🌍 Descoperiți Povestea din Spatele MyEcoBox cu Lestat Monroe 🌿 Sunt încântat să vă împărtășesc cel mai recent articol al meu, care include un interviu inspirator cu Lestat Monroe, fondatorul MyEcoBox! Aflați cum această inițiativă din România revoluționează reciclarea materialelor dificil de procesat într-un efort național pentru un mediu mai curat. 🗣️ Discutăm despre: Povestea fondării și misiunea MyEcoBox Campanii de succes precum #CoffeeCycle Planuri de viitor pentru extinderea inițiativelor de reciclare și upcycling Citiți articolul complet pentru a vedea cum MyEcoBox creează o nouă atitudine față de gestionarea deșeurilor! ♻️ #Sustenabilitate #Reciclare #EcoFriendly #InițiativeVerzi #EconomieCirculară #ImpactAsupraMediului #MyEcoBox #România #ViitorCurat
Organizații civice și sociale
Sector 5, Bucharest 87 adepți
#OnouaAtitudineAsupraDeșeurilor #MyEcoBox
Despre noi
MyEcoBox este o organizație non-profit dedicată promovării unei "noi atitudini față de deșeuri". Programul MyEcoBox este prima soluție completă de reciclare a obiectelor greu de reciclat din România, oferind o modalitate simplă și convenabilă pentru persoane fizice, întreprinderi, branduri și comercianți de a elimina deșeurile în mod responsabil. MyEcoBox se angajează să ajute oamenii să își reducă amprenta asupra mediului și să creeze un viitor mai sustenabil.
- Sector de activitate
- Organizații civice și sociale
- Dimensiunea companiei
- 2-10 angajați
- Sediu
- Sector 5, Bucharest
- Tip
- Non-profit
- Înființată
- 2016
Strada Doctor Nicolae Turnescu
Sector 5, Bucharest, RO
Angajați la MyEcoBox.ro
Lestat Monroe
🌐Founder, Romanian Diversity Chamber of Commerce | ✨ED&I Advocate | 🌍Member, Advisory Board for Central and Eastern Europe | 🤝Local Influencer…
Matei Dumitrescu
Project Developer at Romanian Diversity Chamber of Commerce & MyEcoBox | France Excellence Scholarship Holder
Gabriel Pana
🚨 Exciting Announcement from MyEcoBox 🚨 We're thrilled to share some fantastic news with all the coffee aficionados out there! MyEcoBox is proud to announce that we are the official sustainability partner for the upcoming CoffeEast Festival, happening from April 19th to April 21st at Hala Laminor. As the leading sustainability partner, MyEcoBox is committed to ensuring that this celebration of Eastern Europe's growing coffee culture leaves behind not just memories, but also a positive environmental impact. Through our #CoffeeCycle program, sponsored by Kaufland Romania & Moldova , we're tackling sustainability at every stage of the coffee journey. From aluminum and plastic coffee pods to coffee bags and even the coffee grounds generated during the festival, MyEcoBox has got it covered. Our innovative #CoffeeCycle program is designed to minimize waste and maximize sustainability, ensuring that every sip of coffee comes with a side of environmental responsibility. Specialty coffee has evolved beyond just a drink; it's now a cultural movement, embodying urban lifestyle and shared experiences. At MyEcoBox, we're proud to support this movement towards sustainability within the coffee industry. The #CoffeEastFestival, created by @mihaipanfil, isn't just about great coffee; it's about community, creativity, and sustainability. We invite our community to join us at this groundbreaking event and be a part of the movement towards a more sustainable future for coffee lovers everywhere. PS: Who's ready to join us? Stay tuned for more exciting announcements coming your way soon! ☕️🌱 #CoffeeCycle #CoffeEastFestival #SustainabilityPartner #KauflandCSR
🚨New Brand alert: CoffeEast Festival Last year, Mihai Panfil — a pioneering serial entrepreneur in the local coffee movement, international juror in worldwide coffee competitions, and mentor for many baristas — approached us with the idea of launching the first ever coffee festival fair in Eastern Europe. Over the last decade, specialty coffee has evolved from a drink to a cultural movement: a desirable urban lifestyle expression, a hedonistic way to experience and share pleasure with friends, baristas — and strangers — in Instagramable coffee store locations. But the facts also spoke for themselves: Romania has the fastest-growing coffee shop market in Europe, and it ranks 6th (!) in Europe for the number of artisan coffee shops and specialized roasters. The timing is perfect (and it is now! April 19th-April 21st) We created CoffeEast Festival, designing a fresh, dynamic visual identity encapsulates Eastern Europe’s passion for specialty coffee. The spirited logo made out of four symbols also serves as key visual and can be deconstructed and rearranged endlessly. Read the full case study on our website: https://lnkd.in/eFyfR2UZ PS: Who’s coming? We have more to announce!
Huge thanks to Ziarul Financiar and Alina-Elena Vasiliu for the opportunity to share our MyEcoBox.ro mission founded by Lestat Monroe. 🌱♻️ ️"MyEcoBox creates various recycling programs, adapted to 32 types of hard-to-recycle waste, which are usually not accepted by municipal waste management companies. Consumers can recycle difficult-to-recycle items for free through these programmes, and the waste is collected by partners who get involved and then reused into new raw materials and/or electricity, thus closing the waste loop." #CoffeeCycle #Recycle #Sustainability #RecycleForChange #FiiEco #MyEcoBox #CoffeeMoments #SustainableLiving #CoffeeLovers #RecyclingFacts #ReduceWaste #EconomieCirculara #ReThinkReUseReLove
Pagina verde. MyEcoBox, un ONG fondat de francezul Lestat Monroe, dezvoltă în România campanii pentru reciclarea a 32 de categorii de deşeuri pentru care nu există containere dedicate
Thank you, Business Review, for covering the launch of #CoffeeCycle
“More than 82% of coffee pod drinkers are unaware that pods can be recycled, yet 60% of them would like to be able to recycle their pods through a convenient solution. We are proud to be leading the way in this field. Several #CoffeeCycle drop-off collection points have already been installed in residential complexes such as Avalon Estate, Cosmopolis, Hyperion Towers, InCity Residence, and Marmura Residence, providing proximity coffee recycling services to over 20,000 people in Bucharest," Lestat Monroe, Founder of MyEcoBox.ro, said. https://lnkd.in/davqmfpf
MyEcoBox launches #CoffeeCycle, a coffee pods and bags recycling scheme in Bucharest
Exciting news! 🌟 MyEcoBox has officially launched #CoffeeCycle, a groundbreaking coffee pods (aluminum and plastic, including tea and milk), coffee bags and sachets recycling campaign in Bucharest! ☕ We invite all coffee brands in Romania to join us in this sustainability journey and make a significant impact on reducing waste. Let's brew up a greener future together! 🌱♻️ #Sustainability #RecycleForChange #FiiEco #MyEcoBox #CoffeeMoments #SustainableLiving #CoffeeLovers #sustainability #RecyclingFacts #Barista #ReduceWaste #EconomieCirculara #Circularity #ReThinkReUseReLove
Comunicat de presă: MyEcoBox lansează #CoffeeCycle, un program de reciclare a capsulelor și pungilor de cafea în București, invitând toate brandurile de cafea să se alăture
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