 #JustTransition #GreenTransition #Sustainability #EUFunding #LocalDevelopment #BOLSTERProject #SocialEquity #ClimateAction

    The Just Transition Fund can do more good with a place-based approach

    The Just Transition Fund can do more good with a place-based approach

    BOLSTER pe LinkedIn

  • Avem site nou și raport de activitate! Suntem foarte bucuroși să împărtășim cu voi această realizare și mulțumim din prima echipei Daniel & Andrew că ne-a însoțit în această reașezare nu doar estică, ci și de viziune. >>> <<< Aveam mare nevoie de o schimbare și de a ne lua timp pentru a reflecta la cei 10 ani de activitate MKBT, la prezent și viitor, un obicei care este esențial în munca de regenerare urbană și pe care îl cultivăm în echipa noastră. A devenit, totodată, tot mai important pentru noi să descriem bine, structurat, limpede ce facem la MKBT, către ce tindem, la ce provocări răspundem și pe ce priorități ne așezăm, care este aportul nostru în rețelele locale, regionale și internaționale de lucru. Sperăm să vă placă noile noastre haine și vă încurajăm să țineți aproape :)

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  • SHOULD I STAY OR SHOULD I GO? This is probably the top-of-mind question among all youths living in small towns everywhere, let alone those facing the shift from carbon-intensive industries and navigating the challenges of a just transition. At the European Week of Regions and Cities, our colleague Ana-Maria joined as a speaker and facilitator in the “Should I stay or I should go?” participatory lab, where the need for balancing European priorities—like decarbonization and the internal market—with local and regional needs was addressed. Ana highlighted how we encourage civic imagination and enable community engagement in small, often overlooked towns, and shared key insights from our ongoing #BOLSTER project, which focuses on working with hard-to-reach communities for policy-making and future planning in #JustTransition regions. What does it take to convince young people to stay in small towns? >> During the workshop we* explored the root causes of youth displacement and looked at pragmatic, effective strategies to make these places more appealing—such as affordable housing, good quality infrastructure and public services, small-business support, and job creation. We emphasized the importance of encouraging and supporting civil society, maintaining and securing meaningful spaces and elements of cultural identity that are fundamental in creating resilient ties within communities. << *We means experts and practitioners of cohesion policy, politicians, decision-makers, and stakeholders from business, banking, civil society organizations, academia, and EU institutions. Thankful to have been among them and have contributed to the conversation about the future of the #CohesionPolicy in the EU. #EURegionsWeek, #BOLSTER, #JustTransition, #EUCohesionPolicy, #TerritorialAgenda

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  • De Ziua Internațională a Locuirii, vă invităm să ascultați seria noastră de podcast narativ „Conversații despre locuire”, începută încă din 2020, care aduce în prim plan atât relatări de la firul ierbii de la cei mulți care locuiesc în condiții insalubre și/sau nesigure pentru viața lor, cât și de la cei care sunt activi în îmbunătățirea condițiilor de locuire. #worldhabitatday #housing

    Conversații despre locuire - MKBT

    Conversații despre locuire - MKBT

  • At the ECAS - European Citizen Action Service policy dialogue last week, focusing on how Territorial Just Transition Plans can be genuinely inclusive toward marginalized communities, our colleagues Ana-Maria Elian and Alexandra Lulache talked about our research in Prahova, focusing on the community in Mimiu, Ploiești. Please find more information on our work in the #Bolster project here:

    📢Happening now! Today, over 30 participants are at our BOLSTER regional policy dialogue to identify innovative approaches to empowering marginalised communities throughout the energy transition process. The event summary & recording will be available soon!

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  • Am scris despre experiența noastră de consultare participativă cu diverse grupuri de cetățeni, adolescenți și femei, din județul Prahova (Urlați, Câmpina, Ploiești), pentru a vedea cum se resimt schimbările din ultimii 20 de ani și tranziția de la industriile poluatoare, în contextul asumării Pactului Verde European. Fiecare grup a gândit un proiect bazat pe nevoile recunoscute în comunitate (îmbunătățirea infrastructurii de mobilitate, creșterea eficienței energetice a locuințelor, colectarea apei de ploaie, punct de reciclare etc.); mai mult decât orice, ideile care vin de la aceste persoane ne arată care ar trebui să fie direcția de investiție pentru o tranziție justă, dacă implicarea cetățenilor ar fi mai amplă și mai direct. Demersul face parte din programul BOLSTER, un proiect de 36 de luni conceput pentru a înțelege modul în care comunitățile marginalizate sunt afectate de politicile ce derivă din Pactul Ecologic European și pentru a vedea dacă implicarea acestor comunități în procesele decizionale consolidează sprijinul local pentru planurile de tranziție justă. MKBT face parte dintr-un consorțiu de cercetare internațional și cercetează zona Prahova (ca teritoriu țintă) și Cluj, ca teritoriu de studiu.

    A vorbit cineva cu persoanele afectate de tranziția justă? - MKBT

    A vorbit cineva cu persoanele afectate de tranziția justă? - MKBT

  • Ana-Maria and Alexandra are in Stockholm over the weekend to represent the BOLSTER project at the "Learnings/Unlearnings: Environmental Pedagogies, Play, Policies, and Spatial Design" Conference. They will present and discuss "Small town youth in the fractures of the just transition" and highlight our findings and reflections from a one-year-long Multi Actor Fora experiment and community project in Urlați, Prahova (done through BOLSTER, where we worked with a group of teenagers to empower them into becoming agents of change for a just transition in Prahova). Organized by the KTH School of Architecture and hosted at Färgfabriken, this academic and professional conference focuses on how dialogue with key stakeholders can shape policies to enhance the quality, diversity, and inclusivity of our living environments. The BOLSTER project explores similar if not the same questions in seven regions in Europe. We are happy to share our insights and thoughts on the challenges and potential leverage points to guide a more inclusive just transition. More details on the conference: #bolster #justtransition #youths #learning #unlearning #environment #pedagogies

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  • Luna trecută, Ana-Maria Elian a fost la EU Danube Region Strategy Annual Forum, la Viena, alaturi de partenerii noștri din proiectul Interreg ”ReInd BBG: Re-Industrialization following the Brownfield is Better than Greenfield Principle”, implementat în 7 țari din regiunea Dunării. Am contribuit la dezbaterea despre viitorul cooperării în această regiune prin facilitarea unui atelier interactiv despre "Place-based innovation in brownfield re-industrialization", la care au participat în jur de 40 de factori de decizie, reprezentanți din instituții și organizații implicate în transformarea regiunii Dunării. În cadrul atelierului, am folosit metodologia jocului de rol pentru a intra în pielea mai multor tipuri de stakeholderi: primari, profesori, oameni de afaceri, reprezentanți din comunități marginalizate sau ONG-uri, tineri activiști de mediu sau persoane în vârstă, care au lucrat în zone industriale acum dezafectate, și am exersat inovarea ca un punct de întâlnire între toate aceste voci, dincolo de tehnologii avansate și specializare smart. // Proiectul "ReInd BBG: Re-Industrialization following the Brownfield is Better than Greenfield Principle" urmărește creșterea capacității părților interesate de-a lungul Dunării de a dezvolta și implementa modele de guvernanță și practici participative mai bune pentru redezvoltarea siturilor industriale dezafectate. Mai multe despre proiect, aici:

    𝗣𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗲-𝗯𝗮𝘀𝗲𝗱 𝗶𝗻𝗻𝗼𝘃𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗿𝗲𝗶𝗻𝗱𝘂𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗮𝗹𝗶𝘀𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗷𝗲𝗰𝘁𝘀 𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗗𝗮𝗻𝘂𝗯𝗲 𝗥𝗲𝗴𝗶𝗼𝗻, one of the important topics on the agenda of the #13EUSDRannualforum was hosted by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia with support of the #EUSDR Priority Area 8 – #Competitiveness of Enterprises. Place-based innovation is a concept to examine #localresources, #infrastructure, institutions, talent pool and leverage on the strengths of regional actors to #fosterinnovation and #economictransformation. With an interactive approach, organised on a role play format, the session provided the participants with the opportunity of exchanging knowledge and finding why using brownfields (degraded land(or water bodies), polluted from the point of soil fertility) instead of greenfields is better for development based on the findings in the ReInd-BBG – #Reindustrialisation Following the #Brownfield is Better than #Greenfield Principle project. Interested in finding more about this approach of development? Follow the link: Interreg ReInd-BBG #prosperitythroughdiversity #danubeyouthcouncil #austrianeusdrpresidency

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  • Ana-Maria and Alexandra attended the Regional Studies Association Annual Conference in Florence to present our findings within BOLSTER and share our insights on Prahova and other six carbon-intensive regions undergoing transition. More than 700 researchers, practitioners, and policymakers were gathered under the broad theme of„Global Challenges, Regional Collaboration and the Role of Places”. In our presentation, we discussed the connection between existing transition narratives, meaning-making, and the sense of agency in Romania's just transition, focusing on empowering people and local communities. Our study, based on nearly two years of working with Prahova communities, explored their experiences of marginalization in the just transition process, their understanding of the concept, and their visions for Prahova's future. Together, we developed and are now testing participatory practices and governance structures to support them in shaping this vision. All in all, our findings show that narratives and meaning-making processes of local communities are closely tied to their sense of agency and attitudes towards action. A key leverage point might be ensuring that those directly affected understand the change and the stakes, enabling them to become active stakeholders. Education and climate literacy are crucial for this, while building civil society and fostering community engagement is essential for transforming these regions. We always arrive at the same realization: there are no quick and easy fixes—civic engagement requires continuous support and development over the long term. We were very happy to reconnect with the researchers from our sister project (DUST) and discover new links and meanings in shaping a more just transition in Europe. Stay tuned for more news from our grassroots work! #Bolster #JustTransition #SustainabilityTransition #citizenparticipation #inclusion #policy #RSA #communities #agency #narratives #EDG

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